High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Play Boy!

But when her eyes moved a little more she saw the same girl she saw with him in the canteen. Trying to remember which grade she was but Anna can't.

'It is better not to recall, what I am even gonna do with them.' thought Anna to herself. As these were not so important people in her life, she simply decided to ignore their presence. Not like they will help her in either way, right?

But still, her eyes never left where Alex and that girl were sitting. It was as if her mind was asking her, and seeing that person. 

Finally, the thing she was most afraid of happened. Alex seemed to notice her gaze and he faced her again with that cold eyes. I started to look at the view to avoid him and was hoping Alena to come quickly with coffee. 

'Thar was so embarrassing!' Anna can't help but try to avoid his gaze at her maximum! P

After 2 minutes of wait, Alena finally came,

"Here is your coffee and this is mine."

"Thanks." Said Anna

They were drinking and Alena suddenly noticed Alex's gaze on them. Alena knew what does this gaze means, especially for a guy like Alex.

She looked at Anna with concern and asked, "Anna, isn't that the same guy whom we saw on that morning outside the bakery?"

"Yeah. Do you know him, Al?" Anna tried to gain some information but to her disappointment, she did not get to know anything important.

"God no! But I heard from somewhere that he is in final year so basically our senior and most of the teachers are tired of him." Alena replied with a proper disgust on her face.

It looked like she was afraid of talking about him, which made Anna even more and more curious about what lies behind his cold eyes?

"Why so?" josei

"An, you are a good student so you might not know but he is one of the playboys of our school, but teachers are not able to say anything to him because he is good at studies. Despite being a playboy he is good in studies, games, etc.."

After listening to Alex, Anna was in deep thought. Her mind was no longer listening to what Alena was saying. He was a playboy, which she is aware of. 

But despite that, aren't players usually not good in studies? This was a little difficult to believe on

But one sentence from Alena lulled her back from the daze as she looked up, "Being around such people proves to be dangerous only for us so it's better to maintain distance from them." Indirectly, Alena warned her about Alex. She doesn't want them to be close to him no matter what.

Anna simply nodded her head in understanding, 'Why should I be close to someone who will just increase my problems?'

After finishing coffee they both went to Alena's car so she can drop Anna back home.

After coming home, Anna's thoughts were in a mess.

Something was attracting her to him but what she also doesn't know. Finding it out was useless because no one can helo her know this, except her inner self.

Thinking about him she fell asleep.

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