His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 144 - Now I'm Going To Pee...

Chapter 144 - Now I'm Going To Pee...


''What? ''

''Haha, don't mind me, you are prettier, but trust me, she's cute. You would love her. ''

Leo laughed as he watched her roll her eyes.

''You've praised her so much, now I really want to meet her. Hope she would be up to my expectations?''

 ''Trust me, she would. ''

She nodded, and almost at the same time, a thought flickered in her mind and she widened her eyes;

''Leo, guess what? ''

Claire sat up on her chair, leaning towards Leo, her eyes wide open;

''What is it this time? ''

''Just guess! ''

Leo narrowed his eyes at her, but then he could not even think of what could make her so excited.

''You know I don't know how to guess, what is it? ''

'' I finally met him! ''

She exclaimed, her eyes curving in crescents. Leo's brows creased;

''Met who? ''

''My prince charming ''

Leo laughed unbelievably; '' don't tell me you went to meet Nicklaus Howells?''

''Yes, I actually went to meet him, and gracious, he is drop-dead gorgeous and unbelievably sexy! I wish he hadn't refused the marriage, I would have loved to fuck him six ways to Sunday!''

Claire groaned as she explained to the quiet Leo, who just watched her in shock;

'' don't tell me you asked him out? '' Leo asked, although not surprised; Claire was someone who went for what she wanted. He wouldn't be surprised if she said she walked into this office and begged him to fuck her.

''Yes, that's exactly what I did and I also told him I was going to chase him from now on. ''

Leo burst into laughter; ''you must be kidding me. ''

''I'm not kidding, he was so shocked, so much that he couldn't even say anything as I walked out. And I think the rumors that he is very cold and frightening are true, he looks scary, but I wasn't perturbed one bit, I have a father who is ten times scarier. ''

Claire chuckled but there was a hidden pain behind her throat. But she did well to cover it up quickly.

Leo's laugh disappeared as the atmosphere became awkward; that was a touchy subject.

''And I just got his personal number, fuck, I almost spent a fortune, I never knew a number could cost this much! ''

Claire immediately diverted the topic.

''You're not serious right now. '' Leo's eyes widened;

''I'm serious Leo, I'm going to chase him, don't worry; he won't be able to resist me for long. ''

''Damn! woman, you're shameless!''

''Very! '' Claire nodded, and two of them laughed.

She had found someone that piqued her interest after a long while; she wasn't going to let him slip away.

Tiana walked into the office, a soft smile on her chin. Leo stood up and welcomed with a cheerful smile;

''It's nice to see you, angel, you're more beautiful today,'' he smirked, lifting her hand, he pecked it.

Tiana beamed; ''It's nice to see you again, Mr. Leo. I'm really sorry for treating you badly yesterday, I was… ''

''Ah, never mind. You don't need to apologize, no hard feelings.''

Leo laughed; ''Come, come sit. There's a lot to talk about. ''

Leo led her to the comfortable living room in the office, and she sat down on one of the sofas, her eyes admiring the office. There were gold medals and numerous awards hanging in a shelf, large portraits and wallpapers of models, Leo was in most of them. Her eyes fell to the table that was littered with Vogue and many other magazines, which had the same person in all the front covers, her brows creased and she looked up to the wallpapers, the same woman was in most of the wallpapers, her eyes remained on the woman for a few seconds, her beauty was out of this world. 

Her face looked familiar, maybe she had seen her in commercials, she wasn't sure, but the lady looked exquisite.

''we're waiting for someone, she just stepped out, she'll be back soon, but for now, what would you love to take, I have a collection of alcoholic to non-alcoholic drinks? ''

Leo stood up and walked to the huge fridge, pulling it open for Tiana to see;

She laughed lightly; she was already getting comfortable around him;

''A cup of coffee would be fine. ''

She requested politely and Leo smiled as he closed the fridge; ''Okay… ''

Just that moment, the door to the office opened and Claire walked in elegant steps.

''Right about time '' Leo exclaimed as she stepped in and Tiana turned to see who just stepped in, and instantly, he eyes widened in shock;

Holy Moly!

The woman who was on the covers of the magazine just walked in like an angel dropped from the skies. If Tiana was a man, she would have been drooling, because this woman was all shades of beautiful!

 Tiana thought she was beautiful, but at that moment, in front of this woman, she felt like a buzzing mosquito. She couldn't even compare!

''Angel meet Claire. She's a top model and had won Model of the Year, for three consecutive years. ''

Now I'm going to pee…

Tiana thought in her mind as she felt herself shrink into the sofa as Claire sat beside her and her piercing green eyes turned to look at her, a small smile washed her lips;

''Stop with your flattering, Leo; you're making her uncomfortable.''

Oh God! Her voice is so pretty too!

Tiana groaned internally. She couldn't even compare to this woman who looked like she was let down from the stars.

''what's your name? ''

Claire asked, her face beaming with a smile. Tiana swallowed;

''I'm Tiana, it's nice to meet you, Claire. ''

''Nice to meet you too, Leo had said quite a lot about you, and I'm amazed by your beauty. ''

Leo placed the cup of coffee in front of her. Tiana smiled at him but she could not even bring herself to drink it, afraid that she might nervously spill it on herself.

''Tiana dear, can you stand up for a second? ''

Claire asked and Tiana nodded, standing up;

She had taken her time to look her best, although it was nothing compared to how Claire looked, she felt a little confident.

''What an amazing body… hidden behind a lot of calories! ''

Tiana's eyes widened in shock as her eyes fell on her body;

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