Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 175 - 175 - I Just Want A Son To Be With You

Chapter 175 - 175 - I Just Want A Son To Be With You

Soo Yin just remembered that her stomach was not filled so she nodded her head.

"I want to go to the bathroom first," Soo Yin said, shifting her body a little about getting out of bed. Just as Soo Yin landed her feet on the floor, Dae Hyun had already lifted her body so that she felt like she was floating in the air.

"What are you doing?" Soo Yin said.

Without answering, Dae Hyun carried Soo Yin's body to the bathroom. Very slowly he lowered her on the floor.

"What are you still standing here for?" Soo Yin frowned because Dae Hyun didn't leave.

"Of course I'm waiting for you," Dae Hyun said.

"Come out, you just embarrass me." Soo Yin pushed Dae Hyun's body out of the bathroom. She did not understand what her husband was thinking. There was no way he wanted it again after one night that made her body crushed.

Dae Hyun was forced to go outside while scratching the back of his head.action

Soo Yin almost jumped in surprise, when she opened the door it turned out that Dae Hyun waa still standing there. She was holding her chest because her heart was about to fall out.

Without any guilt that shocked his wife, Dae Hyun smiled and then lifted Soo Yin's body back in his hands.

"Let go, I can walk by myself. You think I'm a kid," Soo Yin muttered as she continued to struggle. Dae Hyun's attitude this time was too much. Didn't know what was on his mind so he acted like this.

"Don't rebel. I just want you not to be tired," Dae Hyun said as he continued to walk and then lowered Soo Yin on the side of the bed. He didn't allow Soo Yin to move at all.

Soo Yin could only snort in annoyance at her husband's behavior this time.

Before Soo Yin moved, Dae Hyun rushed to get a bowl of soup for Soo Yin. There were two bowls of Dongtae Jjigae, a soup made of pollock, tofu, white radish, green onions and bean sprouts. The soup is cooked in fish stock served with a sprinkling of chrysanthemum leaves.

"Eat," Dae Hyun said as he thrust the spoon into Soo Yin's mouth.

"I can eat by myself," Soo Yin said with a glare. She grabbed the spoon and bowl from Dae Hyun's hand.

Seeing that his wife now has an appetite for food, Dae Hyun can breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe it was all because of the medical effect that Doctor Kang gave her.

"Have you eaten?" Soo Yin asked. She was too hungry, so she quickly enjoyed it all. Now her appetite has returned to normal.

Dae Hyun nodded his head quickly.

"After finishing eating, let's go to the doctor," Dae Hyun asked with a happy face. He couldn't wait to find out of what Doctor Kang had said.

"For what? I'm fine now," Soo Yin said, who stopped her chewing activity. She looked at Dae Hyun with a frown.

"Later you will find out too," Dae Hyun replied with a warm smile.

"I don't feel the pain anymore. Look, I can even now eat heartily again," Soo Yin said while lifting the spoon in her hand. The soup bowl was nearly empty too.

"Still, I still feel anxious. I want to ask you something," Dae Hyun said doubtfully.

"What is going on?"

"What do you think if one day we have a son?" Dae Hyun said, who wanted to know how Soo Yin reacted. So that he knew whether she wanted it or not.

"Cough… cough… cough…." Soo Yin who was chewing the last bite suddenly felt something stuck in her throat.

Dae Hyun hurriedly grabbed the glass that was above the nightstand then handed it to Soo Yin. Seeing her reaction like this made Dae Hyun feel a little scared.

Soo Yin downed a glass of water. She hadn't chewed it properly so there was a type of vegetable stuck in her throat.

"You don't want it?" Dae Hyun said, repeating his question.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I get pregnant after graduating from college because I can't afford to have children now. It will definitely interfere with my studies," Soo Yin said, while wiping her mouth with a tissue.

"No problem, you can still go to college even though you already have children because there is Aunt Xia who will help you to raise our son," Dae Hyun said. As much as possible he will persuade Soo Yin to want the child she was carrying at this time.

"That's not the problem. If I'm pregnant then I will find it difficult to study. Maybe even have to postpone my studies when giving birth," Soo Yin said.

"It's okay, you can continue after that," Dae Hyun coaxed while holding Soo Yin's hand.

"I'll think about it later," Soo Yin said.

"You don't intend to get me pregnant right now, do you?" She continued, squinting. She was a little suspicious of her husband.

"So what? If you postpone it then I'll get old," Dae Hyun said.

"Didn't mom tell you to make a brother for Jo Yeon Ho? Why don't you just make it with Aeri?" Soo Yin said without thinking about what she said.

"Are you willing if I sleep with that woman?" Dae Hyun teased. He was reluctant to mention Aeri's name on his lips.

Soo Yin pursed her mouth. The image of Dae Hyun hugging a cunning woman. Touching her like Dae Hyun did to her made her stomach felt sick.

Soo Yin put the bowl back on the table with a bent face.

Dae Hyun chuckled looking at Soo Yin. She ordered him but she also looked annoyed. Dae Hyun turned Soo Yin's body to face him. He lifted Soo Yin's chin so that her face lifted.

"I just want a son to be with you. I don't want him to be with other people. Jo Yeon Ho will have a younger brother but the one from my sweet wife," Dae Hyun said softly. He didn't want to make Soo Yin's mood bad. It is said that a woman who is pregnant should always feel happy. There must be no sadness in his heart so that the child will grow up well.


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