High-Class Mob

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: WAR

It was the 18th day of the second month. Colt was together with a trembling Jin.

“Y-young master Colt, V-Vyra will be okay, right!? RIGHT!?” He was currently the one undergoing the pressure of waiting for Vyra to give birth.josei

By his side was Colt, who was in charge of giving Jin comforting words. He, too, had experienced this kind of feeling four days ago when Mina gave birth to their third daughter; he could understand Jin’s pain.

But as Colt looked at Jin’s teary eyes, he still couldn’t get over the fact that he was once tricked by a trap in the past… though he had already come to accept that the past was the past.

“It’s okay, everything is going to be all right, Jin. Don’t worry about Vyra; Miss Cille and Sister Mary are both experienced.” Colt tried his best to comfort this friend of his.

Jin raised his head and looked at Colt with teary eyes, “Thank you for being here… Young Master.”

‘Ah, that’s cute.’ Colt instinctively thought of this and then bit his tongue to remind himself of the damn truth, ‘Damn you, author, why the hell did you make a guy look so cute? In fact, why do so many authors do that!? What can you gain from making them look more beautiful than most!?’

Colt screamed inside his head but still retained a peaceful smile. He had already gotten over the fact that Jin looked like the way he does and how he got catfished in the past.

The doors opened when the time reached 21:00. The doors opened, and Jin smiled as Faerith peeked out of the room and gave the okay sign.

Jin began crying tears of joy as he entered to see Vyra, who had just given birth, “Vyra, are those are children??” Jin asked while looking at the two newborns on his wife’s embrace.

They were blessed with Twins. Jin approached to hold them in his arms; he felt their body heat, saw his children’s pointed ears, and felt them breathing — Jin couldn’t help but have his tears fall.

“I’m a… father…” Jin was cautious when handling their children.

Colt watched from just outside the door. It was a good scene that almost made him cry. He was happy for his friend.

Right now, Jin could be considered as one of his closest male friends and companion.

Jin was someone loyal and had a good heart.

‘He’s a great guy.’

Never in any lifetime that Colt thought he would become friends with the Trap that catfished him hard… but nevertheless, he also didn’t expect to end up in this world, so, what the hell?

‘Life really is unpredictable.’

And it was indeed unpredictable as he now enjoyed seeing some of the people who didn’t know Jin’s gender fall for him at first sight. Colt could confirm that it was funny seeing others falling for such cheap trickeries, ‘Oh! I now understand why authors do it… that’s rather fucked up.’

Colt said while he himself enjoyed such sufferings… it was somewhat hypocritical of him to do so, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.

Colt noticed the time and chose to leave; seeing Jin like this made him miss his daughters and wife, “I’ve seen enough, I’m satisfied.”

Leaving a smile, Colt could still hear Jin’s crying voice.

Their room was already different from before as he moved out to a bigger one.

He reached his room soon after; he opened the doors as quietly as he could in fear of doing anything that might incite the rage of the caretakers of the baby.

When Colt entered, he saw the two sides of the room; on the right was his bed and on the left was the one designated for the child.

Filla, Hylda, and Lyra were taking of the baby sleeping infant on the cradle while Mina watched over them from a couch nearby. The children were doing their best to act like mothers and cared for baby Aylwho was already asleep. It was quite a sight.

It was funny when one looked at it from a different angle.

Mina saw Colt enter, and she asked with a whisper, “Did it go…” she stopped her words as a shushing sound came from the children.

“Sorry….” Mina said as she laughed. She watched Colt approach her, and with a voice, only the two of them could hear, she asked, “Did it go well?”

“Yes, she gave birth to twins… though I left before they could decide with a name. Jin had yet to make a decision despite it ten days later.” Colt said as he approached the Filla and the rest as he ruffled their hair, “Good job, bis sisters…” Colt whispered, and both Hylda and Filla puffed out their chests.

Lyra tugged onto Colt’s sleeves as she pointed at herself, “What about Lyra?”

“The best auntie… well, better than the other one, at least,” Colt remembered Risa, who now had one of the strongest lineups of Soul Partners already sleeping at 8 in the evening. She was living her best life.

That night, the Edgeworths once again celebrated the new life sprouting once more. They did it in a more subdued manner as they did not want to stress out the babies, and if they make any loud sounds, Filla and Lyra will shush them — none disobeyed the nannies.

At about Midnight, Colt was in charge of watching over the children together with Fluff and Reis. The three of them were considered night owls by the whole family, so no one really complained.

Besides, Colt could now stay awake for three days without suffering. This was a skill he would have appreciated if this was earth.

The job was split between the three of them, Colt was to respond to any pee and poop accident, and Fluff and Reis were in charge of being the most comfortable cushions, meaning the two slept on the job.

Colt was currently reading a letter under the dim light of a magic lamp. The letter came from Butler Go, who was coordinating with the Bird Generals to gather information.

Reading through the whole thing… Colt rubbed his tired eyes, ‘The Phantasmagoria Family was destroyed?’

With this, Colt was confused, for this was an actual plot point of the original story, but the reason it was destroyed was supposed to be because a war between the Genesis and Phantasmagoria erupted.

‘The plot and its storyline should have already changed… but it appears that I am missing something.’

Colt thought to himself, and indeed something was going on that he was not aware of. However, he disregarded it for a moment as the voice of baby Ayl filled the room.

Colt stood up, and because of his enhanced senses, he already knew that something had happened.

Looking at baby Ayl in the cradle, Colt thought, ‘This battle is also dangerous…’

Colt went to war against poop…

His battle continues.


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