His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 146 - Do You Like Another?

Chapter 146 - Do You Like Another?


Nicklaus sat in the five-star restaurant having lunch in a private room, his face straight and aloof as usual. His guards were situated outside, not letting anyone go in.

Suddenly, he heard a fuss outside and then a feminine voice; after a few minutes, the door creaked open and Dan stepped in;

''Boss… '' Nicklaus lifted his eyes to him, creasing his brows. ''The president's daughter is here, she says she won't leave until she is given an audience. ''

Nicklaus paused, ''let her in. ''

Dan was surprised but he nodded quickly; ''Yes, Boss. ''

Claire was surprised when the door was pushed open for her to go in; she had not expected Nicklaus to agree to her request. It felt strange, but then she walked in.

Her eyes fell on the man by the window side, the sun radiating off his face; his exquisite features defined as he ate as though no-one had walked in.

What a meal!

Claire thought as she walked towards him in slow steps, taking her time to relish the sight. When she got to the table she sat down and crossed her legs, her lips up with a happy grin.

This man… does he know how much he makes her heart flutter?

''Since you have stalked me all day, I figured that you had an important thing to say, make it quick, this is the last time I'll give you an audience, you have five minutes. ''

Nicklaus spoke absentmindedly, not even lifting his eyes for a second to look at her.

Claire sat up on her chair, biting her lower lip, she had especially dolled up herself for him but Nicklaus had not even glanced at her, but she was more embarrassed with the fact that he had caught her men stalking him; she had made sure they were not noticed, how did he find out?

Claire cleared her throat, she had less than five minutes now, she better start talking.

''Nicklaus… I'm sorry for stalking you, but I really wanted to meet with you and I knew you wouldn't give me an audience; that was the only way. ''

She paused and when she saw that Nicklaus was not going to say anything, she continued; 

''I really meant it, when I said I liked you. But I know it's a two-way thing, and I can't actually force myself on you, but I want you to give us a chance, if I don't meet your expectations, we can end it, but I don't want to give up without even trying. ''

Nicklaus lifted his eyes to her for the first time since she entered the room; his eyes stared at her as he lifted a napkin to his lips and wiped it;

''Are you done?''

Claire felt her heart skip a beat as his piercing eyes gazed straight into hers; she swallowed, lacking words to say;

''I… I… ''

''I'll make it short. I'm not interested in you, not now, and I don't think I'll ever be. So don't waste your time and find someone else. ''

He spoke curtly, wiping his hands with another napkin; he picked his phone from the table and walked towards the door;

''Wait! '' Claire spoke, standing up shakily; no man had ever rejected her in her entire life. Wasn't she pretty enough? Or did he like another woman?

''Do… do you like another? ''

Nicklaus froze in his steps, his back clenched;

''We could be friends.'' She added immediately, fearing that he would walk away; '' Let us just be friends, I won't bug you anymore, let's just… talk'' Before she could complete her sentence, Nicklaus had walked out the door;

Claire stared at the tightly shut door for a second before she slumped back on her seat, her eyes shutting briefly as she took in a deep breath.

This might actually be the last time he would let her meet him, but why does the urge to chase him increase the more?

Claire slouched on the table, a sigh leaving her lips;

Now she doesn't have a reason to meet him anymore. He had rejected her.

What would she do?

Her lips pursed as she thought, how did she reduce to a man chaser?

''Gwen! Guess what?! '' Tiana exclaimed, twirling about in the parlor with a piece of document in her hands;

 ''What happened? Did you get the new car? ''

''No, not yet, ''

''Tiana, you know I'm not good with guesses, what is it? ''

''Little sister, you're talking with the newest model in Californian City!!! ''

Tiana screamed jumping around happily; she waited till she had signed the contract with Jo' Lapel before she broke the news. She didn't want to start rejoicing too early.

''You must be kidding me right now!''

Gwen asked, her tone shaky, but Tiana didn't notice.

''I wish I was kidding, but I'm damn serious baby, I'm going to be a model Gwen! '' She exclaimed happily.

''Oh my God!! Tiana! I'm so happy for you, when? How? ''

Gwen was confused; how did she become a model overnight?

''Gwen, '' Tiana called sitting down on a sofa;

''I don't even know how to explain it, everything happened so fast. Leo, a fashion icon, he saw me at a restaurant, and he walked up to me and asked me to sign with him, I thought it was some joke, but right now, I'm staring at my signed contract and I know it's not a lie, Gwen. I'm a model!''


Gwen exclaimed, sounding excited, ''Tiana! You're really a model now? I'm going to see you on magazines?''

''Yes! Yes! ''

''Oh God, we need to drink to this! When I come back, we're going to party! ''

''Of course! I'm so happy Gwen! So happy! ''

''Me too! Everything is becoming better, my sister is a model, God, I can't believe this! ''

Tiana laughed; '' you better start to, cause it's fuckin' real! ''

They both rejoiced happily; ''so how are you? do you like your apartment? ''

''Yes, everything is great! My sister is the best! '' Gwen exclaimed and Tiana laughed; she had spent a lot to get a comfortable place for her and got it furnished, even though she was staying for only ten months, she wanted her to be comfortable.

They talked about other random things before Tiana ended the call.

Gwen's smile faded instantly as the call ended. She held the phone to her ear for the longest time before she raised it up and hauled it against the wall, sending it crashing into several pieces.

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