Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 938 - Why Did You Lie To Me?

Chapter 938 - Why Did You Lie To Me?

"I already have an appointment. We're done eating now, right? So our date is over. I want to go home," Sabrina didn't want to sit there anymore. She wanted to get out of there immediately.

"This is a date, right? Dating is not just eating. We haven't gone for a walk, shopping, or watching a movie," Aksa had also prepared a surprise for Sabrina. How could he let her go just like that?

"Food is the most important thing and we are done eating. After all, even though we are eating together, this is no different from the previous meals. Do you understand what I mean?" Sabrina asked calmly. Her eyes were fixed on Aksa.

"I understand you don't feel impressed. But after we date a few times, we'll definitely…"  josei

"I'm very busy. I still have work to do and I don't have time to date. Brother Aksa, don't you want to be friends with me?" Sabrina asked.

"Be friends? If we can be more than friends, why not then?" Aksa smiled.

Sabrina shook her head slightly. "I prefer our current relationship. I have work to do. I have to go right now," she said as she stood up and intended to leave.

"Let me take you," Aksa immediately rushed after her.

"No need. I'm full and I'm going to take a short walk to get some food downstairs." They're currently not far from the location her mother had given her. Sabrina wants to shop there.

Upon hearing this, Aksa immediately said, "I will accompany you for a walk."

Sabrina felt her head hurt. She just wanted to get rid of him as quickly as possible, but why did Aksa not understand?

"I made an appointment with my mother to go shopping together. I want to find inspiration for my new jewelry design. If you come with me, you'll end up getting in the way."

"You want to find inspiration for jewelry design?" Arka immediately searched for an idea in his brain. "I have AR glasses at home that can make you feel foreign just by looking at them. It would look a lot more real than shopping at the mall…"

"Okay. If I need it, I'll call you later. I have to see my mother now. Go now. Thank you for taking me to dinner," Sabrina said politely.

"Sabrina, why are you suddenly being this polite to me?" Aksa asked confusedly.

Sabrina didn't know what else to say. "Brother, do you think if we only dated once, I wouldn't know how I feel? I know. I feel like we're just friends having a meal together, not like a couple on a date. I'm sure you feel the same way because you're too relaxed."

"Isn't relaxing comfortable? We are indeed very comfortable with each other," Aksa felt that there was nothing wrong with all of this.

Sabrina smiled and shook her head. "Do you know what a date is like? Women will take very good care of their attitude. In order not to make their partner uncomfortable, they will usually wear appropriate makeup and eat very elegantly. It's the same with men. They also care about their image and treat their partner very gentlemanly during a date. Do we feel the same?"

"Your make up today is very beautiful and I am very handsome every day," said Aksa

"You ate your lamb chops with your hands. In front of your date..." Sabrina said.

Aksa raised his eyebrows and wondered if it was a problem that Sabrina didn't like it. But he felt nothing was wrong. "I was wearing gloves. Is it necessary to cut it into small pieces with a knife? I just want you to eat comfortably."

"I eat very comfortably, as do you. We both ate very happily for today's dinner. But I don't feel like dating. Brother, I think we will be very good friends, but we can never be a couple. When you meet a woman you like, you will understand what a real date is like," Sabrina said with a smile.

Aksa seemed to understand the meaning behind Sabrina's words. "Do you feel different when you date my brother?" he asked.

"..." Sabrina didn't answer. When she was alone with Arka, she felt a much different feeling.

She didn't answer, but Aksa already knew the answer. "How can you like my boring brother?"

"Brother, the three of you are my best friends…" Sabrina whispered, unwilling to admit her feelings.

"Okay, I won't say anything else. There's no need to be so nervous. If you wanted to choose my brother and feel like you can't admit it to me and Mason and decide to be single forever, we're going to feel sad instead. We told you from the start, no matter who you choose, we will support you," Aksa patted Sabrina's shoulder. "Sabrina, don't stress yourself too much like this."

Sabrina could feel the spicy taste in her nose. Aksa is very nice to her. He is indeed the kindest and most relaxed person, so he can always make her feel comfortable.

If it was true that Aksa was the man she was with three years ago, Sabrina would not blame him. They were both responsible for what happened while they were drunk.

Sabrina knew that Aksa had no intention of doing it so he forgot about it. She also did not want to discuss the matter anymore.

"Brother, we'd better be friends. Next time, if you find a good restaurant, don't forget to call me. I will definitely accompany you to eat. But if you say you want to ask me out, I won't come," said Sabrina.

Aksa laughed. "I understand. If I find a new restaurant, I'll take you to eat there."

Sabrina nodded.

Explaining everything to Aksa is not as difficult as she imagined. He is not the type of person who is clingy and ignorant. As soon as Sabrina said that she wanted to be alone, Aksa didn't follow her. He just took her to her destination and then left.

On the way home, Aksa called Arka. "Bro, when you were dating Sabrina, how did you feel?"

"You met her?" Arka asked calmly.

"We had dinner together, but she said it was like having dinner with friends, not like a couple. I also feel that there is no spark between us. Could it be because I'm too used to being with her…"

"No. Love and friendship are very different. If you don't have feelings of love for her, you won't feel your heart beating fast or butterflies in your chest…" Arka replied.

"I like Sabrina. How can there be no spark between us?" Aksa then asked, "How about you? How did it feel to date Sabrina?"

"The feelings and happiness I feel are not something you can understand. That woman I said, do you finally remember her?" Arka asked.

"I swear to you, brother. Up until now, I still take care of myself and have never had any contact with other women!" Aska said.

"Okay," Arka replied nonchalantly.

"Brother, you said I had sex with a woman. Could it really be you instead? Our faces are very similar. Maybe she misunderstood and the person she is looking for is you," Aksa said after thinking for a long time. "Brother, are you ..."

Before Aksa finished speaking, Arka had turned off his phone.

Arka took his spare cell phone and called Anna. Anna was immediately surprised when she saw the number on the cellphone. Why did Arka suddenly call her?

"Anna, why did you lie to me?" Arka said seriously.

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