Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Mindlink

"What the hell just happened?"

Justin asked in shock and disbelief as soon as Dominic stormed out of the room.

"Well, we don’t know but whatever happened, I enjoyed it very much."Patricia spoke up with a smirk while looking at Stacey who was standing on the stage with a blank look on her face.

"Same here.Look at her face.Ain’t that worth enjoying?"Suzanne asked with a smirk and she and Patricia laughed.

"Well, aren’t you both evil?"Nathan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you can’t blame us now, can you?"Patricia asked with a frown.

"Do you know how she used to rule over us and treat us like we are her maid? Do you realise what would have happened if she had become Luna? She would have turned our lives into living hell."Suzanne said with a roll of her eyes and Patricia immediately nodded at her, agreeing with her words.

"Yeah, she was especially harsh and cruel toward Athena.That bitch was jealous of her."

Patricia frowned.

"You guys are acting too cruel toward her.Look at her, she is standing there hopelessly and helplessly after being humiliated by Dominic.Do you think she deserved that?"Justin asked with a frown.

"Well, no… But we are not blaming her entirely.Dominic is at fault as well.He shouldn’t have been so arrogant to make her Luna earlier.He should have known that no one liked Stacey as much as

Luna."Suzanne said with a frown.

"So, you guys didn’t like her as Luna.Who do you think would be the perfect match for Dominic and perfect as our Luna?"

Nathan asked with a raised eyebrow while looking at both the girls.

Patricia and Suzanne looked at each other and they instantly knew that they both were thinking the same thing.

They both smirked at each other.

"Will you do the honour of telling them that or should I?"Suzanne asked with a chuckle.

"Well, you do it please.Because whenever I think of something like that, it makes me laugh hard.Because it’s that impossible.But one can dream, right?"

Patricia laughed out loud.

"Okay, what’s going on?"Justin asked with a frown.

"Don’t laugh but we both imagined Dominic with Athena and we both think that they are the perfect match for each other."Suzanne said with a smirk which widened when she saw how both the men’s eyes widened as well.

"Damn! That’s a dangerous combination."Justin said with widened and shocked eyes.

“That indeed is.But whatever.I am going after Dominic.Suzanne and Patricia, you guys stay here and handle the guests.Don’t worry, they won’t dare to do anything stupid now.Meanwhile, Justin, go and get ready with our best fighters.We might need them."

Nathan spoke up with authority in his tone, as he was i n charge at that moment.

They all nodded at him and he immediately walked out of the mansion as well.

"Okay, first of all we have to take care of Ace…,"

Patricia had just started to talk when they heard Ace’s cry.

They all turned around to look at the pup’s corner and found Ace on the floor and crying..

"Oh my god, Ace!"

Suzanne exclaimed in shock before they all ran toward where he was.

Suzanné picked him up in her arms and hugged him.

"What happened to him?"She snarled in anger while looking at the nanny.

"He fell down while playing, lady beta."The nanny answered fearfully.

"What the hell were you doing when this happened?"Patricia snapped and the woman looked down in shame.

"Mommy, I went to go to mommy.Take me to mommy."He started to cry again.

"Oh my, Patricia.He has a high temperature.He is falling sick."

Suzanne exclaimed in worry.

"Oh no! What are we going to do now?"

Patricia asked in a similar tone.

"Nothing, you handle them.I will try to put him to sleep."

She said and Patricia nodded at her before walking back toward the stage.

"Okay, baby Ace.It’s time to go to sleep.Go to sleep."

She cooed into his ears and within a second he fell into slumber.She smirked seeing that.

No one noticed that.



"Leave me! I said leave me!"

Athena shouted in anger even though she was having difficulty in even breathing normally.

‘What was happening? Why am I feeling weaker than normally?’ she tried to ask her wolf whom she could hardly feel.

‘It’s magic.He is doing magic on us using the witch.She is getting control over us"

her wolf’s frantic voice took the little bit of confidence away from her.

‘What should we do? Should we shift and make a run for it? We definitely can’t fight him"

She said in a desperate tone.She wasn’t getting a good feeling out of it.

‘No, we can’t shift as well.Because we are too weak to shift or run and at the same time, if we shift, the witch will get us in our bare state and the goddess knows what he would do to us then.I… I can’t bear it! anymore.I need to go.I am sorry"

Her wolf whimpered in pain and that was the last time she heard from her wolf.

No matter how much she called, it didn’t answer.

Now it was only her against Derrick and his evilness.

She was not going to give us the fight nor was she going to get him the satisfaction she wanted by seeing her weak.

One thing was for sure that Derrick took all these troubles just for her.

Just to capture her and take her back to that hell hole.

But there has to be some other reason in this other than just revenge for what happened that day.

Because he wouldn’t have gone so far otherwise.

"Do you think I did so much and went through so much just to let you go? So funny."

Derrick laughed out loud hearing her while clutching her hair and making her look up at him.

His grip was tight.

Even though she was in so much pain, she didn’t flinch.She looked back into his eyes with dare.

"You are mistaken, bitch.Nothing can stop me from taking you with me today."

He spat while tightening his grip around her hair to get a reaction out of her.

But she gritted her teeth, yet didn’t show any reaction other than glaring a t him.

"What do you want from me? What did I ever do to you?"She spat back.

