Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 891 - Back To Dancing

Chapter 891 - Back To Dancing

"Your manager asked for my help to persuade you and Rudi to support you," Jenny said as she studied Tiara's face carefully.

"Rudi's parents are old. I can't let him take care of our child and his parents at the same time. I am his wife and I must be able to help him. In a situation like this…"

"When Rudi proposed to you, his parents were not against it. How could they not know that you wanted to return to the stage? I don't think they will mind. Your weight is back to normal and you are also training really hard. You shouldn't have given up," Jenny said.

"There's no need to try to persuade me. I've thought it through. I want to be with Rudi and not go anywhere. I've been injured before and maybe I could get injured again. I don't want to experience all that pain one more time," Tiara said calmly.

Jenny's eyes were glued to her. She could see that Tiara still yearned for her stage, but she couldn't leave Rudi and their son.josei

That night, after taking Tiara home, Jenny called Rudi and wanted to talk to him.

"What is it? Why do you want to meet me outside? I already have a wife and a child. Even if you change your mind and want to be with me, I can't accept you," Rudi said, and Jenny kicked him hard.

"Can you be serious? I have something important to tell you," Jenny said angrily.

"Are you also like this to Jonathan?" Rudi teased her.

"If you keep teasing me, I'll just go home," Jenny said.

"Alright, alright. I apologize. Do you want to talk about Tiara returning to dance?" Rudi said with a smile.

"Do you already know about it?" Jenny looked at him in surprise.

"I contacted the company. After that, I gave Tiara's manager's number. That's why I know very well what you want to tell me. Don't worry, I really support her to dance again," Rudi smiled.

Suddenly, Jenny couldn't say anything. She didn't think that this was the case.

"Are you willing to let her leave you?" She asked in a low voice.

"During the time she was pregnant, she also spent all day in the gym. She watched dance videos, or worked out in the gym or rested. After giving birth, she trained very hard every day. She has set her goal of losing weight and she is working hard to achieve it until the end. Tiara is a very hardworking woman and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals."

Rudi smiled faintly at the thought of his wife. "She really wanted to get back on stage. Of course I will support her."

Jenny showed two thumbs up to him. "You are a good man. I am proud of you."

"I know if Tiara goes back to dancing, she won't have time for me and our child. But I don't want to be selfish and I don't want to let her lose her career," Rudi said with a bitter smile. "Help me to persuade her. Get her to sign the contract as soon as possible while I'm still a good man."

"Rudi, giving birth really affects a dancer. But she is willing to give birth to your son because of her love for you. I just want to tell you that Tiara is not wrong to love you," said Jenny.

"I'm a little sorry for being such a nice guy. But I already contacted the company and I can't regret it, can I?" Rudi said deliberately.

"If you dare to regret it, I will break your leg. I will persuade Tiara to accept the offer. You and your children can go along with her. Your online mall is big and can run without you. You have many regular customers who know the quality of your goods. You don't need to take care of it directly," Jenny said.

Rudy nodded. "I married a white swan. So I had to give in."

"You really amaze me," Jenny looked at him with a look of admiration.

"Indeed, I am an extraordinary man. Why didn't you want to be with me? Now it's too late to regret it," Rudi said half-jokingly.

"I don't regret it. Aren't you married to my best friend now? I'm so happy for you both," Jenny said calmly.

The next day, Jenny visited Tiara to persuade her to sign the contract.

Tiara has decided to refuse the contract from the company. But as soon as she found out that it was Rudi who contacted the company, she hugged Jenny and cried like a child.

"How could you let yourself down when your husband has done everything for you? Sign the contract. Don't you want to see the pride on your husband and son's faces when you perform one day?" Jenny said.

"I didn't expect Rudi to do this behind my back. I'm really lucky to marry a man like him," Tiara said in a choked voice.

"So you have to appreciate him more. I'm sure there are still many people waiting for you to come back on stage. Don't disappoint your husband," Jenny suggested.

Finally, she managed to persuade Tiara to sign the contract.

And Rudi agreed to take his son to follow Tiara to go abroad. He left most of his company's affairs to his deputy CEO and monitored remotely.

Before their family went abroad, Anya held a farewell dinner at her mother's house.

At the dinner party, something very funny happened.

Sabrina held a wedding party with Arka in her left hand and Aksa in her right.

Mason is the groomsmaid and Madison is the bridesmaid.

Just as the event began, the two grooms appeared. They had the same face, making everyone who witnessed this laugh.

Nico said in an annoyed tone, "Mason, don't let yourself lose to them. Quickly grab the bride."

"I don't want to take her. Let Uncle Arka and Uncle Aksa fight. Then, I'll take the chance," Mason said calmly.

"Oh! This kid is very cunning. Who did he learn this from?" Jenny said.

"Mason really takes after Uncle Aiden. He learned a lot from him, right?" Nico was proud of his son.

"I think Mason is a copy of Uncle Aiden. Will Arka and Aksa be able to compete with him later?" Nadine smiled.

"One of my children will definitely be able to marry Sabrina later," Anya said, firmly believing in her two sons.

"I also have a son. What if Sabrina likes mine?" Rudi also ran over to all of them and put his son in the battle, even though the baby was still breastfed.

A few years later, Harris and Nadine took their daughter to move abroad, to where Ivan had settled. They work together to manage Atmajaya Group's branch company.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, Arka replaced Aiden as CEO of Atmajaya Group, while Aksa became deputy CEO and Mason the general manager.

Arka and Aksa were already waiting for Sabrina to return from studying abroad. Secretly, Mason is also looking for news about her.

The three of them were secretly competing with each other and none would budge.

But what they did not expect was that Sabrina brought her lover back to Indonesia and it was someone they knew.

The man is the son of Rudi and Tiara, Rio Aditya.

They had competed long enough for Sabrina, but instead another man snatched her away from them. How could they accept it?

"Uncle Arka, Uncle Aksa, if Sabrina were to marry one of you, I wouldn't mind it. But I can't accept if she married Rio. Do you guys have any plans to get rid of him?" A cold look appeared in Mason's deep eyes.

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