His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 135 - Dont' Call Me That!

Chapter 135 - Dont' Call Me That!

Nicklaus leaned on his car, his eyes staring at the building in front of him. He was already drenched from the rain but he didn't mind, and as though it was nothing, he just stayed there, staring intently at the house.

After the interview, he had met with some major investors and shareholders in the company, he didn't know how he managed to stay throughout the meeting because he couldn't even hear a word they were saying, his whole thought was filled with her.

As soon as the meeting ended, he drove speedily to her home, his guards following behind. Earlier, he had asked the butler to get the address of the house Grandpa had given her.

It hurt him to know that she had already moved in like he didn't even matter at all. And as he stared at her house, pain clouded his heart.

He had been calling her for hours on end but she did not pick, but he did not stop calling, he even sent her a message, telling her he was outside and waiting.

He didn't care anymore about her reason for leaving him, he had solved the issue with the company, he just needed her to come back to him, he didn't care that she left him without a second thought.

Nicklaus had not closed his eyes for a second since the previous day. Even though there were no dark lines under his eyes, he looked haggard.

His guards stood in the rain with him, no-one daring to stay inside the car. They watched their boss with pity in their eyes;

They had never seen him as vibrant as they had seen him a few weeks ago. He always had that smile on his face and the excitement in his eyes, and it was for this woman. This woman, who he had toiled throughout the night and spent millions of dollars so he could be with her, this woman, who he was standing under the rain for; and for this same woman, he had refused to move from his spot for hours un-end, even when his body ached, and they were sure he wasn't going to leave until she came to see him.

How could God be so cruel? They thought.

Their boss had never known happiness or love in his life; and sadly, the only person he loved, the only person he opened his heart too, shattered it to pieces.

As they pitied him, they grew afraid. Afraid of what would become of him if this woman didn't come to him.

He was in darkness before he met her, now… he might be the darkness itself.

Nicklaus's heart stopped for a second when the front door opened and she stepped out. Her long hair draped down her back and she was wearing a long sleeveless gown.

He could hear his heartbeat in his ears as she raised her eyes and looked straight at him. He couldn't even bring himself to move, and it was as though she couldn't move too.

They just stood still staring at each other, everything else becoming silent.

Tiana forced her eyes away from him, parting her lips a little; she took in air, stabling herself. Even when he was so far away, she could feel his gaze piercing into her eyes, and even when she didn't want to, she felt herself wanting to run to him and hug him.

As painful as it seemed, even after everything he had done to her, seeing him right now, she missed him terribly.

Tiana shut her eyes briefly, breathing in sharply;

How could she still feel this way for him? How could she feel this way after he had hurt her so much? Why was she this way? Why did she still love him even when she hated him so much?!

Tiana's eyes clouded and she wanted to turn around and go back into the house, but she decided against it. She had summoned all courage to come out; she should just end it once and for all.

Stabilizing herself; Tiana took a step forward, standing on the porch. She pressed a remote and the gate opened on its own accord. Nicklaus stood for a moment, before walking towards her.

Tiana's heart slammed against her chest with each step he took.

You can do this...

She whispered to herself but her fidgeting hands said otherwise. She watched him approach her, his body drenched in the rain. His eyes were staring straight into hers; and there was pain… pain in them?

Her brows creased; why was there pain in his eyes?


She shook away the thought;

If he could fake his love for her, then he could fake anything under the heavens. She wouldn't trust anything about him anymore, not even the gaze in his eyes.

Nicklaus was quiet as he stared at her.

The woman he loved. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and hold her tight. But he couldn't bring his feet to move.

He had missed her so much that he couldn't even think about any other thing, but right now in front of her, he was so sad. What if she didn't want him anymore?

What if she didn't want to come back to him, would he be able to take it?

He searched her eyes for any sign, any sign that she loved him, but at that moment, there were no thoughts in her eyes. Her eyes were blank.

How could everything turn around in the blink of an eye?

Nicklaus' heart hurt so much that tears brewed its way to his eyes and clouded his gaze.

''Beautiful… let's… let's go home, I've resolved the issue. ''

Nicklaus said with a heavy heart; his voice a little shaky. He didn't want anything else; he didn't care about her reasons for leaving. If she would just say yes to him, he would forget it all.

 A peal of piercing laughter caught Nicklaus off from his thoughts.

''Why should I? Oh, I remember, because you need me to sleep. ''

Nicklaus brows creased as his face drained of all color.

How… how did she know that?

He had wanted to tell her some days ago, but they were interrupted by the company news, and after that, he didn't remember to tell her again. God, how did she find out?

If she found out by herself, she would feel… she would feel that he had been using her all along.

God, no!

''Beautiful… ''

Nicklaus opened his lips to explain but Tiana cut him off immediately.josei


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