Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 963 - Going Home Angry

Chapter 963 - Going Home Angry

"Mother, Sabrina doesn't know anything. You will only make her misunderstand. Brother Ivan manages a foreign branch company and he builds his own strength. In fact, it was Aiden who stepped back and didn't manage the Atmajaya Group anymore. He doesn't have any position in the company," Raka said with a smile.

"Grandma, do you want to see me sad for the rest of my life?" Sabrina asked sadly.

"If you marry Arka and become Aiden's daughter-in-law, you will never be happy for the rest of your life," Irena didn't melt.

At that time, Raisa suddenly came from the door. A driver from the Atmajaya Family helped her carry the suitcase behind her.

"I am home!" Raisa shouted loudly as she walked in. "Isn't there anyone who wants to welcome me?"

"That's Raisa's voice!" Irena instantly felt so happy. She really loved her beloved daughter. But Raisa married Ivan and settled abroad instead.

"Brother Raka, Sis Della, I'm home!" Raisa greets Raka and Della when she sees them.

"Auntie, long time no see. I miss you!" Sabrina immediately approached her and hugged Raisa tightly.

"You are already grown up and about to get married. Why did you hug me so tightly that you almost made me fall like this?" Raisa complained. Now she is wearing high heels and almost sprained her ankle from holding Sabrina's weight.

Sabrina immediately helped her. "Auntie, did you bring me a present?"

"Didn't you say you missed me? Why are you even asking for gifts from me?" Raisa asked the driver to bring her suitcase. She opened it and wanted to share the gifts she brought.

"Your mother has been sitting here for a long time but you aren't even going to greet her?" Irena was sitting on the sofa. Raisa didn't realize her presence until she took out the gifts.

"Mom, I miss you!" Raisa immediately told Sabrina to take her own gifts. She ran to Irena and acted like a baby in front of her mother.

Irena tilted her head. "Do you still remember your mother? After marriage, you continue to walk around with your husband and children. You never come home and see me."

"Didn't I come back for New Years?" Raisa said.

"How many months ago was that? Can't you come back more often?" Irene asked. Her eyes felt hot and her tears were almost flowing.

Raisa hugged her tightly. "Mother, haven't I returned now? I will be in Indonesia for quite a while and accompany you."josei

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming home? Your brother can pick you up at the airport," Irena looked at the Atmajaya Family's driver. "Is Ivan not coming home with you?"

"He is still busy. He will return later at Sabrina's wedding. Initially, Sister Maria wanted to pick me up and take me back to the Atmajaya Family's house. But I told her that I wanted to stay with you. Would you like to host me?" Raisa asked spoiledly, holding Irena's arm.

"Of course! When you come back, you should stay at my house. Your brother doesn't care at all. I like you more, but you left me instead. I am really suffering!"

Irena complained sadly. "I already told your brother that Sabrina can't marry Aiden's son, but no one listens to my words. You came back just in time. Help me to persuade them."

"Mother, what's the matter with Aiden's son?" Raisa asked.

"Aiden is a cruel person. Arka really looks like him. Even though he is young, he is already cruel and cunning like his father. If Sabrina married him, she would definitely suffer. I told you Sabrina is better off marrying Mason. Nico has been Raka's close friend since he was little. Being Nico's daughter-in-law wouldn't make her suffer. Also, Mason only had one sister, who would also eventually marry. So Sabrina will never suffer with him. Tara is also a good mother. No matter what, Mason is the better choice," Irena said seriously.

"Mother, what you said is true. Arka is the exact same as his father, he's straight out Aiden's duplicate. Otherwise, how could he possibly manage the Atmajaya Group at such a young age? That's why, it's a shame if Sabrina misses a guy like him," Raisa smiled.

"I didn't say that Arka was bad. But it's safer for Sabrina to marry Mason," Irena replied.

Raka didn't say anything, but he secretly winked at Raisa. In this kind of situation, Raka and Della couldn't say anything at all, so they could only rely on Raisa.

Sabrina was also involved in this conversation and it was not easy for her to defend the Atmajaya Family.

Raisa returned the wink of her brother and then grabbed her mother's hand. "Mother, you think Mason is the safest choice because he is smart and responsible. He and Arka lead the Atmajaya Group together. His abilities are also unquestionable. They both have the same age and equally great abilities. But why do you think Arka is the CEO and Mason is just the deputy CEO?"

"That…" Irena looked embarrassed. "That's because Mason doesn't have the support of his father. Even though Nico was a nice guy, he wasn't as reliable as Aiden. At the Atmajaya Group, Aiden is so much more powerful than Mason that his son is the CEO."

Della silently gave a thumbs up towards Raisa. Indeed, only Raisa can melt Irena's heart.

Irena didn't want to listen to what others had to say. But she always listened to the words of her beloved daughter. It really is like a miracle.

"Mother, I know you understand what happened. If Sabrina married Arka, no one would dare to go against her. Everyone in the Atmajaya Family has great respect for Aiden. Meanwhile, if Sabrina marries Mason, Arka and Aksa will become her uncle. Wouldn't that make everything worse?" Raisa tried to persuade her mother. "I think Arka is a good choice. He is Adien's eldest son. Even if Sabrina married Aksa, she would still lose rank to Arka later."

"Do you think marrying Arka is for the best? Aiden has three sons and one daughter. If she married Arka, Sabrina would only get a quarter of their property. Nico has only one son and one daughter. If Sabrina marries Mason, then she will…"

"Nico has nothing but the Atmajaya Group's shares. But what about Aiden? He owns many properties, both in Indonesia and abroad. I heard that he also owns a multifinance company," Raisa interrupted her mother's words.

Della was smart enough that she immediately followed Raisa's words. "Mother, how about we look further ahead? With Aiden supporting and paving the way, won't all of his children live happily ever after? Nico only owns the stock and can't give anything to his children. There's no way I'd allow Sabrina to make her debut as a celebrity like him, right?"

Irena looked at Sabrina then Raka and Della who were standing beside the sofa. "I know you all support this marriage. But I'm afraid Sabrina will suffer."

"Grandma, I will not suffer. From now on, I will live happily together with Brother Arka," Sabrina said with a smile.

"You… If your aunt says that, I have nothing more to say. Just forget it. You all have agreed to this marriage, so what can I do? But today, I made Aiden and Anya go home angry. I think it will be difficult to deal with this problem," said Irena.

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