His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 150 - Is He Not Gorgeous?

Chapter 150 - Is He Not Gorgeous?

''Oh my god! '' Claire laughed as she watched the footage of the incident; she couldn't believe Tiana could actually beat the three of them, but now she was seeing for herself, she couldn't help laughing.

The funniest part was when Tiana returned to give her a candy;

''Tiana, that was epic!'' Leo exclaimed as he watched Larisa's expression when she sat on the floor. ''That serves them right; no-one would dare to bully you ever again. ''

Claire added with a grin. She had let down her guards around Tiana after a few days of working together. She even spoke casually with her now.

''That reminds me, we're going to France for the shoot, now. ''

Claire turned to Tiana when she remembered why she had come in the first place;

''Uh? ''

Tiana asked, her eyes widening.

''Really? I thought it was here in Hollywood? '' Leo's brows creased, when he heard what she just said.

''Yeah me too, but I met with the director before coming here and he said that there was a change of plans, we'll be going to France, and there were minor changes in the script too. Instead of just me and Tiana, there would be three other models joining us, two from France and one from here. ''

Claire explained; 

''Okay, I don't know if this is a good thing or… ''

Leo scratched his head as he thought;

He was just comfortable with Claire and Tiana, Larisa was next in line for the commercial, and after what transpired that day, if she joined them, everything would be really awkward;

''Of course, it's great news! I get to go to France! ''

Claire exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air;

''You've been there 13 times Claire, stop rejoicing as though it's your first time, and that's not even the point, what if the management chooses Larisa? ''

Tiana glanced at Leo; how did he keep count of the exact number of times she's been to France? Hmm… interesting;

Claire's expression thickened at his statement;

''Um; I can make them select another person, it's no big deal. ''

She added casually;

''I think it's going to be a big deal this time; you see, she was the one to do the commercial before it was given to Tiana, and now there is another slot, you can't easily select another model. Even the management would be against it, and remember, Larisa is well connected to the higher-ups. ''

Claire was quiet as though thinking about what Leo said; truthfully, she didn't have the strength to go about the offices of the higher-ups just to make sure Larisa doesn't have the job; she wasn't that jobless.

But she knew Leo didn't like Larisa one bit, which was even the more reason why he pushed for Tiana to take the commercial.josei

''Alright, then she should have it. It's not as though she would kill us in our sleep, haha. ''

Claire laughed but when no-one joined her, she stopped. Turning to look at Leo she saw that his expression was dark, so she quickly tried to ease the mood.

''Tiana dear, are you free today, do you want to party? ''

Claire asked, her eyes filled with glee. She loved to party!

Tiana smiled; she had never gone to parties, and the last time she wanted to, she later changed her mind;

''Yeah, I would love to… ''

''Great! Leo, are you joining us? The girls aren't coming this time; '' She added with a laugh; Leo didn't like her friends, he said they made her do bad things. Apart from smoking weed, which she tried only once, and which in return, landed her in the hospital for three days, after which she canceled anything smoking, there weren't any other bad things they've made her do. But Leo wouldn't hear of that, he was just too protective of her. She was sure that was the reason he made her not to go with them to France earlier.

Leo shot her a glare;

''Your guards are going with you; I want to rest tonight. ''

He stood up from the couch where he sat with her, and went to the fridge to get a can of water;

''Ah, it's not fair; I'm your best friend!'' Claire pouted her lips as she made puppy dog eyes at him; Leo held her gaze as he drank from the can.

''No ''

He replied again, and then Claire glared at him;

''I'm not going to beg you, Tiana let's go, have you had lunch yet? ''

Claire asked, standing up from the couch and ignoring Leo completely. Tiana smiled; these two were really cute, she was surprised that they were still just friends.

She shook her head at Claire and she smiled, taking her hand;

''Not to worry, my chef prepares one of the best cuisines in Los Angeles, let's go to my house…''

''Uhm, I have to go home to change into something else… ''

Tiana explained, but Claire shook her head;

''There's no need for that, I have a collection at home, dressing up is not a problem. Leo! If you call me tonight, I'll kill you!''

Claire screamed as she walked out with Tiana, not glancing back to look at him.

Leo laughed; he knew she was just telling him to call and check on her that night, ironically, he was going to die if he didn't.

The guards pulled open the door of the limousine as Claire approached, their brows creased when they saw a strange face walking together with her, but they did not ask.

''Where to Miss; ''

The chauffeur in front asked when they had settled in;

''Home '' Claire said, her eyes on her phone.

Tiana looked around the car;

Claire was a model, but with the security and the kind of treatment she was given at the Agency, she knew she was something more. Maybe she was the daughter of a politician or a high ranking state official?

''So Tiana, tell me, do you have a boyfriend? ''

Claire asked suddenly, pulling Tiana out of her thoughts; Tiana swallowed hard as she glanced at Claire who had a bright smile on her lips;

''Mm… no, had one before, but it ended a while ago. '' Tiana explained with a strained smile;

''Oh, that's sad, did you love him? '' Claire's expression softened as she watched Tiana;

Did she love him?

She did… and she still does!

The thought of it was heartrending.

''yeah, I did, but it didn't work out, he was way out of my league, I knew I didn't stand a chance. ''

She laughed half-heartedly as she explained.

''Oh, too bad for him because if he sees you right now, he'll regret ever leaving you; I hate men who go about breaking women's hearts! Scums! ''

Claire spat angrily;

''Haha, don't think too much of it, he's in the past now. So what about you, do you have a boyfriend? No, that's a wrong question, there's no way someone as pretty as you would be single, so who is the lucky man? ''

Tiana asked immediately, trying to shift the discussion away from Nicklaus, the last thing she wanted now was a bad mood.

Claire smiled; a blush tainting her cheeks;

''Well, yeah, I do have someone. ''

''Yes, I knew it; you're too pretty to be single. '' Tiana chuckled;

''Haha, Tiana, no-one is too pretty to be single; '' Claire explained as she searched for Nicklaus's picture on her phone; ''I was single for a while before him… oh yeah, see his picture, is he not gorgeous?''

'' ''





sf rua tia]-r yair s'''''''!!!

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