Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 970 - The Girl Who Lies To My Son

Chapter 970 - The Girl Who Lies To My Son

"Why is Adrian called an illegitimate child? Mother, what did you talk to aunt about?" I don't know since when, suddenly Aksa appeared behind the sofa when Anya and Raisa were talking about Adrian's problem.

Anya was really surprised and turned her head to look at Aksa who had just come home from work.

"When did you come in? Why didn't I hear you at all?"

"Mother, why did you and aunt say that Adrian was an illegitimate child? What really happened?" Aksa asked again.

"You must have heard wrong. Too bad, you are still young but your hearing is already bad. Looks like you should immediately get your hearing checked by a doctor," Raisa said with a worried face.

Anya immediately glared at Raisa. How could her son be fooled so easily? In fact, Aksa must have felt even more suspicious when he listened to Raisa's excuse.josei

"Aksa, why did you come here?" Anya asked calmly.

"Mother, can you lend me some money?" Aksa finally remembers what he came there for.

"Didn't you already get your own salary from the office? I still pay for your food and clothes. What else do you need money for?" Anya asked.

"It's really urgent, mom. I need your help!" Aksa said worriedly. "Please lend me money."

"How much do you need?" Anya asked.

"1 billion," Aksa answered.

Raisa immediately raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why do you need that much money? Do you intend to lend the money to a girl?"

Aksa raised his eyebrows back and looked at Raisa. "Auntie, you're really good at guessing!"

"Is the girl pretty?" Raisa smiled.

"Very beautiful!" Aksa nodded.

"I won't lend you money," Anya refused.

"Mother, at the end of the year, I will get a profit share from the company. Then, I will return your money. Now my money is in my father's hands and I dare not ask him." Aksa immediately hugged Anya's arm and pleaded in front of her like a child who wanted to buy a toy. "Mother, you're the best mother in this world. Please help me."

Anya winked at Raisa. "Raisa, didn't you just say you wanted to learn to educate your child from me? I'll give you a chance to educate this stupid kid."

Raisa patted Aksa's shoulder and said, "Come here, Aksa. If you can persuade your aunt and mother to still not lend you the money, auntie will lend the money."

Aksa was really happy and immediately sat beside Raisa. "Auntie, I have a friend who is in need of venture capital. She still needed another 1 billion, but because of her prestige, she didn't dare to borrow anyone. I want to help her."

"First of all, you have to find out first. Is the business she is working on really real? What about the transactions and how big is the funding gap? Second, you have to understand whether she's really shy about borrowing or if she can't borrow money anywhere and takes advantage of you. Does she really need it or is she just pretending to be too prideful in front of you? After you know these things, then you can consider whether you want to lend her money or not," Raisa said patiently.

Anya nodded. "What your aunt said is true. How well do you know this girl?"

"I don't know the details, but I trust her. She's also doing drone research and development, but one of her investors suddenly backed out and caused all this. I really want to help her," said Aksa.

"If nothing happened to her, why did the investor suddenly back out?" Raisa asked.

"Looks like you two don't intend to help me at all," Aksa stood up and looked at Anya and Raisa.

"We are doing this for your good. I know you have the same hobbies as her so you feel sorry for her. But she is different from you. You do have an interest in technology, while she uses this research for investment. Rather than lending her money, wouldn't it be better to develop it yourself?" Anya said coldly.

"In that case, lend me 1 billion and I will develop it myself. Last time, I was able to deliver flowers to Brother Arka using a drone and I intend to increase the load capacity now," Aksa currently only needs one thing, which is 1 billion.

Seeing that her son was eager to do something, Anya immediately agreed. "Today is too late. I will send the money to you tomorrow…"

When Aksa heard this, his face immediately looked happy.

"Tell Nico to help you develop this research together."

"What?" The smile on Aksa's face instantly froze.

"Nice trick!" Raisa immediately pointed her thumb at Anya.

Not only that, Anya also immediately announced in the family chat group.

Anya : Starting today, no one is allowed to lend money to Aksa without my consent. Don't blame me if I get angry if I know someone is disobeying my orders. (This rule applies indefinitely).

Nico: I understand. Auntie's orders are absolute. Even if Aksa is starving on the streets, I won't give him a penny. By the way, what is Aksa doing? Is he being naughty again?

Arka: I understand.

Mason : Got it!

Maddison: Fine.

Adrian : Okay, Mom.

Nadine: Okay!

Adel : Okay, Mom!

Bella: Alright. I wonder what Brother Aksa is doing?

Maya : Right, Uncle Aksa. What are you actually doing? Don't you love your life?

Aksa : I didn't do anything. I just wanted to help someone, but mom refused. I am very sad. Maybe I'll be single for life.

"You know that our intentions are good. We just don't want you to be fooled. Provide information about the girl. Let me and your mother help to investigate tomorrow."

Aksa looked at the two women in front of him. Usually, his mother and aunt didn't get along very well. But when it comes to oppressing him, they can unite very quickly.

"No need, thank you," Aksa got up and was about to leave. As he was walking towards the door, he suddenly stopped. "I actually heard you guys talking about an illegitimate child. What exactly are you guys hiding from me?"

"You just misheard. We have nothing to hide. Don't be silly," Anya rebuked him.

Aksa just shook his head. He was not interested in the scandals in his family. After all, where is there a peaceful and serene household that lasts long? All families must have their own problems, let alone a big family like the Atmajaya Family.

But Aksa was sure that nothing had happened at his house.

He could see with his own eyes how much his father loved his mother. Every day, he saw the two of them making out. From the time he was a child until he grew up like this, the love of his father and mother never changed.

Therefore, the illegitimate child mentioned by Raisa may be another child, not Adrian.

After Aksa left, Anya slapped Raisa's thigh quite hard. "Be careful what you say next time!"

"Who would have thought that Aksa would suddenly come?" Raisa lowered her voice. "I know you reminded me not to say the word illegitimate child because you were afraid I would make Brother Ivan sad."

"Brother Ivan really suffered all this time because of his identity. After marrying you, he always treated you and Bella very well. Don't hurt him. If you don't like Adrian, I'll warn you before it's too late. Don't worry, I don't want to be your in-laws either. Otherwise, we will fight every day," Anya said in a low voice.

Raisa was not offended. In fact, she nodded in agreement. "Okay. We'd better keep our distance."

"I'll talk to Adrian tonight and call you tomorrow," Anya said, about to kick Raisa out of there.

Raisa also felt bored just sitting there. "Okay, I'll go home first. By the way, do you need my help to investigate the girl Aksa is referring to?"

"No need. You are busy taking care of Arka and Sabrina's wedding. I've troubled you. Let me find out and meet the girl tomorrow. I wonder what kind of girl dares to lie to my son."

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