Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 171 Lisa's Tale [Part 1]

Chapter 171 Lisa's Tale [Part 1]

"And that was all that you need to know." Zack sighed as he finished explaining the past events and Kai's identity to them.

Though he still hid most of the major stuff from them and decided to tell them after he trusted them a bit more.

"Wack," Jules muttered as he tried to fit his head around all that he had heard. All his life, Jules had only been good with technology and numbers and knowing so much information at once was terrifying. "Can I go and rest?"

"Sure," Zack replied before filling the entire place's location in Jules's phone watch and sending him off. "Ken, don't you have anyone as your family member?"

Zack knew that Ken had two sick parents and he focused a lot on earning money to provide good health care to them. Seeing him alone made Zack wonder whether something had happened.

"I am an orphan ever since I was ten, living alone on my own since then," Ken replied in a calm voice before he suddenly walked away.

'Another change.' Zack thought with a sigh as he looked at Emma, Lisa, and Hayden. Currently, he had recovered his past life's memories due to meeting with Hayden and Emma and he was sure that Lisa would do the same thing.

Zack also had a feeling that Ken and Jules were also connected to them in a similar way or else Kai wouldn't have summoned them.

'Now, I just have to go to the lowest point discovered by humanity. Just my life.' Zack thought as he sighed and started making his way to the swimming pool in Eva's house.

The other three closely followed him since they didn't have anything else to do. If Kai's warnings were correct, then they would have to stay out of Hikari till the time they found the Phoenix.

After reaching the pool, Zack noticed that it was made from the glass that allowed one to see outside yet no one from the outside could peek in.

He then looked at the Olympic size pool before dashing forward and diving straight down into it.

He calmly sank under the water and held his breath while looking around. The water in the pool was a specific kind of water that allowed human eyes to function the same way they did on the land.

'I would have faced many problems with my eyesight if not for the ability Kai casually handed me.'

Zack thought as he opened the details of the ability just in time to hear three resounding splashes.

He then saw Emma, Hayden, and Lisa under the water beside him. All of them just focused around while trying to maintain their breathing.

[ Eyes Of The Heir: Allows one to see in any kind of place whether in the absence of light or not. No kind of things such as water or poison can hurt the person's eyes and protects them from skills and spells as well. ]

This was the skill that Zack had received. It was one of the most useful skills in his arsenal however, he couldn't pass it on to anyone else.

If he was to take the other three along with him, they would need to cover their eyes enough to withstand the pressure at the bottom of the ocean.

Many seconds passed in this manner before Zack's friends started baling out one by one. The first to go was Lisa followed by Hayden and Emma, who managed to stay under the water for an entire minute.

Zack started facing difficulties in trying to hold his breath a few seconds later as he too popped up to the surface of the water. He had managed to stay under the water for an entire minute and twenty seconds.


"Let's do it again. The one to bail out first will have to tell an embarrassing thing from the past." Zack suddenly announced as he sucked in air and dived down.

Emma, Lisa, and Hayden were left stunned by this as they too sucked in air and dived down.

This time, the competition was tough as no one wanted to lose and tell a secret. Zack was happy to see that his plan managed to push all three of his friends to their limits.

None of them were wearing swimsuits either so their clothes were thoroughly drenched in water. Even though Zack tried his best, he couldn't help but glance in Emma's direction.

[ You already saw them without clothes, Zack. ] She immediately felt his gaze on her body and pointed her tongue out.

Despite doing that, she managed to stay under the water for quite some time.

The first to bail this time was Hayden who had reached his limit after holding his breath underwater for more than one minute and thirty seconds.

Lisa bailed at one minute and forty seconds followed by Emma at two minutes.

Zack was surprised to see that he could still hold his breath and managed to push the time to two minutes and thirty seconds in just two tries.

"So, what are you going to tell?" He asked while swimming to the surface and looking at Hayden.

"When I was eight, I made the mistake of asking one of the maids why her chest was puffy. The next night, I had the same maid lying naked on my bed and teaching me the differences between male and female anatomy."

Hayden said with a masked expression before he dived down and held his breath. The others had nothing to say and did the same thing.

This time, it was clear that they were not going to improve every time they tried.

Zack decide to have a best of ten to decide who would tell a secret and that seemed to uplift all of them. However, it soon became clear that only Lisa or Hayden were going to lose.

After ten rounds, Lisa bailed out first six times while Hayden did it four times.

The blond girl sighed as all of them swam to the surface.

"Since we are taking a break of five minutes, I guess it's a good time to tell you all about my past," Lisa said while looking down at the water.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," Emma said with a sympathetic gaze but Lisa shook her head.

"All of you already told me yours so it's only fair that I do the same," She then took a deep breath before speaking. "When I turned eighteen, I started acting as a prostitute."

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