Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 97 - 97 - Don't Want To Be A Bother

Chapter 97 - 97 - Don't Want To Be A Bother

Soo Yin patted her forehead for forgetting to send money. Not that she's forgotten, but she hasn't had time to talk about it with Dae Hyun. She was also a little scared because Dae Hyun had given her money in the past, but she rudely refused. Really Soo Yin felt embarrassed when remembering her stubborn attitude at that time.

 [Sorry, maybe tomorrow I'll send it to you, Dad] Soo Yin replied. After that there was no reply from Kim Nam.

 Soo Yin leaned her head on the chair and rubbed her face. Her head throbbed slightly at the thought of that. There was also no way she could borrow from someone else because if Dae Hyun found out then he will most likely be angry.

"Honey, let's go home," Dae Hyun asked in a soft voice. But his wife did not respond, instead she was just lost in her thought.

 "Honey," Dae Hyun said while shaking his wife's body.

 "Ah, what's ... what's wrong?" Soo Yin jumped in shock so that reflex immediately stood up.

 "Do you need anything?" Soo Yin continued.

 "What do you think of?" Dae Hyun asked.

"Ahh, that ... I didn't think of anything," Soo Yin said with a thin smile.

 "Really? If there is something you need you should tell me. Don't hesitate," Dae Hyun said.

 Soo Yin just nodded. Her tongue felt heavy when she wanted to tell the truth.

"Alright, let's go home," Dae Hyun asked, repeated his words.

 "Are you finished?" Soo Yin looked at the clock which was still showing half past five in the afternoon. Actually it was still too early to go home.


 Soo Yin followed Dae Hyun's steps to get out of the hotel.


During the trip, Soo Yin looked unusually gloomy. Dae Hyun felt that something was wrong with his wife.

 Until they arrived at the Pyeongchang-dong villa, Soo Yin was still silent. Whenever Dae Hyun asked something, Soo Yin will always change the subject.

 Dae Hyun made sure that his wife was busy taking a shower by placing his ear against the door. It turned out that there was a sound of water flowing inside.

Somehow Dae Hyun wanted to check her cellphone so badly. He picked up Soo Yin's cellphone which was on the nightstand. Luckily there was no password or code so Dae Hyun didn't have to bother to open it.

 There was only an inbox that was from Kim Nam. Dae Hyun slowly read Kim Nam's every message.

 "Why didn't she tell me?" Dae Hyun muttered as he put the cellphone on the nightstand. No wonder Soo Yin was always changing the subject, maybe his wife was afraid to tell him all of that.

"Assistant Chang, please send money right now to Mr. Kim Nam," Dae Hyun said, he immediately contacted Chang Yuan to take care of everything.

 "Yes, sir," Chang Yuan said on the other side of the phone without asking any more.

 That was what made Dae Hyun not want to replace Chang Yuan's position with someone else because he was very nimble and could always keep his secret even though Dae Hyun didn't ask.

Soo Yin who just came out of the bathroom could faintly hear their conversation. Soo Yin walked over to Dae Hyun while biting her lower lip. The girl was still using the towel above the knees on her body.

 "Did you send money to Dad?" Soo Yin asked softly. She was really afraid Dae Hyun would scold her.

 "Why didn't you tell me?" Dae Hyun said as he approached Soo Yin and then rubbed his wife's cheek.

"I ... I just don't want to bother you," Soo Yin said while looking down. The water that was still wet in her hair was slowly dripping down her snow-white skin.

 "Aren't we husband and wife? It's only natural that we share something with each other," Dae Hyun said softly. He raised Soo Yin's chin so she would want to see him.

"I can't even be a good wife for you." Soo Yin suddenly rested her head on Dae Hyun's chest to hide her face.

 Was it appropriate that she was considered a wife who never even wanted to do her duty? Soo Yin just didn't want to be too demanding on her husband. There were too many things Dae Hyun had done but Soo Yin couldn't reply at all.

