Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 933 - The Revealed Past

Chapter 933 - The Revealed Past

"You. Aren't you free?" She asked.

"I managed dozens of Iris' shops so of course I'm too busy for that. My mother is the principal of Iris Perfume Academy. It's rare for her to get a day off like this so she has to rest a lot. In addition, there will be a new product launch soon. I think, in this family, only my father has a lot of free time—"

"I don't want to play with Uncle. It's no fun!" Bella immediately refused before Adel could finish her words.

Aiden looked at Bella coldly, making the girl immediately step back and hide behind Adel.

Anya found all of this very funny. It is fitting that Bella is Raisa's child, they are both innocent.

Bella said she didn't want to play with Aiden. Did Aiden really want to invite her to play though?

"We have to go back to work from Monday to Friday and we'll be back at dinner together on the weekends. If there's nothing urgent, we'll go home early so we can accompany you," Adrian took the initiative to speak first.

"Why are you all so busy?" Bella pouted.

"The world of adults is difficult. We are all born into the Atmajaya Family. Even though we were born in a good family, we still have to work hard so as not to lose it all. If you want to learn something, I can accompany you for an internship at Iris," Adel said patiently.

"My two brothers and I can also arrange an internship if you want to do one at the company," said Adrian softly.

Arka and Aksa didn't say anything. They both have no intention of inviting Bella to work in the company. For them, Bella is a very spoiled and clueless girl. Nobody wants to play with her.

"You don't need to be so excited. I didn't even think about studying at the moment. I don't want an internship either. I went to Indonesia to rest, eat and have fun," Bella smiled awkwardly.

"Well then, I hope you have fun." Arka stood up. "Father, mother, I have to work tomorrow. I'll go home first."

"I'm going home too. I haven't met Sasa today, she must've missed me," Sasa, which Aksa means, is his cat. At first, he wanted to name the cat Sabrina, but Arka, Mason and even Sabrina herself objected to it.

In the end, he took the initial syllable of Sabrina's name and the final syllable of his own name, making it Sasa.josei

Even though Sabrina was still not happy, Aksa insisted so she could only give up.

Aksa is a tall man with a height of 180 meters. But at home,  he is his pet cat slave. He would do anything for Sasa whom he considered his queen.

After Arka and Aksa left, Adel also went up to her room to take a shower. A maid escorted Bella to the guest room, the one that was prepared for her to stay.

Meanwhile, Adrian was still sitting on the sofa, looking like he wanted to ask his parents something.

"Adrian, is there something you want to ask?" Aiden asked calmly.

"Father, what do you mean by today? I thought about it carefully. Even though Grandpa has been getting senile lately, when he said that, he looked sober and healthy. Are you hiding something from me?" Adrian asked.

Aiden and Anya looked at each other. "Anya, Adrian has grown up and now he has taken over the Pratama Group. It's good if he knew all this earlier, from us, rather than someone else who intends to use this matter to attack him."

Anya knew that she would not be able to hide this matter forever. There was no way the wall she had built to protect Adrian would last forever.

One day, there will definitely be someone who wants to take him down.

If she kept this matter hidden and Adrian found out from someone else, the pain he would feel would be even greater. Adrian might even blame them.

"Let's talk about this matter in the study," Anya felt that discussing this issue in the living room was not safe. Therefore, she invited Adrian to go to Aiden's study on the second floor.

After entering the room, Anya closed the door and locked it.

The maids at Aiden's house are generally old people who've worked for Aiden and Anya for many years. They know very well about Aiden's nature. Hence, not a single one of them dared to peek, eavesdrop or even enter the room.

But Anya felt much safer to lock the door.

Adrian was quite surprised when he saw his mother lock the door.

From the seriousness on Aiden's face and Anya's carefulness, Adrian felt that there was indeed a big secret that had been hidden from him all this time.

"Adrian, do you feel we love you all this time?" Aiden asked patiently.

"You two are the best parents. All my friends admire our family," Adrian said with a smile.

"In this house, there are four children. Sometimes,  we can't take care of all of you at the same time. Have you ever felt neglected or that we were being unfair to you?" Anya asked.

Adrian held Anya's hand gently. "You two have always been fair, never show favoritism and treat us all equally. In fact, perhaps you love me more because I'm the youngest in the family so you're afraid that my two older brothers will bully me, right?"

Anya laughed hearing that. "When you were little, your body was weak and you were often sick. Being able to watch you grow up healthy is already a joy for me."

"Actually, I feel guilty about my health problems. When I played with my brothers, everything was fine, but I got sick. Seeing you blame my two brothers for not being able to take good care of me made me feel bad for them. It's not their fault, but my body's not strong enough. Brother Arka and Brother Aksa have been very good to me." When recalling his childhood, Adrian felt that his heart was filled with warm feelings and love from his family.

Aiden nodded, "Since childhood, you have been considerate of everyone so we dare not tell you about your past."

"What past do you mean?" Adrian was surprised and turned to look at Anya.

At this time, in the guest room on the second floor, Bella was circling her room while observing the room she would be staying in during her vacation. It was very spacious and big. The sheets are still new and have never been used before. But what makes her dissatisfied with this room is the location, which is at the end of the corridor. Moreover, there was a large tree outside the window that blocked her view.

When Bella looked out the window at night, the wind blew in, swaying the trunks. Bella felt like someone was watching her.

She immediately went downstairs to find Anya. But there was no one in the living room.

Coincidentally, she saw Hana. Bella immediately said, "You, get someone to cut the tree that is blocking my window. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep tonight."

Hana is Nadine's mother-in-law and she is also a member of the Atmajaya Family. In terms of position, hers is pretty high.

However, Bella didn't call her polite and even just called her 'you', as if she was nobody when asking Hana to cut the tree next to her room.

Hana knew that it was difficult for Ivan and Raisa to have children at the beginning of their marriage. Bella is very spoiled by her parents. Plus, with a mother like Raisa, she wouldn't be able to teach her daughter to be polite. Therefore, Hannah was not offended.

"Miss, all the workers are resting at this hour. If it interferes with your view, you can close the curtains while you are sleeping. Tomorrow, early in the morning, I will send someone to cut the tree," said Hana.

"Since childhood, no one has ever gone against my words. I don't care, if you don't cut that tree today, I won't be able to sleep. Even if the curtain is closed, the shadow is still visible." Bella didn't want to give up.

Actually, Hana is not responsible for what happened in the house. She wanted to join Harris and Nadine to live abroad. But after trying, she found out that she was not used to life abroad so she returned to Indonesia.

Anya asks Hana to stay at her house, because she doesn't want Hana to live alone and no one to take care of her in her old age.

Hana has taken care of all the children in the Atmajaya Family since they were little so they are all very respectful and polite to her, even Aiden. Bella was the only person who dared to speak to Hana so disrespectfully.

But Hana still faced Bella very patiently.

"Miss, would you like to move to the guest room downstairs? There are no trees in the room that blocked the window," Hana suggested.

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