Hiding Behind Her Superficiality by Kyla Olson

Chapter 496

Chapter 496

Chapter 496

“Elsie, do you really want to find your father?” The question made Elspeth freeze. She seemed to have gotten too excited without considering Helia’s feelings. Mom might not even want to go through all that again. Thinking of this, she reached out and touched the back of Helia’s hand. “Mom, we won’t look for him if you don’t want to.” Elspeth started feeling emotional when she saw the tears in Helia’s eyes. “Let… let me think about it.” Helia suddenly realized that she might have been a little selfish. Due to her personal reasons, she was cruelly preventing Elspeth from seeing her biological father. “Alright, Mom. Take your time. I will support you no matter your decision.” Helia hummed and gloomily nodded in response. However, she was relieved that her daughter and Callum were not blood-related. She wouldn’t have to lose her perfect son-in-law that way. “I won’t force you two to get a divorce anymore. Callum, dear, you must take good care of her.” Helia had a hopeful glint in her eyes. “Don’t worry, Miss Joneson. You’ve trusted her with me, after all. I will protect her.” Helia felt more at ease after hearing Callum’s promise. All of a sudden, Elspeth, who was sitting there, received an emergency call from Harper. “Miss Elspeth! Something bad happened!” Elspeth couldn’t help feeling alarmed. Only a handful of things could get Harper to panic like this. “What is it?”

“Something happened to Yelena! She was rehearsing abroad when she suddenly passed out and had a high fever. The doctor said she has leukemia!” Leukemia?! Elspeth suddenly couldn’t breathe. “How is she doing now?” “The doctor said she is in critical condition. She needs to get a bone marrow transplant, but there is no suitable source abroad currently.” Elspeth gritted her teeth as a wave of emotions washed over her. “What about Damoria? Can you find a suitable one in Damoria?” “I haven’t asked. I will ask around the hospitals in the country.” “Hurry! We can’t waste even a minute!” “Got it!” After the call ended, Elspeth turned around and saw the equally dark expression on Callum’s face. “Yelena has leukemia?” “I have never seen anything wrong with her. I don’t understand how she has leukemia out of nowhere!” “Don’t worry. She will be fine after a bone marrow transplant.” Elspeth smiled wryly and nodded with a helpless look on her face. “I’m a doctor, so how can I not know this? I’m just worried about how tormenting this disease can be. I don’t know if she can push through it.” “Don’t worry. You know how optimistic she is. There shouldn’t be any major problems.” Still looking out of sorts, Elspeth insisted, “I’d better go abroad to see how she is doing.” Callum put his arms around her shoulders and offered softly, “I’ll go with you.” Helia, who was at the side, looked at the anxious couple and she couldn’t help but ask, “Who is Yelena?” “Yelena is our friend. She is a lovely young lady.”

Helia’s heart broke when she heard that. “Be on your way, then. Make sure she is safe,” she urged. “Alright.” Elspeth nodded. “I’ll go book us tickets now. We’ll be leaving in a while.” She suddenly remembered something. “Mom, will you be fine being here by yourself?” Helia waved as a sign for them not to worry about her. “It’s all good. I’ll be waiting at home.” “Please make yourself comfortable.” Callum’s voice grew solemn. “You can just tell my parents that you are a friend of Elspeth’s mother when they get home. They will welcome you with open arms.” Not only would Helia not have to worry about revealing her identity if she said she was a friend of Elspeth’s mother, but she could also stay here with peace of mind. They would be killing two birds with one stone. Helia only grew fonder of Callum after hearing his words. “Alright, I’ll do that.” Not knowing how long this trip would take, Elspeth and Callum simply handed over their work to the person in charge of the company. At that point, Elspeth suddenly thought of someone. “How about we give Hank a call? It’ll be better to let him know.” Callum hummed in agreement as he wasn’t against the idea. Elspeth spent a long time calling Hank, but the man’s phone seemed to be turned off the whole time. Thinking that he might be in a meeting, she decided to notify him only after she arrived abroad. An hour later, the couple packed a few necessities and went straight to Damoria International Airport. Even though Eden was only a four-hour flight away from Damoria, Elspeth couldn’t help but be riddled with anxiety. After getting off the plane, they took a cab and soon arrived at the hospital that Harper

mentioned. As soon as Elspeth pushed open the door of the ward and saw the weak and thin woman lying on the bed inside, her eyes immediately turned red. Upon closer look, she saw a man by the bedside, whose eyes had also reddened. Isn’t that Hank?Chapter 496 Accident When Hank saw Elspeth and Callum rushing over, he sorted out his emotions a little bit to not look too unkempt. “How did you hear about this?” Hank actually found out earlier than Elspeth did, and he was even one flight earlier than her. “Yelena calls me every day, but she didn’t today. When I called her, the person who answered was her assistant who told me everything.” Hank had broken out in cold sweat the moment he heard the news in the afternoon. He didn’t hesitate to end the meeting he was having with his business partner. While he was driving to the airport, he asked his assistant to buy a ticket for him so that he could rush over as soon as possible. “How is Yelena?” Elspeth asked. Hank took in a deep breath and answered, “Her high fever is not going away. She even has rashes all over her body. The doctor said it is not looking too good. She needs to get a bone marrow transplant as quickly as possible or else, she could… be gone just like that.”

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