Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 189 A Cracked Reality [Part 2]

Chapter 189 A Cracked Reality [Part 2]

A wave of power went through the entire Eizenburgh kingdom as the entrance of the throne room burst into a thousand pieces.

Two people wearing armor stepped inside the room with their faces out on full display. A smile rested on both of their faces as they looked at Jonathan.

"Good to see you, my king," Ezio said in a heavy tone as Jonathan felt coldness spreading throughout his body.

"How the…." He couldn't find the words to speak as he stared at Ezio and Akuma, the two dead dukes of the kingdom.

Both of them were standing right in front of him with black lines crisscrossing their faces. Their eyes looked dim and their body had a sickly pale color or at least the parts that were visible had that color.

"You don't need to know that. You just need to know that you are dead." Ezio said again as he raised his right hand and chanted a spell in one second.

A black arrow shot forward at blinding speed, directly aimed at Jonathan's heart.


[ The residents of the Eizenburgh kingdom, a trial to obtain the crown has started! The ones aiming for the crown of the kingdom are Ezio Auditore and Akuma Hreat! ]

Similar notifications appeared and resounded inside the minds of millions of humans around the globe. The millions of humans also included Zack and his group.

Zack's initial reaction was that of a person experiencing a stroke before he dropped Mia on the ground and moved toward his group members.

[ All of you gather in the newly formed house around the center. ] He ordered while being the first person to reach the house.

He then entered the place to see that it was the same as Eva's old house. The only difference was that the materials and technology inside had been replaced after some brainstorming.

Zack had no time to look at this as he entered the newly updated basement which was now thrice its original size.

He then took out the gaming pods from his inventory and placed them in the room. After a minute, all of the party members assembled in the room including Jules who had a confused expression on his face.

He was the only one in the party who didn't know what the urgency was about and Zack decided to keep him in the dark for the time being.

There were only five gaming pods outside for the time being as Zack separated from Lance and sat in the gaming pods.

"Stay here and guard us. I will call you soon enough." Zack ordered before he and the others settled down in the gaming pods and entered Hikari.

Zack immediately rushed towards the palace as his eyes fell on the entrance to see that it had been completely blown off and the two guards who usually stood there were dead.

His mind went blank as he summoned Chastiefol in his hand alongside Eirias. The sword immediately activated both of its properties, giving him and his teammates a 50% boost as well as lighting up with blue flames.

Zack and the party then charged towards the throne room with their weapons in hand as Zack remembered the words his past version had told him back at the point where the past, present, and future combined.

'Is this the time where I have to use it and make sure that Jonathan doesn't die?' He thought before looking at the throne room's entrance to see it destroyed.

Zack appeared inside the throne room the next second just in time to see Ezio standing over Jonathan's body with his index finger directly above the king's heart.

"The end," Ezio said with a grin as he a bolt of black lightning traveled out from his hand and directly passed inside Jonathan's body.

The king of the kingdom stared at Ezio wide wide eyes before his body slowly started going limp. Pearl would have screamed at that moment if she wasn't lying unconscious near the foot of the throne.

[ The king of the kingdom has been killed! The new king is Ezio Auditore. ]

​ The same message resounded around the entire kingdom as many players were left confused and shocked.

"No, it's just the beginning." Zack suddenly interrupted as Chastiefol turned into a big yellow sunflower which was pointed toward Ezio. "Solar beam!"

A green beam shot out from the center of the flower and hit the old duke in the face. The beam contained so much power that it blew the head off the duke's body.josei

Zack was about to use the same thing for the second time but suddenly felt that something was wrong. The head that had been blown off Ezio's body suddenly started bouncing, literally bouncing.

In a matter of seconds, it had managed to reach its main body before attaching back on.

"Do you know how hard this is?" Ezio muttered in an annoyed tone as he glared at Zack.

The other members of his party had also seen that from the entrance of the room and had their jaws dropped down slightly.

Even Zack was left shocked to the bone when he saw the head literally bouncing back to Ezio's body and joining together.

Just to test this, Zack raised his hands and suddenly threw two blue flames shurikens. From the last exchange, it was pretty clear that level had no role to play in the fight as the shuriken once again cut through Ezio's head.

But this time, his head was completely burned by the flames and not even ashes were left behind. However, something completely out of the world happened next.

"Hey, stop doing that," Ezio said in a cold voice as his head regrew on top of his body.

Zack and the party had no way of explaining what they had seen or how it was happening. For the time being, they felt as though they were facing an immortal enemy.

'Immortal…' Zack and Emma suddenly had a similar thought entering their minds as they tried to search through their memories.

Emma was the first one to remember it as she immediately shared the details about the two dukes with the group.

Zack's eyes then traveled to the fallen body of Jonathan before taking a deep breath.

'Nine more minutes before he can no longer be bought back.'

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