Hiding Behind Her Superficiality by Kyla Olson

Chapter 305

Chapter 305

Chapter 305

Callum is too smart. Emma held back her sorrow. Tearfully, she said, “I’ll make you fall for me again!” After saying that, she ran away, keeping her envy hidden deep in her heart.

Callum’s eyes glinted. He didn’t care what Emma told him. All he could think of was Elspeth. What’s Elspeth doing in Blaydal? And that man… They’re alone together. What are they going to do? Upset for some reason, he made a call. “Get me today’s ticket to Blaydal.”

It was a dark night, and Elspeth infiltrated the Joneson Residence once more. Gilbert, as promised, came as well. They stood atop the wall and observed the residence’s layout, and what they saw surprised them.

“The traps feel different tonight.”

Elspeth rolled her eyes. “Duh. After what we did last night, they would obviously change their defenses, or they aren’t the Jonesons.”

“But…” It’s quiet. Too quiet. Like they’re waiting for us.

“No buts. I know it’s a trap, and I’m walking into it willingly.” Elspeth must find her mother. She could escape if she was alone, but Gilbert being here worried her. She thought he was an aloof, intelligent man, but she never thought that he had no sense of direction at all. “You should go home and wait for me.”

Upset, Gilbert said, “No. I’m coming.”

“Fine, but you have to stay close to me.”

Elspeth leaped over the wall and darted through the darkness, making her way to that place. Gilbert followed behind her closely. They leaped and jumped and finally got to the courtyard. There were no guards around. Even the girl they saw the night before was gone. Elspeth thought she had guessed wrongly, and that there were no extra guards around. But the moment she stepped inside, lights came on, and a certain gentleman approached her. Sh*t.

“We meet again, miss.” He was none other than the family’s butler, and he looked a lot gaunter than he used to be. The events that happened recently had taken a toll on him.

Elspeth sneered, “You’re obsessed, butler.”

“You could have stayed away from this mess, and yet here you are, miss,” the butler said in glee. He was delighted by Elspeth’s arrival.

“You knew it was me?”

“Of course. No one else would come to this place in the dead of the night.” Elspeth was reminded of a certain someone. “So, Michael knows too?”

“Of course. Come home with me, miss.” He looked around him, and a few bodyguards showed up and attempted to catch her. “Do not resist, miss. I do not want them to manhandle you.”

Gilbert quickly pushed Elspeth behind him. “Elspeth is only related to you by blood. She has the freedom to do whatever she wants. She’s not getting locked up like a prisoner. Speaking of which, I don’t remember the Jonesons being wardens.”

The butler blushed and coughed. He looked at Gilbert with a hint of annoyance in his eyes. “You lack decorum, Mr. Payne. Your family is already finished, and yet you still stand proud.”

“I can still stand proud even if they’re destroyed. Would you kill yourself if the Jonesons were to be ruined right now? I don’t think so.”

The comment upset the butler, but he wouldn’t let his anger slip. He smirked. “I’ll let that slide. You, take the miss away. Everyone else, take Mr. Payne and lock him up in the west yard.”

“You’re going to lock me up?” Furious, Gilbert glared at their captors, a dark smirk curling his lips.

“No. But just in case you try to take the miss away, the master wants you to be locked up. At least until the miss is married.”

Married? Elspeth’s eyes went wide. “But I thought Jordan had canceled the marriage. What is the meaning of this?”

The butler smiled mysteriously. “The master wants you to go through the ceremony this time, miss. Just in case you were to run away again. However, I can’t tell you who will be marrying you. Don’t worry. The master hand-picked the groom himself.”

This is preposterous! “I’m engaged to Callum. Marrying someone else is inappropriate.”

The butler smiled. He didn’t care about that. “It’s alright. We shall send someone to tell the Winthrops of the marriage’s cancellation. You just wait for the wedding, miss.” Annoyed, the butler waved his hand. “Take them away.”

These were all the Jonesons’ elites. Even though they were no match for Elspeth and Gilbert alone, a team of them could still take the two of them down. Fighting was pointless, so Elspeth decided to save her strength and come up with an escape plan. Gilbert knew what she was trying to do, so he nodded and gave up resistance.

“Smart. Someone will provide you with your meals, miss. Your groom shall come ten days later.” The butler led the way, taking Elspeth to the courtyard she used to stay in.

Before they were separated, Elspeth tossed a ring to Gilbert furtively, and he took it when no one was looking. It was a good move because the moment they got to the courtyard, the butler searched her and took all her communication tools away, save for her ring.

Once he was gone, Elspeth sat cross-legged and turned the ring around. “Gilbert.”

It’s her. Gilbert looked around. Once he was sure that the coast was clear, he heaved a sigh of relief. “You in your prison now?”

“Ha. Ha. Yes, I am, but I wonder how the butler found out it was us.” Even if we were going to Helena’s place, he shouldn’t have found out it was us that quickly.

Gilbert closed his eyes. A long while later, he said, “Easy. Someone ratted us out.”

Elspeth had a suspect, but her guess seemed ridiculous. “You mean the girl?” She was reminded of that innocent, naive little girl. She couldn’t imagine a nice girl like her would do something like that. Why?

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