His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 140 - You Look Dashing

Chapter 140 - You Look Dashing


"Alright, thank you for the ride. '' Tiana said as she held Liam's outstretched hand, stepping out of the car.

''Don't mention.'' He replied, closing the door. So, I know you said you didn't need a friend, but can I leave you with my number in case you change your mind? ''

Tiana chuckled. She knew she wouldn't call him, but she would just take his number since he didn't ask for hers, at least for driving her home safely.

''Alright, call the digits. ''

She smiled as she took out her phone; knowing fully well that his number was going to disappear into the list of contacts she had.

As she stored his number, her body froze when her eyes fell on Nicklaus' contact; she stared at it for seconds, before she tapped on it and deleted it.

Lifting her eyes to Liam she beamed;

''Alright, thanks again for bringing me home safely; I'll be going in now. '''

''Yeah, goodnight; ''

''You too ''

Two weeks later;

It's been three weeks since she left and Nicklaus couldn't fathom how he had been able to live every single day. It was only after she left that he realized how much he loved her. His nightmares returned, not because she wasn't with him anymore, but because she had hurt him because she had wrecked his soul.

He smoked nearly every day till his throat hurt. That was the only way he could keep himself from thinking about her.

He had fought the urge to go after her, but that only made him sicker. When he couldn't take it anymore, he would drive to her house in the dead of the night and park outside, smoking and watching her house, not daring to step out.

He would smoke till morning before he would go back home. He had been living like this for weeks now, and he was starting to get used to it. He had changed his paintings back to what it used to be, so at least he could close his eyes at night because, without her, those light colors were like hell.

He did not remove anything from her room, everything was the same, sometimes, he would go in and lie on her bed, just to remember her scent, it was pure torture but he couldn't help it.

He wished he hadn't fallen for her, but it was already too late to wish that.

Nicklaus employed another secretary after she left, but he didn't move her desk back to its place; he rather got the new secretary another desk. He loved to glance at her desk often, to make himself believe that she was still there.

Sometimes he would fall into a trance and see her sitting there watching him with a beautiful smile, he would stand up and walk to her, but just when he reached out to touch her, she would disappear like a cloud of smoke.

Hell was too soft a word to describe what he was going through. If he knew loving someone could hurt this much, he would have let her go when he started growing feelings;

Nicklaus was staring blankly at a document in his hand when he heard an altercation outside his office; his brows creased;

''I'm sorry, you can't go in, who let you up in the first place? '' he heard Secretary Kim's voice shouting at someone or some persons;

''Move, or we'll be forced to move you. ''

A man's voice was heard;

'' don't you even dare, we'll sue you for trespassing on private property, don't even… ''

Secretary Kim was still talking when he felt his legs leave the ground and he was transported to another spot; and before he could even open his lips; his boss's door was pushed open and the lady who had come with the security guards walked in, but they didn't go in with her, rather they closed the door behind them and turned to him, their eyes glaring'

Secretary Kim knew there was no need screaming anymore, since she was already in and there was no way he could even fight these deathly looking men, so he just quietly went to his table and sat down. 

Nicklaus' gaze fell on the person who had just barged into his office, and he was surprised to see who it was.

A woman? What boldness!

He was surprised and mad at the same time; was she looking for death or something?

He narrowed his gaze at her and his whole body emitted a frosty aura, but surprisingly the woman didn't even flinch, she continued walking towards him and without asking for permission she sat down in front of him.

Nicklaus was shocked; his glare grew sharper as he stared at the woman, wondering what could make her come face to face with death without a single fear.

 Claire stared at the man in front of her and suddenly her lips slanted into a charming smile;

What a meal!

''I've heard a lot about you, Nicklaus Howells. Sorry for the intrusion, but I really needed to see the man who turned me down and I must say; you look dashing! ''

She spoke relaxingly;

Claire was gorgeous; 23, tall, curves, hot legs, and bewitching eyes. She was prettier than Tiana. Tiana's beauty was attractive, but Claire, she was seduction. Every man wanted her so she was surprised to know that there was a man alive who could turn her down, so she came to see for herself.

When her father, the president told her she was getting married to the CEO of Howells Corporation, she didn't want to, but before she could even air her opinion, her father told her that he wasn't interested in marrying her. For the first time in her entire life, she was shocked that a man could refuse her, but right now, sitting in front of him, she was in fact thrilled.

This man was sex on toes!

It seems she had finally found the man she wants to be with.

A smile washed Claire's lips as she admired Nicklaus, who still had a daunting glare on his face.

''Do you have a death wish?'' Nicklaus asked seething with anger. This woman, what gave her such audacity?

'Claire rolled her eyes.

''You don't have to look so intimidating; I have a father at home who is scarier than you are, so I've seen worse faces. Now I've seen what you look like, I just want you to know that I'm going to chase you from now on. Have a good day. ''

With that, she stood up from the seat, turned around, walking out of the office.

Nicklaus was super shocked.

Who let this mad woman out of the asylum?

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