Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 936 - Fearless

Chapter 936 - Fearless

"Last night, I returned to my grandfather's house. He asked four single men in my family to find a lover as soon as possible," said Maya.

"So?" Sabrina asked nonchalantly, making Maya feel a little annoyed.

"So you have to think clearly. Don't be too quick to decide, but don't rely too much on them either. When my grandmother arranges blind dates for them, you may lose them all," Maya said deliberately.

Sabrina felt her heart moved. She tried not to care, but how could she not care at the thought that the three of them were going out with other women.

But, shouldn't she worry about something more important? 

She couldn't be with Arka. What's the point of dragging the other two then?

Like what Maddison said, if she can't pick anyone but still hang the three of them around, then she's a total jerk.

"I decided to stay single. Your grandmother knows a lot of people. Just let her arrange a blind date for them. Three out of four single men in your family are mature enough to marry. While Adrian is still your age and can still wait," said Sabrina.

"Okay. One day, you will definitely regret it." Maya didn't want to talk anymore.

In the afternoon, Arka invited Sabrina to have dinner together, but Sabrina immediately refused.

He invited her to watch a movie, but Sabrina refused again.

Aksa also tried to make an appointment with Sabrina repeatedly, but the woman still refused.

Determined to make an effort, Mason comes to the company to intercept Sabrina. But she ended up escaping to the underground parking lot.

The situation continued until the weekend. None of them managed to meet Sabrina.

She was absolutely determined to avoid them.

On weekends, Arka, Aksa and Mason are playing basketball in the afternoon.

Aiden had set the rules in his house. He agreed with his children to move out and live alone when they grew up, but they had to go home and eat dinner every weekend.

Of course, even if they don't move out to live alone and decide to stay at home, Aiden can still support them.

After they were tired of playing, they sat on a chair in a rest area and chatted.

"Uncle, what's really going on with Sabrina? Why did she suddenly refuse to meet us? She suddenly put a ring on her little finger and announced that she was single," Mason asked.

Aksa scratched his head, "Is this really related to me?"

Arka looked at him with a deep gaze and didn't say anything.

"Bro, why are you looking at me like that? Does it really have anything to do with me?" Aksa's eyes were full of fear. "Did I disappoint her?"

"I am tired. I want to go home," Arka didn't want to answer him. He put his clothes back on and left.

Aksa doesn't remember at all and Arka doesn't intend to tell him. Arka had been thinking for several days, he felt that Aksa was not someone who didn't understand the relationship between men and women.

If Aksa insists that he has never had any contact with Sabrina, could it be that Sabrina was wrong?

Arka has his own experience, getting drunk and mistaking Anna for Sabrina. Is it possible that Sabrina recognized the wrong person?

These past few days, Sabrina had been constantly avoiding the three of them. But Arka didn't give up.

She had to know who the man Sabrina was with at that time and how it happened.

Sabrina was so sad that day, crying so hard that Arka couldn't ask what happened.

He planned to ask again when Sabrina had calmed down.

Sabrina decided not to marry for the rest of her life, so she focused on work.

She always wanted to design exotic jewelry series. These past few days, she had gone to do shop inspections in her spare time. She realized that her company's new jewellery models and traditional collections were becoming increasingly unsold.

To adapt to the interests of buyers, most of the jewelry industry began to innovate. Over the past few years, many European and American trends have become popular among consumers.

Sabrina went abroad to study it.

But in her mind, she always felt that the Indonesian jewelry industry still had great potential to grow. The country has a diverse culture. Why can't she design a unique Indonesian jewelry series?

She had told Della about this idea and Della also supported it.

Della tells all the jewelry departments to cooperate and follow Sabrina's new idea.

"Mother, you are indeed the best. I'm very happy to have your support," Sabrina hugged Della very tightly.

Even though Della already has two children, one boy and one girl, she is still as charming and sexy.

She smiled and said, "Maya said you already made some plans. I've asked all departments to cooperate with you. You can just sample it and start thinking about how to promote it."

"Okay!" Sabrina is determined to do something big and make her mother proud.

Della also studied jewelry design. Both of them had high standards, so their conversation was very smooth.

Sabrina will consult her mother when she has new ideas and expresses what is on her mind. Every now and then, Della would give her constructive advice.

"Mother, do I need to seek overseas experience again? Maybe I can get some new inspiration," Sabrina asked seriously, wanting to go somewhere to wander.

Della laughed, "How old are you? It's not easy to gain experience at this age. I'll take you to a nice place tonight. You should be able to get some inspiration there."

"What place?" Sabrina asked curiously.

Della patted the back of her hand and her lips smiled beautifully. "In this city, there is also a mall with a foreign style. You don't have to go abroad for inspiration."

"Is it true? Is there such a place in this city?" Sabrina's eyes lit up brightly.

"I'll send you the address and go shopping there so you can get inspiration," Della immediately sent the location to Sabrina's cell phone.

Around four in the afternoon, Sabrina left her office and was ready to go for a walk, looking for inspiration.

Unexpectedly, her cell phone rang as soon as she got into the car.

"Sabrina, I'll pick you up at five in the afternoon and take you to a nice place," Aksa's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Sorry, I have an appointment tonight…" Sabrina politely declined.

Aksa didn't listen to her and immediately interrupted her words, "Sabrina, you're already dating my brother. But why did you reject me? If you don't want to give me a chance, can you tell me why you don't want to meet me? How can you tell if you like me or not, if you don't want to go out with me? I didn't even get to date you this week. I'm really sad to see you like this."

"Brother Aksa, can you act a little reasonable? I decided to devote myself to my career. I want to win a design award. As my friend, shouldn't you support me? I don't want to fall in love and I don't want to date," Sabrina replied.

"Am I being unreasonable? If yes, I won't make promises to you over and over again. Maybe I'll immediately invite you to go to the hotel and enjoy the first night," Aksa's lips curved into a mischievous smile.

The more Sabrina panicked, the more her face turned cuter and this was exactly the reason why Aksa wanted to tease her the more.

"How dare you!" Sabrina said wide-eyed.

"Are you going to accept it? I will kidnap you right now," Aksa smiled evilly and said in a deep voice.josei

As he said this, his mind subconsciously headed in that direction. And his throat rolled upside down after he swallowed his saliva.

When Sabrina thought about Aksa's fearless nature, she immediately felt frightened.

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