Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 446 - 446 - Emotion

Chapter 446 - 446 - Emotion

"I don't care. You should just lead it back. I've said a long time ago that I'm not as talented in business as you are," said Park Soo Hyun.

 "Isn't it my job to always throw tantrums? You should think before handing over your power to me." Park Soo Hyun turned his face the other way. Reluctant to see Dae Hyun who always wanted to make him emotional.historical

"You can't play with that position. Now get ready so we can go together," Dae Hyun persuaded because he didn't want Park Soo Hyun to resign from his position.

 "It's up to me, want to play or not. All of that is none of your business," said Park Soo Hyun still in a sarcastic tone. He was too fed up with Dae Hyun's advice.

"That's also my business because after all you are my brother. I want you to be someone great and make both of parents proud. If you are like this, grandfather will not feel uncomfortable seeing it," said Dae Hyun as he stepped to approach Park Soo Hyun.

 "I'll just resign starting tomorrow," said Park Soo Hyun while looking at his brother.

 "No, you can't do it. I'm sure you can because everything takes a process. I felt it too when I first entered like you." Dae Hyun patted his brother's shoulder. He will do everything to make Park Soo Hyun undo his intention because it will be fatal to his plan that had been arranged neatly.

Park Soo Hyun snorted at Dae Hyun's persuasion to him. Even though he knew there was a certain meaning behind it.

 "Don't persuade me because it won't work out," said Park Soo Hyun flatly.

 "Enough, stop this debate. Now we should get together for lunch," said Mrs. Park to mediate the heated debate. Didn't let any words come out of Dae Hyun's lips, which will make the atmosphere tense again.

 Meanwhile, Park Ji Hoon didn't want to get too involved in their fight, so he chose to remain silent and just observe. Just let them take care of it themselves. His two sons were not small children to be counseled.

 "Go, I'll catch up, Mom," said Park Soo Hyun to his mother.

 After everyone left Park Soo Hyun closed the door tightly. Every time he lost control, Soo Yin's sweet smile always appeared in his mind. A smile that couldn't make him sleep the last few days. But after yesterday's incident, Park Soo Hyun really wanted to hate Soo Yin even though it was difficult.


 A message ringtone came into his cell phone. Park Soo Hyun just glanced at it without wanting to open it because it must be a message from an unimportant cellular operator.


 It rang once again so Park Soo Hyun then checked his phone. He frowned when he saw the name 'My Honey' who sent the message. Just remembered that Soo Yin's cell phone number was named like that.

 Park Soo Hyun took a deep breath and wondered what game they were going to play. Curiously, he opened it.

 [Master, good afternoon. I want to ask where is the file that I need to rework. I didn't find you today]

 Usually Soo Yin's message or call was eagerly awaited by him because it rarely happened. Now Park Soo Hyun was fed up.

 "You are indeed worthy of being named a top artist!" cursed Park Soo Hyun with a crooked smile that really hurt in his heart.

 Park Soo Hyun didn't reply to the message and chose to go to the bathroom instead. His heart was already hurt by the lies they did. He didn't think they would hurt him. It turned out that being cheated by his own brother was much more painful.


The atmosphere at the dining table was quiet and serene. Eating, which was usually filled with occasional jokes, now no one wanted to speak.

 There was only the sound of utensils clinking and clinking that echoed through the room. They just talked to themselves without wanting to express it.

 Luckily today Aeri wasn't there so Dae Hyun could sit beside his son. Jo Yeon Ho's eyes look very different when Aeri was with them. Jo Yeon Ho wanted to smile when Dae Hyun looked at him.

 "Yeon Ho, do you want to go with father to the hotel today?" asked Dae Hyun while Aeri wasn't around. So he can make a comeback. Yeon Ho was just a child who was still easily being seduced by adults and did not yet have a strong stand.

Jo Yeon Ho just kept quiet while blinking his eyes, looking at Dae Hyun. There was a desire to go with his father but on the other hand he also remembered his mother's words.

 'If you don't want to lose a father then you have to stay away from him for a while.' That was what Aeri always said over and over in front of Yeon Ho.

 "Don't worry, your mother isn't home. Later we will go for a walk because it just so happen that today father doesn't have too much of work," Dae Hyun said with a smile. Really wanted to be close to Jo Yeon Ho again.

 Jo Yeon Ho looked at Mrs. Park to ask permission.

 The middle-aged woman also took part in Aeri's plan because she didn't want her son's household to be destroyed. Moreover, there was already a child among them. Divorce was also not good for children.

 But if they see the look on his face, Dae Hyun looked so longing to be close to his son again. Until Mrs. Park seemed to think for a moment.

"Go with your father. Have you two not been out together for a long time?" said Mrs. Park while smiling, finally agreed.

 Jo Yeon Ho then nodded his head enthusiastically. If his mother got angry later, someone will defend him.

Dae Hyun was very happy that there was finally a chance to get close to Jo Yeon Ho.

 Park Soo Hyun just listened without wanting to join their conversation.

 'No wonder Aeri insisted on persuading Yeon Ha to not get too close to Dae Hyun. It's because she already found out about her husband,' Park Soo Hyun muttered, guessing about what had happened. The reason he insisted on divorcing Aeri turned out to be because of Soo Yin.

 'What a loser!' cursed Park Soo Hyun while glancing at Dae Hyun with a sharp gaze. Before averting their gazes, they stared at each other for a moment.

Dae Hyun frowned when he realized that Park Soo Hyun's gaze on him was very unfriendly and disapproving.

 'Is he so mad that I made fun of him?' Dae Hyun thought as he narrowed his eyes. Even though those words were actually for encouragement so that Park Soo Hyun wasn't lazy and serious in his work. At the same time, Dae Hyun wanted to say that women in this world were not only Soo Yin, because she already belonged to him. No one can snatch her from him.

 After finishing lunch, Dae Hyun finally took Jo Yeon Ho to the hotel. Meanwhile, Park Soo Hyun also followed to the hotel even though he was very lazy.

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