Hiding Behind Her Superficiality by Kyla Olson

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

Chapter 492 Within His Plan

Callum took a step forward and drew her into his embrace. He had wanted to hug her tightly, but he was soon stopped by a hand on his chest.

Elspeth was resisting him as she didn’t know what to do with the situation now.

“This is inappropriate,” she mumbled, her mind in a mess. She wanted to accept his hug, but she didn’t think she was capable of doing so.

“There’s nothing inappropriate about this.” Callum placed his head on her shoulder and murmured in a hoarse voice, “If… If we are really related by blood, it isn’t an issue for cousins to hug each other either.”

Though he was right, both of them knew exactly why they were hugging.

After a long pause, Callum continued, “Let us do a DNA test. I don’t want to leave things the way they are.”


Even though they both knew there was a slim chance of getting their desired outcome, they wanted to give it one last shot.

“I’ll go now, then.”


Elspeth plucked a few strands of her hair. After handing them to him, she stood there and watched him walk away.

Callum took the samples for the DNA test to a nearby hospital, but he ran into someone he didn’t want to meet.

“Hello, Callum! It’s been a long time since we last met. You’re always in good health, so why am I seeing you in the hospital again?” Arthur spoke with an arrogant grin on his face.

His grin clearly had a hidden meaning.

After learning that Elspeth’s mother had gone to the Winthrop Family, he had already guessed why Callum was here.

He simply refuses to accept that Elspeth and he are related by blood and wants to test it for himself! Until now, Callum has been reluctant to accept the truth. He truly loves Elspeth more than I thought.

“It’s none of your concern.” Callum gave Arthur a stern glare, not wanting to continue the conversation.

“Don’t be so irritated. I know you’re upset right now. I suppose it’s because you discovered you’re blood relatives with your wife, right?”

Callum had his right fist clenched, but his expression remained composed. “If there’s nothing else, I’m leaving now.”

“Don’t act as if you’re unconcerned. I know you’re worried, but what can you do? Absurd things do happen, including the separation of a deeply in love couple as a result of this. Ridiculous, isn’t it?” Arthur deliberately spoke sarcastically, wanting to see Callum’s defeated expression.

However, no matter what he said, Callum maintained his cool.

Arthur was indignant when he saw this and he sighed flatly. “Fine. You’re really calm.”

“Are you done? If you are, I’m leaving now.”

Just as Callum turned around and was about to leave, Arthur stopped him and said, “To tell you the truth, this was arranged by me.”

Callum came to a halt, waiting to hear what Arthur had to say next.

“I deliberately sent Elspeth’s mother to her side for both of you to realize that you two are blood-related and can’t be together.”

This was a cruel plan devised by Arthur. He was well aware that it would be more painful for both Callum and Elspeth to discover for themselves that they were blood-related and couldn’t be together, rather than to have Arthur tell them.

However, Callum still wasn’t agitated by Arthur’s words. If this is his plan, he is indeed quite smart. At least he isn’t as dumb as I thought him to be.


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