Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

Chapter 191 A Cracked Reality [Part 4]

Chapter 191 A Cracked Reality [Part 4]

"Ugh…" Ezio groaned internally as Eirias passed right through his stomach.

He felt his insides flare up as he threw up as Zack mercilessly activated the flames of Eirias and used it to burn his insides.

On the other hand, Neji and Ken were also able to handle their fights easily. Akuma was a close-range fighter as well which proved to be a huge disadvantage to him.

Hayden would easily break through his defenses with his ax while Ken would strike his deadly spots. But despite that, Akuma was a duke and had tons of experience.

"Join dislocation." He muttered before rushing forward at the speed of light and hitting Ken's right shoulder.

The monk gritted his teeth as he was forced to step back and use his left hand to fix the dislocated joints of his right shoulder.

With Emma's support, Hayden was able to hold on alone yet it was getting difficult by the second. He was forced to retreat many times as he fought with all of his strength.

The silver axe's blade once again turned blood-red as he swung it towards Akuma's neck. The duke sidestepped easily as the dark element gathered around the tips of his fingers.

[ Emma, just make sure that I don't get hit by this! ] Hayden shouted as Akuma's index finger suddenly collided with the blade of his axe.

But instead of being cut off, Akuma managed to stop Hayden's axe from advancing.

"Tipping the scales." He said quietly before rushing forward with his left hand and striking Hayden's stomach.

Emma managed to pull him back at the last second using a sticky net as she looked at Akuma's fingers. She had no idea what the dark element was supposed to do but Hayden seemed wary and a bit afraid of it.

[ Don't you have any cool king of the underworld powers for this moment? ]

[ I can try doing something but I have no idea whether it would work successfully. ]

[ Great. ] Emma muttered as she once again pulled Hayden away from Akuma's incoming blows and turned her gaze towards Lisa.

The blond girl had secured two barriers around Jonathan and Pearl's bodies and was now working on something else. Zack on the other hand was having success after success in his fight.

He had managed to put a slash on Ezio's face, separating one of the lines.

Though there were at least fifty such lines on his face, damaging one of them made Ezio stumble. That was all the time Zack needed to swoop in and cut a few more lines on his face. This was the way Zack and Emma remembered how they could defeat the supposedly immortal undead like that.

After all, Zack and Emma had fought such beings in the past, their numbers much larger than the two dukes.

'It's surprising that we are still fighting them after massacring multiple colonies of them.' Zack thought as he cut the last full joined line on Ezio's face and stepped back.

Slowly, cracks started appearing on Ezio's face and body as all of the lines on his face vanished at once. Zack knew what was coming next so he didn't bother staring at Ezio and instead looked at the sunflower.

"True Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Third Form, Drop of Resurrection." The moment he said those words, a new notification went out to the people of the Eizenburgh kingdom.

[ The king of the Eizenburgh kingdom: Ezio Auditore has been killed. ]

[ The new king is Zack. ]

On spot, Ezio's body burst into nothingness as the sunflower turned into a huge pale moon petaled flower.

A golden drop of nectar dropped out of the petals of the flower as it flew towards Jonathan's body and seeped inside his body.


A second later, his eyes suddenly flew open as he looked at Zack with wide eyes.

"What did you do?!" Jonathan half-shouted half-whispered as everyone in the room, including Akuma, turned to stare at the king.

"I will tell that later," Zack replied with a true smile as his form flickered. "For now, I have a duke to interrogate."

Zack directly appeared in front of Akuma with a huge smile on his face. After all, he had killed Ezio who had been a king, albeit for a short time.

He had gained huge amounts of exp as well as the title of the king. Currently, his stats were sky-high that even he couldn't believe that they had managed to soar that high from a single kill.


Name: Zack

Level: 189

HP: 416,400 / 416,400

Mana: infinite

INT: 100 AGI: 90

STR: 94 DEX: 94

VIT: 96

Remaining points: 730


After seeing the number of points he had gathered, Zack spent a hundred points on all five of his stats while saving the remaining 230 points.

He then brought the tip of Eirias's sword in front of his face and slashed all over it. The duke didn't even have the time to scream as Zack destroyed all of the black lines except for one.

He left a single three-inch line drawn right at the top of his forehead. That was the first line that any person like Akuma and Ezio received before getting more such lines across their faces.

"Synchronize," Zack said aloud as he brought his head closer to Akuma's and touched their foreheads together

The black line on Akuma's forehead suddenly split into two as a howl emerged from his throat. Jonathan flinched at this as he turned his face away.

He had been with Akuma for many years and seeing him being something else and howling in pain, Jonathan couldn't look at him.

'How am I alive? I clearly remember being stabbed in the chest cleanly and seeing the sky from my soul's point of view…' Jonathan thought while patting his hands over his chest.

He then looked at Zack who was now standing back and watching Akuma's body vanish with a grim expression.

Once the duke's body had completely vanished, he turned towards Jonathan and sighed.

"How sure are you that your son, Aizen Eizenburgh is alive?"

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