His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 156 - Friendzoned

Chapter 156 - Friendzoned

Nicklaus phone buzzed on the table as he sat in his office and he picked it up, his brows creased when he saw it was a text from an unknown caller;

'…So I know you're attending a gala today and you have no date, I can be your date if you want, I didn't call because I know you would end the call once you know who it is… Claire. '

Nicklaus read the text over and over again, his mind going back to what he had seen two days ago and his eyes clouded, he was quiet for a moment, deep in thoughts, when suddenly, he tapped on the unknown number and called;

Claire knew Nicklaus was not going to call, she just wanted to try her luck but she was not hopeful.

But suddenly, her phone vibrated in her hands, and her eyes widened when she saw the caller id.


Her heart slammed against her chest; was he calling to tell her to quit disturbing him?

Claire was scared of what he was going to say, but still, she swiped, she could hear the pounding of her chest as she waited for him to speak;

''Send me your address; I'll pick you up by six. ''

 Her eyes popped out of her eye sockets as she held her phone to her ear, Nicklaus had already disconnected the call but she couldn't bring herself to move from her spot, afraid that everything might become an illusion if she did.

Did… Did he just…

''Oh my God! '' Claire exclaimed filled with glee. She didn't understand what had just happened. What made him change his mind?

She wondered a thousand things, but she couldn't even pinpoint any;

Maybe it was just a date, there were no strings attached but still, she was not expecting it.

No, this was unbelievable, did he mean it? Should she call him back and ask?

Claire shook her head immediately at that thought; what if he changed his mind?

No, she should just send him her address, right.

Quickly, she tapped open her messages and sent Nicklaus her home address.

Then she phoned Leo right away.

''Guess what Leo! ''

 ''What? ''

''Nicklaus called me! We're going to a gala together; do you know what that means? ''

She screamed excitedly;

Leo was quiet for a second; ''um, it means that you guys are going to a gala together; ''

''You jerk! '' Leo burst out laughing at her cuss;

''I'm serious; I think he likes me now, I think he is considering going out with me. ''

''How are you sure, it might just be all there is to it. ''

''Leo! Can't you be positive for once? '' Claire groaned, he was fond of this, never supporting her love life!

''I'm sorry, don't mind me, I'm really happy for you. ''

''Yeah, I'm happy too, I really need this to work, you know? ''

There was a pause at the other end; ''Do you really love him? ''

Claire was quiet;

Was she in love with him or was he just an infatuation?

She wasn't sure, but right now, she knew she wanted to be with him. It was too early to know if she was in love with him or not,

''It's too early for that, but I know I like him a lot. ''

She said, pushing some strands of her hair behind her ear,

''Then I'm happy for you; don't drink too much. ''

''I won't, I'll call you when I'm back, love you. ''

''Yeah, love you too. ''

Leo held the phone to his ear even after the call had disconnected, after some time, he slowly he brought the phone down.

I love you…

He had always said those words to her, and she had said them back, but each time she said it, he wanted it to mean something more, but his hopes were always dashed, again, and again.josei

How had she never seen him?

He was always right there in front of her, but she never saw him.

He loved her from the very first day he saw her.

That day, she walked into the room he was in, and walked up straight to him, with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen and the most perfect smile, she asked;

''Are you Leo? ''

For a few seconds he had been dumbstruck, and even when he tried to speak, words couldn't form in his mouth; he just stared at her;

It took him a great deal to nod, and the rest of her words couldn't register because he was lost staring at her.

He never knew he could love someone so dearly, so much that even after so long, he could not even bring himself to like another person.

He watched her date, one man, after another, and each time she left them, he wished she could see him, but she had always taken him as a friend, and that was all there was to it, for her.

It really hurt, but he had tried to live with it, he didn't know how wicked love was until he tried to stop loving her. It was just impossible.

It hurt so much that she didn't even see how much he loved her. Or rather, she did see, but she tried to ignore it because she didn't want him that way,

He wished he could summon up courage and tell her that he loved her, but he was afraid, afraid that he would lose his best friend if she didn't want him that way.

Leo took the glass of wine on his table and gulped it, as though reliving the pain building up in his throat.

Claire stepped out to the front porch; her eyes turned to the guard;

''Where is he? ''

She asked, trying to look less excited but her expression gave her away;

''He's in his car, Miss. ''

She nodded immediately and continued walking forward;

Her legs trembled when her eyes fell on the black Bugatti Centodieci sitting beside the water fountain; just at the same time, she saw someone step out of the car and turn to her.

She had never felt so many goosebumps on her skin from someone's gaze in her whole life; her legs shook, but she managed to push herself forward; until she was in front of him.

Nicklaus watched her for a while, as though in deep thought; after a very long moment of staring, he said;

''You look good. ''

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