Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 988 - Cannot Be Measured With A Sheet Of Paper

Chapter 988 - Cannot Be Measured With A Sheet Of Paper

"Mother, are you sure?" Adel turned her head right and left, looking around her. When she realized that her father wasn't there, she said boldly. "Brother Aksa and Sis Lili already live together. Who knows if they will catch up with Arka and Sabrina soon."

Adel winked at her mother, looking spoiled. Seeing this, Anya immediately laughed. "You naughty kid. You are too much."

Bella saw Adel hugging her mother's arms and her eyes showed jealousy.

She and her mother also had a good relationship, but somehow it felt like something was missing. Now, when she saw Anya and Adel, Bella realized it.

She and her mother did not understand each other.

"Auntie, Brother Arka is about to get married and after that, Brother Aksa will also have his turn. In your opinion, when is the right time for Adrian to get married?" She asked.

Anya slightly raised her eyebrows, although her gesture was not seen by Adel and Bella. She could understand what Bella was thinking at this moment.

"Before he hit 30, or after. I won't push him. I don't think now is the right time. When Adrian gets older, he will be able to tell the difference between liking and loving. He will know what he needs and what life he wants. Only then is it a good time to think about marriage," Anya smiled gently. "Same as the two of you."

"I don't want to get married. I want to be with mom forever," said Adel.

Meanwhile, Bella smiled and said, "I'm in love with someone, but I don't know if it's love. Maybe when I get older, I'll understand."

"How does it feel to like someone?" Adel asked curiously.

"Just looking at that person, you feel very happy and very satisfied. It feels like every day is filled with happiness," Bella replied.

"Sounds nice," said Adel.

"Don't get too immersed in perfume. You also have to go out often and meet many people. Liking someone and being loved back is really beautiful," Bella immediately teased Adel, who had never liked a man in her life.

Anya looked at Bella with a relieved look. It seems that Bella is much more mature than when she first arrived in Indonesia.

It's true that love can change people.

A few days before Arka and Sabrina's wedding, Maddison and Henry who went for their honeymoon finally return.

Aksa is accompanying Lili to go to her parents' house, as well as to invite her parents to attend Arka and Sabrina's wedding.

The wedding invitation was written by Aiden in person. If Lili's parents are willing to come, it will mean the same as accepting Aksa in their family.

The wedding day is getting closer, but there is still no news from Aksa. Anya felt anxious at the thought of her second son.

"Aiden, Aksa isn't home yet. Could it be that the Mandala Family disapproves of their relationship?" Anya asked frantically.

Aiden put his arm around her shoulders and stroked her repeatedly. "The Mandala family has cut ties with the Hermawan family. That action alone shows that they approve of Aksa and Lili's relationship."

"Then why haven't they returned yet? The day after tomorrow is the wedding of Arka and Sabrina," said Anya.

"Due to the bad weather, their flight had to be delayed. They'll be here tonight. Just wait," Aiden said calmly.

But no one thought that Mario felt so angry because of his one-sided engagement. He was so angry and announced to the internet about Adrian's real identity.

He issued a laboratory result letter that Adrian and Eka were related by blood.josei

"Isn't Adrian the son of Anya and Aiden? How can he be related by blood with Eka?"

"Could it be that Anya turned out to be Eka's illegitimate child?"

"What nonsense is that? Anya is Galih's daughter. If Adrian is related by blood to Eka, it means that Adrian is not Anya's child."

"Judging from the time of Adrian's birth and his relationship with Eka, most likely, Adrian is Jessica's child."

"Jessica died in a traffic accident that year and it is possible that her child survived, just as Anya was about to give birth to her child. In the end, Anya decided to raise Adrian as a twin of her child."

"Right. Isn't it strange that she has already given birth to twin boys and has twins again?"

"At that time, everyone was really envious of her. But in retrospect, it was indeed a strange coincidence. Is it true that Adrian is not Anya's child?"

"I bet Adrian is actually Anya's little brother."

"I bet Adrian is Jessica's son."

Arka's wedding is about to take place, but this big scandal is suddenly exposed. Even though the Atmajaya Family tried to stop it quickly, many people already knew about it.

Adrian couldn't sleep for several nights. He did not expect that his problem would cause such a big turmoil for his family.

"Master Adrian, Mr. Aiden and Mrs. Anya are still not awake," said the waiter when Adrian visited Aiden's house.

"Oh? I'll wait on the sofa then," Adrian was still wearing his work clothes when he sat on the sofa and watched the sun slowly rising from the east.

"Adrian, why are you up so early? Did you get the date wrong? Your brother's wedding is tomorrow, not today."

"Mom, I'm sorry," said Adrian.

Anya just realized that Adrian came to talk about the news spread by Mario.

"We should be the ones apologizing to you. Aksa liked Lili, so in the end, Lili and Mario's engagement had to be annulled. He was so angry and took it out on you. You don't need to apologize."

"Tomorrow is my brother's wedding. Why did the news have to spread at a time like this? I'm so sorry for embarrassing this family," Adrian said sadly.

Anya stepped forward and held her son's hand. "We are family. When we get a blessing, we will enjoy it together. When we have a problem, we will face it together. Don't endure it all alone. You haven't had breakfast, have you? Let's have breakfast with mom," Anya said while holding Adrian's hand towards the dining table.

She could see Adrian's thick eye bags and red eyes. Looks like her son couldn't sleep all night.

"Is there anything I can do to fix things?" Adrian suddenly asked.

"You don't have to do anything. Everything will be fine. Wasn't all he showed was a DNA test? I have it too," Anya showed Adrian her cell phone.

Adrian accepts it and sees a DNA test that says he and Aiden are father and son.


"You know your aunt, Jenny, right? He is Sister Maria's daughter. Before Sis Maria could find Jenny, someone used a fake DNA test and said that I was Sis Maria's child. Because of that, I had to lose my first child and I had to be separated from your father for a few years."

Anya took a deep breath after saying this. "At the time, I really hated that fake DNA test. But yesterday when I saw Mario distributing DNA tests, I thought that by making this DNA test, all of this trouble would end."

"I don't agree with this. Our relationship with Adrian is a genuine one. Blood relations are meaningless," Aiden said as he descended from the second floor.

"I am very happy to be your son. Our feelings and relationships should not be measured on a piece of paper. Father, mother, I want to tell everyone about my identity," Adrian said seriously.

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