Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 923 - Big Sister Kissed A Boy!

Chapter 923 - Big Sister Kissed A Boy!

"Sabrina, it's not safe here. Come to my house," Arka let her go. He got out of the car and shifted to the driver's seat, ready to leave.

"Brother…" Sabrina was in a sleeping position in the back seat. She got up and said, "I drove myself here. You go home and I'll come too."

"Sabrina…" Arka's eyes were bloodshot, as if trying to hold back his feelings.

"You want to take me to your house. What would you do? Do you often bring women to your house like this?" Sabrina said as she straightened her clothes and hair.

"I just wanted to take you home," Arka said calmly.

"No. You— If you want to take me to your house, ask me before I get in the car," Sabrina looked at Arka. "I'm going home first."

She got out of the car. The girl closed the door and returned to her own car.

Arka's hands clenched into fists, hitting the steering wheel hard. Today, he was too impatient. He couldn't hold himself back. Luckily, Sabrina wasn't mad at him.

Meanwhile, Sabrina rested her head on the steering wheel, inhaling and exhaling repeatedly. She didn't know what was wrong, but why couldn't she refuse Arka's kiss?

If they weren't in the car but somewhere else, would they be doing more?

Sabrina had completely drowned and couldn't resist Arka anymore.

Inwardly, she reminded herself not to be alone with Arka in such a closed place because she felt that it would be very easy for something to happen between them.

Sabrina started the car. As she moved past Arka, she pressed the horn once and left.

During the trip, Sabrina thought about many things. She becomes more and more convinced that the man she likes is actually Arka.

Although she is also close to Aksa and Mason, she prefers to be with Arka.

Sabrina stopped at an intersection, at a traffic light near her family's house. When she looked in the rearview mirror, she realized that the car behind her was Arka's.

Did he follow her from the bar earlier?

Sabrina immediately called Arka. "What's wrong? I see your car's just behind mine."josei

"I was afraid you would come home alone at night. After you get home, I will go home," Arka replied.

Sabrina was both embarrassed and happy. "Thank you for taking me. I'm near the house, so you better go home."

"The light is green," Arka didn't turn off the phone. He continued to follow Sabrina until the girl arrived in front of her house.

Sabrina then parked her car in front of the gate. Instead of going inside, she got out and walked to Arka's car.

Arka rolled down his window and looked at Sabrina.

"Brother, I have arrived. You go home. Be careful on the road," Sabrina said with a sweet smile.

"Hmm..." Arka nodded.

"I will go inside. Good night," Sabrina waved her hand.

"I don't want to hear you say goodnight. I want to sleep with you, wake up to see your face," said Arka.

Sabrina looked at him in surprise. "I think you need to calm yourself down. How about cooling yourself off with an air conditioner?"

Arka's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Sabrina, I don't know why all this happened. I only love you, there is only you in my heart. I can never love another woman. So don't ever leave me. Never hide from me, okay?"

"I'm not hiding from you," said Sabrina.

"I sent you three messages this afternoon and you didn't answer any," said Arka.

"I was at my grandmother's house, helping you to get the orange orchard you want. My grandmother did not like your father and asked me not to choose you or Brother Arka. I couldn't answer your message in front of her and after that, I forgot to answer," Sabrina said honestly. 

Arka's furrowed brows finally became a little relieved. "I thought…"

"You think I ignored you on purpose? I totally forgot to reply. You're taking me to dinner and a movie tomorrow? Alright, I agree," Sabrina laughed.

"What about the garden?" Arka looked at her with a smile.

"Of course I can get it. Don't you know who I am?" Sabrina said. "But I promised Grandma to keep most of the trees."

"I'll arrange for someone to redesign the garden," Arka extended his hand towards Sabrina. "Come here, I want to whisper something to you."

Sabrina approached him, but Arka grabbed her by the neck and held her face tightly, kissing her lips passionately.

"Uh?" Sabrina was panicking. She was right in front of her house and her parents were inside.

In the second floor room, Samuel was looking out the window and screaming. "Dad, big sister is kissing a boy outside!"

Raka immediately stood up and looked out the window. After that, he covered young Samuel's eyes. "Don't look, you're still a kid."

"Samuel, what did you say just now?" Della just entered the room carrying warm milk for her son.

Raka pulled Samuel from the window and said to Della. "You call Sabrina and tell her to come in. They're at the door. What if someone saw it?"

Della immediately put down the glass of milk she was carrying and looked at the window. "Youth is very exciting indeed."

"I can still do it," Raka looked at his wife with a smile.

Della glared at him and then looked at Samuel. The boy immediately said, "Don't look at me. I saw nothing and heard nothing."

Until the door to the Mahendra Family's house opened and Della came out of it, Arka finally let Sabrina go reluctantly.

He stroked Sabrina's face gently. "Your mother is out. Let me say hello to her first."

Sabrina then stepped back in a panic. "What did you say? No need, just go!"

Arka started the car with a smile and left.

Della approached Sabrina and put her arm around her daughter's shoulders. "Is that Arka?"

"Mother, don't ask," Sabrina felt embarrassed.

"Alright, alright. I won't ask. It's good that you've made up your mind." Della decided not to embarrass her daughter any more.

After taking a shower, Sabrina lay on her bed playing with her cell phone. Suddenly, she got a message from Rio.

Rio : Even though you called Arka and asked for his help, do you need to call Jason's mother too?

Sabrina : Did you get beat up?

Rio : Yes! Are you happy now?

Sabrina : Do you want Maddison's daily schedule?

Rio : I want it…

Mason once posted his sister's daily schedule on social media, including his. And he wrote something underneath.

"For those who want to catch up with my sister and ask her out, this is her work schedule."

Sabrina immediately saved the photo and gave it to Rio.

When she looked at Mason's social media again, the photo was gone. Looks like Mason deleted it because Maddison found it and asked her brother to delete it.

Mason and Maddison are twins and they are the same age. Maddison had a boyfriend before, but after breaking up with him, she never dated again.

Among the unmarried women of the Atmajaya Family, Maddison is the oldest since she's 27 years old.

Aiden's daughter, Adel, and Nadine's daughter, Maya, are 25 years old. Anya and Nadine were pregnant at the same time so that their daughter's age was only a few months apart.

The youngest daughter in the Atmajaya Family is Ivan's daughter, Bella, who is still in college.

Currently, the Atmajaya Family's main priority is finding a mate for Maddison. It's okay for men to marry late, but that's not the case for women.

Sabrina was on Mason's social media and while refreshing it, then she saw Maddison's work schedule again!

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