Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 15 The Guardian Of Insects [ Part 2 ]

Chapter 15 The Guardian Of Insects [ Part 2 ]


The fire tornado roared through the entire place as it started moving towards the guardian. A few arrows moved behind the tornado as Zack stepped on the ground again.

As expected, the guardian raised her whip and brought it down towards the tornado. A few black drops of acid flew out of the whip which melted everything it touched.

A few of these drops managed to enter the tornado and the revolution of the tornado caused the acid to mix with the fire. This in turn made the tornado twice as strong as before.

But Zack knew that it was not going to be enough to stop the woman so he was going to have to do something else too.

He rummaged through his inventory and found the skill book he had obtained after killing the Evolved Swamp Crocodile.

[ Earthquake: Able to cause an earthquake ranging between 2 to 9 magnitude. The magnitude will be random.

Cooldown: 10 minutes ]

[ Learn skill? ]


The skill book then started glowing in his hands as it slowly rose upwards. The pages opened up and started to turn rapidly before the book suddenly floated in front of Zack without moving.

[ The skill book: Earthquake has been consumed. Skill had been successfully learned. ]

The book then dimmed down before it completely vanished. This meant that it was only a one-time use skill book but if it had dropped into Zack's hands, it would have been a multi-use skill book that many people could have used.

But there was no point in thinking about such things while being in a battle.

Earthquake was a ground skill that would not affect the guardian who was flying in the sky.

However, how would the guardian fly if she didn't have her wings?

"Swift Lightning." He muttered under his breath as he felt his movement speed increase.

He dashed forward and jumped in the air behind the tornado. The guardian was too busy fending off the tornado that she didn't see Zack who was behind the tornado.

But the moment the tornado vanished, he came in front of the guardian and he had a smile on his face.

"Lightning sparks." He muttered as three sparks of lightning move out of his fingers and immediately hit the guardian.

< -900 hp >

< Target has been paralyzed for 3 seconds. >

'And that's all the time I would need.' He used the remaining of his boost and jumped on top of the guardian's head.

He summoned the fire property of Firerager and used the flaming sword to cut both of the guardian's wings.

< Critical hit! >

< -3000 hp >

< Critical hit! >

< -3000 hp >

After doing that, he landed on the ground and retreated back. But what he didn't notice was WolfHeart already had a plan. The moment she realized that Zack was about to cut the guardian's wings, she notched four arrows and used her flaming arrows skill.

She then launched all at once as each arrow moved in a straight path and hit four of the guardian's armor-covered limbs.

However, the armor wasn't fireproof and caught fire. The flaming guardian then fell on the ground like a comet and created a crater in the ground.

The purple-eyed mage then dealt the final blow.

"Earthquake." He muttered the name of the skill as a notification popped up in front of him.

[ Magnitude 6.9 ]

Cracks started to rise on the earth in front of Zack's feet as the ground started to tremble. The already cracked land started to divide as it slowly started to crumble.

The guardian made a last attempt to attack the duo but the ground below her feet opened wide and she was fell below it.

She could no longer fly up since she didn't have her wings but she still managed to use her whip to hang on to a latch.

"Leave that to me," WolfHeart muttered as she notched a silver arrow in her bow and released it.

The arrow zipped through the air and stuck the rocks the whip was hanging on. And with that, the guardian of insects got fried in lava.

[ +10000 reputation in the Eizenburgh kingdom. ]

[ The title: Baron of the Eizenburgh kingdom has evolved to the title: Viscount of the Eizenburgh kingdom ]

[ You have received a new skill book named 'Acid drops'. ]

[ Global announcement: Players Lin Fan and WolfHeart are the first two players to complete the special quest 'Flowers of the fairy forest'. ]

[ 10000 exp received. ]

[ +1000 reputation in the Eizenburgh kingdom. ]

[ You have obtained the title: Nemesis of Insects. ]

[ You have won the chance to be the first person to choose a myth-grade weapon. ]

A barrage of notifications appeared in front of Zack and WolfHeart. Both of them read through the screens with smiles on their faces and feelings of joy, the latter more than the former.

All the players in the world had received the notification and were jealous of the duo yet there was nothing they could do about it. Most of them just accepted that the duo were better players.

"Thank you so much!" WolfHeart exclaimed with a big smile on her beautiful face as she walked close to Zack. She wanted to hug him for helping her so much but knew that it would be inappropriate.

So she instead decided to do a handshake.

"You worked hard you know. Not gonna lie, I was expecting you to be a burden." Zack replied with a smile as WolfHeart nodded.

"I expected the same but I found out that with a few strategies, I can use all weapons to a certain extent though the bow is still my favorite choice," She replied while taking her hand back. "I hope there is a bow in the mythological weapons."

Her last statement reminded Zack that he still needed to make sure that WolfHeart chose the vibranium guild token and if he remembered correctly, there was indeed a bow in the weapons.

The bow was called to be Orion's bow which he used while going on hunts with Artemis, the moon goddess and the goddess of the hunt.

She had gifted him the bow because of him being a good hunting partner but when she had found out about his true intentions, she had taken the bow back.

That bow was one of the weapons that could be chosen and Zack had a feeling that WolfHeart might choose it instead. So instead, he was thinking of a plan by which he could make her choose the guild token.

But in the end, he couldn't force her to do anything since he had realized how important of a player WolfHeart was. So instead, he would try to suggest her.

"Do you want to choose the weapons together?" Zack then asked as WolfHeart nodded.

[ Have you decided to choose your weapon? ]

Another screen opened in front of them as both Zack and WolfHeart said yes. A white portal then opened up a few meters away from them.

With one last look at each other, they stepped into the portal together.

Now only time would tell what would happen in the future after the weapons were chosen.


A/N: According to google, Orion was a hermit who used to live alone and hunt and he secretly admired Artemis, the goddess of moon and hunt. It is also stated that he was killed by Artemis's bow. I used this myth and created some of my own twists.

There will be plenty of mythological references in the future too. But if you think I am wrong, feel free to tell me the truth.

Also, can we get 150+ power stones this week? I will drop a bonus chapter again.

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