Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 946 - The Photo That Shocks Everyone

Chapter 946 - The Photo That Shocks Everyone

"Uncle Arka...! It must be him! He was the one who misunderstood and made Sabrina think that I bought the video to force her to choose me," Mason said angrily.

"It's too late that you're only realizing it now!" Nico laughed. "Compared to Arka, you are just a chess piece that he can control. Now, take a shower and sleep. You have already lost!"

Mason just realized that they could do anything to win this competition. But he didn't expect Arka to be so cruel to him, using this kind of trick to win the competition between them.

No wonder he felt something was wrong with Sabrina that day.

And Mason himself did not think long and did not try to explain everything to her as clearly as possible.

The next morning, before he arrived at the company, he received a call from the public relations department of the Atmajaya Group.

"Master, we can't get in touch with Mister Arka. Someone spread a photo of the hotel between him and Miss Anna on the internet. Now, we can't contact Miss Anna and many people are bashing Mr. Arka online," said the person in a panic.

"Why can't Anna be contacted? Isn't she afraid that her reputation will be ruined?" Mason said.

"I don't know, sir. Miss Anna and her manager could not be reached. Mr. Arka too, and I did not know where he was. We've checked the authenticity of the photo and it's real," said the person.

"I know where my uncle is now. You immediately find a way to find Anna. Let me go see my uncle," Mason ended the call. He didn't have time to eat breakfast and left the house.

The morning sun shone through the window, making the white bed look golden yellow. Sabrina turned around and found a comfortable position in Arka's arms. After that, she fell back asleep.

Arka woke up when he felt movement beside him. He landed a kiss on Sabrina's forehead and got up to make breakfast.

The smell of breakfast finally woke Sabrina from her deep sleep, causing her to rise to her feet, yawning and stretching.

In the bathroom, Arka has prepared a new toothbrush and a change of clothes for her. Sabrina immediately smiled at him. She took the toothbrush and started brushing her teeth.

The advantage of being with Arka is that Sabrina doesn't have to think about anything because she knows that the man has everything ready.

Last night, even though Sabrina fell asleep from exhaustion, she could listen to Arka's words all night long. Even though she was half asleep and couldn't quite remember what the man had said, she still remembered some.

"Sabrina¸ together with me, you can do whatever you want and don't have to think about anything. The rest... Just leave it to me."

"Sabrina, eat in peace and sleep early. I will take care of you all my life. I won't let you feel sad."

"Sabrina, one day we will have our own child. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, as long as it's our child, I'll love them."

"Sabrina, thank you for loving me. Thank you for waiting for me. I feel lucky because my soulmate is you."

Arka said many things and Sabrina couldn't remember them all. But she was happy to hear that Arka would look after her for the rest of her life and wouldn't make her sad.josei

The man even said that he would help her to grow her hair like she used to.

Sabrina is the type of person who gets stressed easily. In the past, she had long, jet-black hair that looked very beautiful. But because of her job, Sabrina is used to sleeping in the morning and making designs. When she doesn't get any inspiration, she thinks so hard that her hair falls out very seriously.

Sabrina repeatedly complained to her best friend, saying that maybe she will go bald one day.

She didn't think Arka would remember the incident. The man really paid close attention to her, making her heart feel warm.

After bathing, Sabrina put on Arka's white shirt and made it as if it's a dress. She rolled up her sleeves because the shirt was too long for her.

"Brother, what are you cooking? It smells really good," Sabrina smiled sweetly as she came out of the room.

When Mason saw Sabrina's appearance, he immediately fell silent and froze in place.

"Ah?" Sabrina just realized that there was Mason. She immediately turned and ran back into the room.

At that time, Winata came and sent clothes for her.

"Mason, have you had breakfast? Sit down first," Arka said calmly.

Mason sat at the dining table with a calm face. He noticed that there was an omelette with bacon, along with juice and oatmeal, literally the food that Sabrina liked.

Seeing that Mason was there, Winata didn't say much. He knew that Mason would want to talk about the news circulating on the internet with Arka.

After sending the clothes, he immediately left. Even though he felt reluctant, there was nothing he could do right now.

Winata thought that after Sabrina found out about the relationship between Arka and Anna, he could separate the two of them. But Sabrina and Arka announced their relationship and showed their affection in front of everyone instead.

Because of that, the photo between Arka and Anna finally spread on the internet.

The photo was not shared by Anna. But right now, the only person who could be suspected was Anna. Otherwise, who else shared the photo?

But by doing this, it meant that Anna was destroying her reputation at the same time as destroying Arka's name.

This method feels a little strange to someone who still wants to live and work in the entertainment industry.

In the room, Sabrina immediately changed her clothes with clothes from Winata. But when she came out, she did not see Winata.

"Brother, has your assistant left?" Sabrina felt a little embarrassed. "Thanks to him, we were able to clear up this misunderstanding. We have to thank him."

"Can we eat already?" Mason looked at the food on the table, not daring to start eating. He knew that the food on the table was Arka and Sabrina's portion. Nothing for him…

"Let me make breakfast for you," Sabrina walked into the kitchen and started cooking.

"Sabrina, I don't want my eggs undercooked," Mason shouted.

"I see," Sabrina replied before closing the kitchen door.

It was such a shame after being caught by Mason that she was staying at Arka's house last night.

Luckily, Mason looked very calm. Not like the explosive Aksa. When he saw Sabrina there, Mason didn't ask much.

Arka knew why Mason had come and met him so early in the morning. "I've seen the news on the internet."

"I just want to ask. Does Anna really have a relationship with you?" Mason asked.

"Mason, do you believe it?" Arka didn't answer the question.

"I want to believe you. But Sabrina was also involved in this matter. If you do have a relationship with Anna, what about Sabrina? Look, don't you know that everyone out there has gone crazy because of this news?" Mason asked.

"The photo is real. I've sent my men to look for evidence. You can do what you need to do," Arka said calmly.

"Then let me ask you one more thing. Is it true that you told Sabrina that I got Anna's video? Sabrina thought I was about to threaten her with the video. Were you the one who made her misunderstand me?" Mason asked.

Arka laughed. "Mason, we promised that we would compete fairly. But I will do anything to get Sabrina. You are too rigid and too obedient to the rules. You should learn more from your father."

Mason regretted it too. If only he could ask his father for advice, maybe he wouldn't have lost Sabrina to Arka.

"Alright, Uncle, you win. As for Anna, what are you planning? Can you tell me?" Mason asked.

"If Anna takes the initiative to contact me and wants to prove my innocence, I'll let her go. But if she dares to threaten me, I'll break everything down and make her taste hell. You already know Sabrina and Anna are close friends. The Mawardi jewelry company also uses Anna as a model because Sabrina values ​​her friendship. At the time the photo was taken, Sabrina was also there. And this kind of news won't affect anything." Arka looked very calm as if there was no commotion going on outside.

Mason thought about Sabrina's nature and rubbed his face. "Will Sabrina believe you?"

"I believe in Brother Arka and I want to work together. We will work together to destroy Anna," Sabrina came out of the kitchen carrying two plates of food she had just made.

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