Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 995 - A Taboo Name

Chapter 995 - A Taboo Name


After Lili left, Adel continued to cry. She really likes Lili and hopes that she will become her sister-in-law.

"Bella, Sis Lili is lying. She loves my brother," Adel said sadly.

"Maybe Sis Lili is having problems and is afraid to involve our family. If you like her, you should respect her decision. She will return if she's really meant for Brother Aksa and they will get back together. No matter how much time passes, they will be reunited," Bella tried to comfort her.

Arka and Sabrina's wedding was very grand. Aksa still didn't know that Lili had left, until an hour before the event started.

He didn't know it because he saw Lili's parents attending the party. No one expected that Lili would go alone and leave her parents there.

No one knows the reason why she left. After the wedding, Lili's parents also left after apologizing to the Atmajaya Family.

Today is a happy day for Arka and Sabrina. But this happy day became a sad day for Aksa.

Supposedly, today was also his happy day…

Supposedly, today was his engagement day…

"It must be Mario who did all this. It must be him!" Aksa drives his car angrily as he heads for the detention cell where Mario is.

Seeing Aksa come with a face full of anger, Mario just laughed. "You came here with such an expression. Lili has run away, right?"

"What happened? You must know what happened! Tell me!" Aksa has lost his mind. If the police hadn't stopped him, he might have killed Mario right there.

"Why should I tell you? Your family has imprisoned my father and now I am also trapped here. Seeing you in pain makes me so happy," Mario said with a smile.

"The woman I love… Even if she runs away to the end of the world, I will get her back!" After saying that, Aksa left from there.

After that day, Aksa drowned himself in alcohol, trying to forget the pain. He drank, drank and kept drinking…

Until a week later, he was finally rushed to the hospital for alcohol poisoning.

Lili's name became a taboo name in the Atmajaya Family. No one is allowed to say that name, especially in front of Aksa.

One day before Bella went home and continued her schooling, the whole family threw a farewell party for her.

Even though Bella lived in Indonesia for just over a month, she became very close to all of her siblings.

The day she left, Bella asked Adrian to take her. But until the last second, Adrian did not appear.

"Bella, come on, we have to get going. Adrian will not come," Raisa urged.

"He promised me he would come," Bella continued to insist.

"Bella…" At that moment, she saw Adrian walking towards her from a distance.

"Brother Adrian!" Bella ran to Adrian happily.

Raisa pursed her lips in annoyance. "What is he doing here? Who told him to take us, huh?"

"Raisa, Adrian is a good boy. He never did anything wrong. Don't do this to him," Ivan said seriously.

"I know," Raisa answered as she saw her daughter running into Adrian's arms. "Who told them to hug like that?"

If Ivan had not hugged her waist, Raisa might have run to where Bella and Adrian were, and separated them. "Don't go there."

"You… Didn't you see them hugging!" Raisa said angrily.

"Bella likes Adrian and she has to go now. Let them say their farewells," Ivan coaxed.

"I won't let Bella marry him. Although now no one knows Adrian's identity, one day, someone will know that he is Jessica's son. His mother's reputation was too bad. Even though he is an illegitimate child, I won't be disgusted with him this much. But I can't accept his mother!" Raisa said, and the expression on Ivan's face immediately changed.

Raisa could feel the difference in her husband's attitude and she tried to explain. "Honey, I'm not talking about you."

"I know you don't mean it, but what about the others? Is someone's family background really the first thing someone has to look at before marrying the other person? Isn't the most important thing that person's character?" Ivan said as he looked at Adrian with admiration.

Adrian bought Bella's favorite cake before she left. The cake was made very early in the morning so before heading to the airport, Adrian had to pick it up first. On the way to the airport, there was an accident that made the road jammed so he arrived late.

Bella accepted the cake and said, "Brother, can I come back here after I graduate?"

"I'll be waiting for you," Adrian smiled and stroked Bella's head.

The smile on Bella's face was as bright as a blooming flower. "Brother, if I can't get married, will you pay for my living expenses until I'm old?"

"Of course. I will accompany you until the end of my life," said Adrian.

"Promise?" Bella raised her pinky finger, trying to bond the man into a promise.

Adrian did not dare to expect that a promise from that time would become something serious in the future. However, that day, they parted from each other, leaving memories for 1 month when they were together.

After Bella returned to school, Rio and Jason also had to return immediately to continue their schooling. Finally, Maya could breathe a sigh of relief.

This one month was a very tough month for her, especially when Rio and Jason were interning at her company. Jason is a good boy. He worked very hard in the shop and earned a lot of commissions.

But Rio was the number one cause for her headache. He is very handsome and photogenic so that his face can be used for advertising or promotion. But Rio was too obsessed with Maya.

He said that Maya was his goddess. While Maya thought of him as a child.

Thanks to Jenny, Maya gets the idea to keep Rio busy, by sending him to shoot a short romance film.

Even the female lead who acted with him fell in love with him. However, Rio likes Maya more and tries various ways to seduce that he got during the filming process on her.

When Maya is almost on the verge of rage, she gets the happy news that the holidays are over!

Rio was constantly chasing Maya and causing a lot of trouble. Even Bima even heard the news.

Before school started, Rio was also invited to join the Atmajaya Family for dinner.

"Grandpa, this is the bad boy who keeps chasing Maya," Mason invited Rio and handed him in front of Bima.

"Grandpa, I really like Maya. I'm not kidding. I really like her very much," Rio said sincerely.

Bima looked at Rio's face carefully and then smiled. "He is very similar to his father, Rudi. In the past, I tried to match Rudi with Jenny, but they were not suitable. If you can get Maya's heart, I will be very happy."

"So you agreed?" Rio was really excited.

"I agree. But whether you can get Maya or not, it all depends on your own ability," said Bima with a smile.

"Maya runs a large jewelry company. I want to help her grow the company," Rio said excitedly.

Maya's expression immediately changed when she heard that. "Little boy, what can you do for me if you are too lazy to even study?"

"A new product that uses me as an advertisement sells out very quickly. I'm also a celebgram. At least I can reduce advertising costs for you. In terms of business, I can also…"

"Stop! I admit that the sales were high because of your advertisement and I have no doubts about your business skills. But I like educated men who have higher degrees more. If you go back to school and get a Ph.D., maybe I'll look at you in a different way," Maya immediately interrupted Rio's words.

Everyone there knew that Maya deliberately said this so that Rio would return to school and study diligently.

Unlike Jason, who is diligent and intelligent, Rio is very lazy.. His grades weren't bad, but they weren't great either. Just like the average joe he is!

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