Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 153 Memories Of The Past

Chapter 153 Memories Of The Past

"So… they all went to sleep saying that they had a headache?" Zack asked while narrowing his eyes as Eva nodded.

"They didn't really say anything else. Anyways, me and Mia have to go and meet someone from the underworld." Eva then turned around and walked away, Mia closely following her.

Zack decided to use the time to catch up on everything that had happened in the past few months.

After he was done doing that, he realized that six hours had passed by in such a manner. He had managed to cram six months of things inside his mind which were easy.

'Let's see if any of them woke up.' Zack stood up from the bed and left the room to track down his guild members.

Now that more of Hikari had come inside real life, he could sense their locations using the guild master's powers.

The first room he checked was of Hayden since he wanted to rely on everything that happened in the underworld.

But the moment he opened the door, a sinister aura emerged from the room alongside the fragrance of lavenders. Zack took a peek inside to see Hayden sleeping in the middle of a vine-covered room alongside purple lavenders blooming all around the room.

Zack took one look inside the room and one look outside before closing the door and moving towards Emma's room. Some things were better left untouched.

Not to repeat the same thing, Zack opened Emma's door by a creak before peeking inside. The pink-haired woman was sleeping in her bed and this time, she was wearing her clothes.

Zack released a sigh as he turned around, ready to leave the room. But at the last moment, Emma suddenly spoke up.

"Khryselakatos, strike my enemies!" She shouted which made Zack look around to see a golden bow appear above her body.

Zack immediately summoned Chastiefol and changed it to its pillow form just in time to avoid getting skewered by an incoming barrage of arrows.

"I am probably the most normal person amongst our team members…" Zack muttered as he used hydro pump to wake up Emma.

"REEE!" The pink-haired girl sprang up like a cat before she noticed the stuffed toy and the arrows. Her eyes then moved to the bow before she processed what had happened.

"Want some more water?" Zack added, securing himself a glare from the drenched beauty. He quickly dried her off using her flames before putting the giant stuffed toy away.

Zack carefully treaded forward since he didn't want to risk getting hit by the bow even though Emma held it in her hands.

"So you can summon your weapons inside real life now." She said without tearing her gaze away from the bow.

She could read its details the same way she did inside the game but that was not the only thing she could do. An inventory had popped in front of her with the items from inside the game stored in the slots.

"It happened a month ago. Any weapon above epic rank can be summoned in the real world basically meaning that all of our weapons can be summoned here or at least our main ones."

"Zack, place your hand on the bow." Emma suddenly ordered as Zack did it.

Simultaneously, a bright flash of light went across the entire room as the duo vanished. The bow fell down on the bed, losing its golden glow.


"I-" Zack began saying before his mind was suddenly barraged by numerous scenes. Scenes that were familiar yet unfamiliar.

"This should help you remember quite a lot." Emma's voice echoed inside his mind as he felt someone hugging him from behind. "Eva already did her job and now it's my turn. It's about time you remembered the past, Z."


"Zack, who is prettier. Me, Mia, or Eva?"

"Emma, are you trying to get me killed? Even my powers won't protect me from the wrath of you three."

"Tch, you just have to take a name."

"Oh yeah? Then why don't you three line up in front of my bed and let me do *cough* anyway I want?"

"Fair point…"


"Damn it… Your auto-aim is a cheat ability."

"Says the one who is using his fingers to make a spear float while standing far away. I don't see how what I am doing is considered cheating."

"If I say it is, then it must be true."

"And if I punch you in the gut, you will cough blood."

"You will have to catch me for that."

"You are on."


"Zack, do you think we will ever get free from the constant fighting. All three of us share the same view on this. We are getting tired of the constant fighting and killing of gods. Can't we call a truce?"

"Emma, don't you think that perhaps I feel the same and that I too tried to call a truce? I even threatened them using my last name as a last resort and yet they still didn't agree."

"Then when will it end? When either we die or they die?"

"Yes, either it's us or them…"


Numerous scenes appeared in Zack's mind, all including him spending time with Emma and talking with her.

Then there were moments when they would fight and bond with each other. It felt like a completely different life.

A completely different past life…

Something clicked inside Zack's brain as memories flowed inside his head. Memories that had been long since sealed.

He didn't remember everything but knew enough to recognize what was happening. When Eva had kissed his back in her office, she had unlocked a seal on his mind.

Once that had happened, the next thing had become even easier. When Emma had gotten the bow, she managed to temporarily revert back to her past self.

In this way, she managed to not only allow herself to remember things but also allow Zack to remember everything.

p "It has been many years since then Zack but now, both of us remember everything." Emma's voice entered his ears from behind as the beauty tightly hugged him. "Let's go to the real world and see how much we will remember."


Zack and Emma suddenly appeared back in the latter's room as they looked at each other with wide parted eyes.

They managed to retain quite a whole lot of their memories from their first life. Most importantly, their personalities changed back to what they were.

"So, I guess we got killed in the end and then something weird happened…" Zack said in an awkward tone as half of the memories he had were… intimate.

Emma didn't blush despite having the same set of memories. After all, it wasn't in her nature.

"It's a surprise we didn't die," She snorted. "Your plans are bound to fail."

"Hey, that is not true," Zack protested. "Anyways, what do you remember?"

"Fifty percent are *cough* memories of us embracing each other. The rest are of us talking while traveling alone or training. As for the last one…"

"It's our first meeting." Zack smiled as he moved forward and placed his hands over her waist. "I still remember how hard you tried to seduce me and make them believe I was your lover."

"Well, those were tough times but now we have freedom, a non-existent one though," Emma replied with a smile before she intertwined her arms behind Zack's neck.josei

Together, they pressed their lips against each other…

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