Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 156 Conquest Of Flames [Part 2]

Chapter 156 Conquest Of Flames [Part 2]

Pearl then made her bubble of acid disappear before sighing. She looked tired and had two purple bruises on her face.josei

She looked completely different from the girl Zack and Emma had rescued from the Henson family mansion.

"After your disappearance, many things changed in the city. The underworld was left without a ruler and the crime rate in the capital increased by 80 percent. Uncle did his best to control it and the soldiers managed to do it after four months of continuous fighting.

But just when things were getting stabilized, a new quest shook the entire kingdom. The conquest of flames will allow anyone to rule the entire kingdom and as you might have seen, things are chaotic."

Pearl said as she took the top of her armor down and placed it beside her. Inside, she was wearing a light vest on top of a plain cotton shirt. Her arms had many cuts and bruises, thus showing how many battles she had gone through.

"He is trying to contact all of the other kingdoms?" Zack asked curiously while looking at Jonathan. The throne below him had a vibrant red aura around it due to its powers being used.

The four thrones of the four kingdoms in the continent were connected as well as Lelisawol.

(AN: A quick recap. The four kingdoms in the eastern continent are Julius Empire(West), Eizenburgh kingdom(South), Heridor Kingdom(East), and Abasmoth kingdom(North). Lelisawol is situated in the center of the continent where the emperor, the strongest being on the continent, lives. )

"He tries it daily but none of them responded to him. Even Lelisawol didn't respond yet he still tries it daily." Pearl replied with a grim expression as the group exchanged a glance.

"What about the underworld? Don't tell me that no new ruler appeared?" Zack asked and surprisingly, Pearl nodded.

"Many tried to get the title yet all of them were refused, probably due to you being alive," Pearl said while pointing towards Hayden. "Where did you go anyways?"

"We went to get stronger and managed to do that to some extent," Zack replied as he suddenly heard a chuckle echo through the room.

"Then you either knew about the future or had some perfect timing," Jonathan spoke up as he stood from his throne and looked at the group with hopeful eyes. "Now that you are back, you will help the kingdom, right?"

Jonathan didn't ask any of them to help him since he didn't care too much about his own life. For him, the people were more important than someone who just looked over their welfare.

If the citizens had heard his words, they would have declared him a king for as long as the kingdom existed.

"Are you really asking that question?" Zack asked while Emma raised an eyebrow. The two of them had gotten close enough to Jonathan that they would have helped him and the kingdom without being asked.

The king was happy to hear that and he then decided to tell them his plan.

"Zack and Hayden, can you both please manage the underworld. As for Emma and…" Jonathan suddenly paused as he realized that he didn't know the name of the fourth member.

"Lisa." The blond girl replied with a sigh.

"Lisa make sure that no new person enters the borders of the town. I will try my best to control the hordes of people trying to kill me." Jonathan then cracked his knuckles as a powerful aura emerged from his body.

He was not just a king with brains but could also raze cities. However, he was left defenseless while contacting the other rulers and would have to depend on Pearl.

Now that Zack and his group were there, Pearl could finally take a rest.

"Pearl, just follow me slowly and make sure that I don't get ambushed. Leave the rest to me."

"As you say, uncle." Pearl then wore the top of her armor once again and stood up.

The two of them then left the palace alongside the quartet before splitting up and going in different directions.

'I wonder if both of them missed us.' Emma thought while running towards the city borders and killing those in the streets.

Lisa closely followed her while creating formations to increase their defense. The blond girl knew that if she wanted to stay in the group, she would have to use all of her powers to fend off the attackers.

She did it perfectly and left no openings for the enemies to strike through. Emma on the other hand was using her auto-aim ability before calling upon Daedalus and Icarus.

Nothing happened for the first five minutes as Emma wondered whether the contract had been broken. However, two screeching sounds echoed throughout the city as Daedalus and Icarus dived down the sky.

''Where the fk did you both go?!'' They shouted as they were finally able to sense the auras of their owners after a long time.

Emma could only smile as she asked Icarus to allow to let her and Lisa to climb on his back. The eagle obliged as they took off for the entrance of the city while killing the attackers below them.

Emma then recited the entire story as they hovered above the city walls. The two eagles couldn't believe that their boss had been defeated so easily.

They could more or less guess the identity of the person who had attacked them yet they decided to hold back from asking any questions for the time being.

'So we just have to kill and make sure that no one crosses the gates?' Daedalus asked as Emma nodded and pointed down towards the horde of players and NPCs alike gathering together.

The two eagles smiled as they suddenly dived down while brandishing their powers.

'Then you can leave that to us.'


On the other side of the city, Jonathan walked through the city with flames dancing all around him. Any moving thing would immediately be struck down by his flames and depending on whether they were friend or foe, they would be protected or would die.

The king continued to do this all around the city as he killed more than a hundred players with just a look. Jonathan brought the phrase 'looks can kill' to reality.

Pearl could only sigh from afar as she carefully tracked Jonathan. Her uncle could be really overpowered if he let all of his powers run wild but that would end up burning every single thing in the city.

Jonathan had once told her that if worst came to worst, he would use his last card and burn everything down alongside himself. His body would turn to ashes and he would die fully.

Pearl had vowed that she would never let such a thing happen and to make sure that she didn't lose the closest person to her.

She then turned her attention to one particular spot in a sweets shop and used her acid bubble. Multiple screams rose throughout the city as she killed humans with her acid bubbles.

She wasn't like Jonathan who gave quick and clean deaths. She made sure that she made the other person suffer.

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