As soon as she completed her sentence, she felt a tight slap at the left side of her face.

Derrick slapped her, hard.

The force was so hard that it threw her off of her feet.

Her already weak body couldn’t take it anymore and she fell on the ground with a thud.

Everyone laughed seeing her in such a pathetic state while she felt as if she would break down any moment.

Her back side of body felt numb from the fall.

But she still didn’t let out a sound.She kept sitting there with her teeth garnished against each other tightly.She hated men or people who tortured people or hurt people for no reason other than getting some evil fun.

That’s so sadistic and disgusting.

And both the alpha’s in her life were like that.

Assholes! One is bigger than another!

"You did everything, bitch.For you Alpha Dominic attacked me and humiliated me.For you he threatened me to throw me out of my throne.How dare he!"

He growled and she scoffed at him.

"Really?! Are you that weak and insecure?"

She scoffed, angering him some more.She knew that she was playing with the fire.

But she was burning already without any of her fault.

So, she decided to play it well.

Derrick glared at her murderously and before she could understand what was happening, she received a hard kick from him.

She gasped out loudly as she looked at him in shock.

At that moment she felt that her soul would leave her any second.

Suddenly she felt all the burning from previously left her body.

She wasn’t feeling weak or any pain for the mate bond she had with Dominic.

Did he finally complete the ritual and marked Stacey? Is that why she wasn’t feeling any connection with him or whatsoever? Emptiness settled inside her along with the pain in her body, caused by Derrick.

Everything from a few moments ago was gone but that doesn’t mean she was completely fine now.

Hei whole body was aching because of the abuse he was doing to her.

"Alpha, the procedure is complete.Now, it’s under your control."

The old witch spoke up, making Athena confused while Derrick smiled devilishly in satisfaction.

Athena looked at them with a frown while trying to figure out if she felt anything different in her body.

But i t wasn’t anything other than the emptiness she felt.

She suddenly missed Dominic’s overpowering presence.

That was it.

Could it be that she was the reason he felt so.

"Perfect then! Let’s talk now, my love.And let’s start from what you meant just now? Did you really dare to call me weak and insecure? Why did you do that?"He asked with gritted teeth while holding her waist and his long nails were piercing her skin open.

She was bleeding immediately.

"Yes, I called you that.Because you are nothing better than that.If you really were a real man, you wouldn’t have attacked me like this.Instead you would have gone to Alpha Dominic and settled it with him.But no, like a coward you attacked me.Shame on you!"

She snapped and coughed blood out of her mouth as he continued to injure her with his claw on her waist.

"Bitch! You are going to regret calling me that.And if you think I am that stupid to do all this just for that simple thing?"He asked and laughed out loud.

"Then what the hell do you want from me?!"

She shouted as she couldn’t tolerate the pain anymore.

Her red dress turned redder with her blood.

She was losing a lot of blood.

Why does this always happen to her?

"Power! I want power from you! Do you understand me? And I am going to get it now matter how!"

He shouted at her.

She looked at him in confusion.

"Power? What power? Are you fucking crazy? I don’t have any power or whatsoever.But I can still tell you something."

She glared at him.

She was furious.

If these psycho thinks that he can do whatever he wants then he was so fucking wrong!

"What is it?"

He asked with a frown while pulling her up with him, making her stand.

He was preparing to leave the spot soon.

Because being there more than that could be very dangerous.

Everything could get ruined.

you are going to regret raising that hand of yours at me."

Athena threatened in a hard tone while looking at Derrick with a glare.

"How dare you, bitch!"

He growled at the insult and started punching her.

Her face was bloody as Derrick removed all their frustration on her pretty face while she couldn’t do anything other than being punched by the beast.

She groaned, not in pain but in frustration.

So frustrating! If only her state wasn’t this weak, she would have showed him the real meaning of torture.

They haven’t met her wolf yet! He was torturing her non stop.

He didn’t care about anything else other than getting the frustration out of his system.

She was getting weaker and weaker every moment.

At that moment she realised, if she doesn’t do something fast, she would die for sure.

She tried to .

contact her wolf once again because she couldn’t do anything else other than that or hoping for some miracle.

‘Help… please help… help me… please…’ She shouted in her mind, hoping for her wolf or at least for the moon goddess to hear her, What would happen to Ace if something happens to her?! That thought was enough to make her hang on.

"Oh, yeah? Who is going to make me regret it? Your dead body?"

Derrick asked and landed another punch on her gut and she coughed blood.

But she still managed to smile to irritate him.

It was so fun to irritate the hell out of him that she could even take punches to do that.

Was she becoming a psychopath as well while staying under his impression for so long? Or was it someone else’s impression on her.

Oh, goddess! Please help me… Dominic… Where are you?’ She unintentionally thought of Dominic while gritting her teeth as she looked at Derrick with a smirk.

Her face and teeth were filled with blood, "Oh, trust me sweety.

I never lie."

Athena replied to Derrick’s previous comment, making him frustrated even more.

But this time before he could do any more damage, he was thrown away from her, on the ground by a hard punch.

Did it just hit Derrick with a déjà vu?! "How fucking dare you touch her?!"

A loud growl which even made the bats and bird fly away in fear made Athena feel relieved.

"Dominic… you came?"

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