Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 998 - Strange Food Name

Chapter 998 - Strange Food Name

Aksa coughed loudly from choking on his own drink. Arka then immediately patted him on the back, just like he had done since they were kids.

They were twins and at various times, they could feel the bond between them.

Just like this time, Aksa felt heartbroken and devastated for the first time. Even though Arka and Sabrina just got married, Arka couldn't be happy. He couldn't be happy when he saw his twin was sad.

"Just drink it away. Let's toast." Mason picked up a bottle of wine and started filling everyone's glasses.

A few moments later, the waiter started serving their food. A variety of delicious food began to be laid out on the table.

The new chef who cooked the meal just found out that the people in this VIP room were important guests for their boss. He came out of the kitchen to personally deliver the food and said the names of the food one by one.

"Good evening, I am a new chef here, my name is Cinta. I'll start explaining the menus one by one, from left to right. This is lovebird, this one is called treasure garden salad, this is …"

"Cinta? Your name is Cinta? Seriously?" Aksa interrupted.

Love's face immediately blushed. "I wanted to get a lot of love, so I named myself Cinta."

Aksa didn't care at all, he took a plate. "You said this is called the treasure garden salad? These are just vegetables. I don't like the name!"

On the way to the room, the club manager had reminded Cinta that the customer inside was having problems. One of them, Aksa Atmajaya, just had his heart broken because his fiancée had left him.

The manager also reminded her that when she entered, Cinta would see two very similar people and one of them was named Aksa.

Cinta couldn't tell the difference between Aksa and Arka, but when she heard Aksa's words, she immediately knew who the club manager meant.

This guy looks like he's in trouble.

Even though Aksa hasn't announced his engagement at Arka's wedding, he has shown his love and has proposed to Lili in front of everyone.

But after that, Lili suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"How about this dish? I named this lovebird because…" Cinta explained again with a smile.

Aksa was silent for a moment as if trying to find a loophole and mock the dish. In the end, he said, "Lovebird? Where can this food be called a lovebird? Did you know that lovebirds are usually not alone, but in pairs?"

Cinta looks a little surprised. She thought for a moment and felt that Aksa's words this time made a lot of sense.

"I am sorry. This is my stupidity. I should have made two grilled chickens." After that, Cinta immediately lowered her head and said to the others. "I'll bake another one. Next time, this lovebird will feature a pair of grilled chicken."

"I don't want to comment without getting anything. Hurry up and drink this wine," Aksa said on purpose.

Secretly, Cinta glanced at Henry and asked him for help with her eyes.

Henry smiled and said, "Uncle, if my chef is drunk, who will cook for my guests today?"

"Don't you have another chef anymore? Isn't there a backup chef?" Aksa was annoyed.

"I will drink three glasses for you, sir. Thank you for your very valuable advice. I'm sorry if I got drunk and misunderstood because I don't have a high liquor tolerance," Cinta said patiently.

Adrian watched all this in silence. He just smiled when he saw his brother start having fun. At least, he could forget about Lili for now.

Cinta poured him three glasses and after drinking, she introduced the names of each menu on the table.

"These are extra spicy claws. The taste is spicy but still delicious and edible. I heard you ordered tofu earlier. I made this menu especially for you. I call it 'heartbreak,'" Cinta said with a hiccup.

Those three glasses of wine made her hiccup and get a little drunk.

"This little chef gets drunk quickly, but she's so funny," said Mason.

As soon as Mason said that, he felt a warning gaze from Arka who was in front of him.

"It's not easy to distract Brother Aksa. Don't remind him again," Adrian reminded him in a low voice. "Otherwise, Brother Arka will be angry."josei

"I see," Mason replied in a low voice too.

Aksa looked at the food on the table. The one called 'heartbreak' is a tofu hotplate with a hint of seafood and eggs, nothing special or distinctive looking ingredients. "Why is the name heartbreak?"

"This food costs 400 thousand. Isn't that really hurtful?" Cinta said, laughing.

Henry felt his head start to hurt. Cinta said she would drink three glasses for Aksa, so he thought she could hold out for the three glasses.

But who would've thought that the girl would also get this drunk!

"Get her out of here quickly," Henry said in a cold voice.

"You still haven't answered me. How does it feel to be heartbroken? Does it hurt?" When a servant wanted to take Cinta away, she still forced Aksa to answer her question.

"Yeah, I'm sick of paying 400 thousand for this meal. But the money is already out and I'm going to spend it so I don't get hurt."

"Eat! Tell me how you feel after eating later. I will use this menu to deceive people," said Cinta honestly.

Mason immediately burst out laughing at that and asked Henry, "Where did you find this chef?"

"If I said I found her on the side of the road, would you believe it?" Henry said with a smile.

"Is that true?" Adrian asked, unable to believe it.

"I met her when Maddy and I went on our honeymoon. She lost her memory. We want to help her and give her a job. When we asked what she could do, she said she could cook. Maddy tried her homemade food and it was delicious. Finally, we brought her back to Indonesia. I hired her in this club and will help her find her parents and family once she can remember who she is…" Henry said.

"You found a diamond in the rough. She's so cute!" Mason took a fork and wanted to try the so-called heartbreak dish. But before he could take it, Aksa immediately hit his hand. "That's mine!"

"Alright, everything is yours. I won't touch it. Eat it!" Mason put his fork back down.

"Master, I have also made other dishes. Would you like to give it a try?" The servant who was ordered to drag Cinta out could not take her. She kept asking questions, without wanting to give up.

"Any food?" Aksa asked.

"There's a 'Destroying Ex-lover' and 'Hot Kiss', would you like to try it?" Cinta asked.

"Take it all out. Give it all to me," said Aksa.

Cinta smiled sweetly and patted Henry's shoulder. "Boss, I managed to sell all the food. I will get a commission right?"

"Yes. All for you," Henry said generously.

"Thank you to all of you. May you be blessed," Cinta left the room with unsteady steps.

After seeing Cinta leave from there, Adrian asked, "Does she need money?"

"She has amnesia. When she saw my relationship with Maddy, she felt she had a lover. She wants to make a lot of money to cure her amnesia as quickly as possible," said Henry.

"Alright, serve all the food!" Aksa waved his hand, not too interested in Cinta's problem.

It didn't take long until all the food that Aksa ordered was all served. The menu, which was called 'Destroying the Ex-Lover', turned out to be fried eggplant cut into small pieces as if torn into pieces. And the 'Hot Kiss' was beef with spicy spices that could make their mouth as if breathing fire.

"Henry, it seems that the chef you found is very talented. She can also lie to the guests," Mason looked at the food on the table while holding back his laughter.

"If you don't want to be scolded by the customer, apart from the odd menu name, you have to do some tricks while serving it. Let's just say that the customers spend money not for the food, but for the fun. That way, they won't mind spending money," Adrian suggested.

Aksa lifted his spoon and fork, started to eat the hot plate tofu one bite after another. In the end, he finished the dish alone.

"How do you feel now?" Mason asked curiously.

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