 Dae Hyun who was shirtless could feel warm water running down his chest. He put his arm around Soo Yin's back. Then tightened his embrace even though there was something to be endured.

"For me you are a good wife. In fact, I am not yet able to be a good husband for you. Not able to make you happy, have to hide if you want to be close to you." Dae Hyun rubbed his little wife's back. Pat lightly to calm him down.

 "I even always delayed doing my duties as a wife," Soo Yin said softly.

 "Never mind, I'll always be patient waiting for you until you are willing to do it." Dae let go of his hug.

"Thank you for never pushing me," Soo Yin said. She felt very lucky to have a husband like Dae Hyun.

 "Okay, I'll take a shower first. Seeing you like this I'm afraid I can't hold it anymore," Dae Hyun teased.

 Soo Yin immediately pushed her husband's body into the bathroom. Didn't want Dae Hyun to see her red face like a tomato.

 Just about to change clothes, it turned out that there was a short message on the cellphone. Soo Yin opened it immediately.

[Soo Yin, thank you. You even sent double to dad] ~ Kim Nam.

 Soo was surprised that the amount of money that Dae Hyun sent him was too much. How can he be thankful? It seemed that just saying thanks was not worth the amount of money.

 'Should I thank him using my body?' Soo Yin whose heart immediately beat fast thought when imagining it.

 Soo Yin was walking around because her mind felt chaotic. The thought of engaging in conjugal relations for the first time was terrifying to hee. Just imagining it made her shudder with horror.

Dae Hyun just got out of the bathroom. He observed Soo Yin who hasn't changed clothes since earlier. Even though it's been half an hour when he finished showering.

 "Honey, don't you want to wear clothes?" Dae Hyun teased while hugging the slender waist.

 Instantly, Soo Yin's hair bristled, feeling the breath on her nape. The girl held her breath so as not to get excited.

 "Come on," Dae Hyun asked as he let go of his hug.

"Come on?" Soo Yin gawked at Dae Hyun's invitation. Thinking that should they do it on an afternoon like this? Soo Yin slowly walked ahead of Dae Hyun to get onto the bed which immediately made cold sweat out of her body.

 "Don't you really want to change?" Dae Hyun said once again. He frowned when he saw his little wife climbed onto the bed.

 "Huh?" Soo Yin gawked again.

 "Let's change clothes later you will be cold." Dae Hyun walked over to Soo Yin and then pulled her hand to follow him to the changing room. He can't stand it if Soo Yin only used a towel.historical

Soo Yin thought Dae Hyun had asked her to have sex on the bed. Even though she was almost half to death already holding back her nervousness.

 'Soo Yin, what are you thinking exactly?' He thought to himself.

 Soo Yin chose casual clothes because it was still afternoon at least they still have time to relax a bit before dinner. After finishing changing, she did not forget to choose the clothes to be used for her husband.

 "I'll wait downstairs," Soo Yin said while handing the clothes to her husband.

Soo Yin rushed to the backyard to see a small garden that was there. It has been a while since she enjoyed the villa's evening view. Looked like some of the flower plants withered slightly because today the weather was quite hot. Soo Yin immediately took the hose then immediately watered the flowers while humming happily.

 A happy mood made the innocent face look like blooming flowers that were there. It was so fun to water that Soo Yin didn't realize that Dae Hyun was already behind her.

"Seeing you smiling like that makes me feel very happy," Dae Hyun said.

 Soo Yin was surprised because suddenly there was a voice behind her. She immediately turned around then accidentally sprayed water on Dae Hyun's face until his face was soaked.

 "Ahh, sorry. I really didn't mean it," Soo Yin said with fear that Dae Hyun would be angry. She hurriedly turned off the faucet when she saw Dae Hyun's wet face.

 "You bad girl!" Dae Hyun grabbed the hose and then turned to spray the water on his wife's body.

Soo Yin who felt that she was under attack immediately ran away while covering her face with her palms. They chase each other like children. In return, spraying water on their bodies in turn.

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