Hiding Behind Her Superficiality by Kyla Olson

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

“You misheard that.” Elspeth tried to gloss it over.

“If you don’t wanna tell me, fine. I will stop here.” Edmund was unusually agreeable today, which she found relief.

“Do you think that we’re gonna die here?”

His assumption irritated her. “Why would that happen when I’m here?”

“So, you mean that you’re gonna protect me?” A triumphant smile appeared across his lips.

“Cut it out.” Elspeth could punch him at any time.

While they were in a middle of a small dispute, someone kept watching them in silence. Elspeth, who sensed the scorching gaze, turned her head to see Isabel.

Isabel stared at Elspeth in disbelief. “Y-You’re alive?”

That put Elspeth in a slightly awkward position. She did not tell anyone about her faked death, so she did not know what to say when someone recognized her. “Yup. I’m still alive, but—”

Isabel soon wrapped her head around it. “So, Miss Joneson is with you, right?”

Elspeth nodded under Isabel’s confused gaze. “Yes, she is.”

Isabel let out a bitter smile. “I was worried that her condition got worse when Dr. Winthrop said she will be leaving the country for treatment. It’s a relief to know that she’s with you.”

She intended to go together with them, but Arthur had no plans of bringing her along. Despite the disappointment, she had no choice but to accept reality. After all, she had no blood relation with Helena.

Elspeth had a guess from Isabel’s weary expression. “Are you doing well with the Jonesons?”

The noises from the crowd drowned Elspeth’s voice, so Isabel could not hear her clearly. When Isabel took a few steps closer to her to continue the conversation, a commotion rang above them.

It was a massive burning wood threatening to fall upon Elspeth. It happened so quickly that no one could react in time.

When Elspeth was ready to accept her fate of demise, someone shoved her away. Panicked, she raised her head to see Isabel stuck beneath the wood upon pushing her away.

“Isabel!” Elspeth wrapped her hands with clothes to move the wood away from Isabel.

However, her puny strength barely shifted it an inch. While the fire was devouring the girl, Edmund and the others rolled up their sleeves to help Elspeth.

Together, they managed to move the wood away in the end. Elspeth hurriedly pulled Isabel out. Fortunately, they reacted in time and so the fire did not burn her neck and face. Even so, her clothes were slightly smoldered, and her skin suffered some burns.

“Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?” Elspeth became anxious, for she had not expected someone who was not close to her to save her from danger.

Isabel’s lips gradually lost their color as her cheek hurt when she tried to put on a smile. “Elspeth, my face hurts so much. Am I gonna be disfigured?”

Hearing the familiar voice coming from outside, Elspeth comforted Isabel, “Don’t worry. I’ll take you to the hospital. I’ll make sure that it won’t leave a scar on your face. You will be as beautiful as you always are.”

Isabel nodded before her body drooped onto the floor due to her wobbly legs. Soon, members of the Evil Wind Sect rushed to the scene.

“Uno, take Isabel to the hospital right now.” Elspeth pointed at a buffy man.

“Yes, madam.” He carried Isabel and bulldozed through the flame.

“As for the others, grab a water gun or fire extinguisher to make way. If you don’t wanna die here, follow me.” Elspeth took the lead. Everyone made up their mind upon hearing her orders and tagged along.

Thanks to Elspeth, everyone managed to escape the fire. Aside from a few people who suffered from small injuries, the majority were unscathed.

It was a fortunate ending for such a dangerous situation.

After the evacuation, Elspeth ordered the sect members to leave the scene before someone sensed something off.

“Now that we’re out, what are you gonna do next?” Edmund threw the women’s singlet aside and lifted his head.

“I gotta check on Isabel at the hospital.” Elspeth’s mind was a mess because Isabel’s act kept replaying in her head. Her voice sounded urgent.

He nodded as he already put his request at the back of his mind. “I’m coming with you.”

She shook her head, and the glint in her eyes was cold. “I can handle it alone. I have to investigate what caused the fire too. Once I find out who the mastermind is, I will never let them off the hook that easily.”

The resentment in her voice was unfamiliar to him. He had seen her gentle; mischievous; and confident side, but it was his first time seeing the murderous intent evident in her eyes.

“Alright then, if you insist.” He sighed. “I’ll send you the number of the cargo later. It will depart at 3.00PM sharp. Just tell them my name when you’re at the port.”

She smiled. “Thanks.”

“Not a problem. Send me a message when you’re there.”

“Edmund, I will never forget what you’ve done for me.”

“It’s alright. You don’t have to.” It pained him to hear that because, in fact, he did not treat her well.

He hurled hurtful remarks at her when they first met. He even pursued her on purpose just to anger Callum.

Whatever he was doing right now was his act of staying true to his heart—he wished to do something nice for Elspeth. Such a trivial matter was unworthy to be mentioned.

Her happiness mattered the most to Edmund.

Watching her leaving figure, he gripped the bracelet in his hand. It was that bracelet she wore under Margot’s scheme when she first came. He could vividly remember the red rashes on her arm due to allergy.

Now that Elspeth would vanish from his world, all he had left was this bracelet to feel her warmth.

It was the only way to stifle his lingering feelings for her.

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