His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 412

Chapter 412: End of You

Gwen needed to act fast, if she let Tiana go she would really destroy everything she had suffered to build, no… no,

Gwen thought and quickly ran out to chase after Tiana but when she came out of the restroom there was a crowd of people standing outside, and her feet stopped,

They were all staring at her in shock, Gwen frowned, she didn't know what was going on,

Her eyes looked at everyone standing in front of the bathroom, and they all had the same look,

Did they overhear their discussion?

No… no, no,

Gwen shook as she raised her hand, chuckling nervously,

"It's not what you think…"

She said, shaking her head, but the look on their faces showed that none of them believed her.

They stared at her unbelievably and quietly walked away.

Gwen grabbed her hair, as she hyperventilated,

This was not happening to her,


"Wait, please, you got it all wrong…" she said but no one wanted to listen, hot tears flowed from her eyes as she saw her career coming to an end before her very eyes.

"Let's go." Tiana said to her manager as she went back to the dressing room, without waiting for her reply she turned and walked out of the room.

In the van, no one spoke, Tiana stared outside, she didn't know that there were people outside the restroom, even though she wanted to expose Gwen she didn't want them to look at her with pity like they were doing now.

"Turn up the music;" Tiana said, trying to lighten the mood in the car, she didn't want to check the internet yet until after the interview.

The last thing she wanted was to drag Nicklaus into this but she didn't know what to do.

Her phone rang a few times, it was Claire and a few models she spoke with, Tiana sighed and turned off her phone, closing her eyes.

"We are here," Her manager said, waking her up.

Tiana opened her eyes and nodded, her makeup artists touched on her makeup before she alighted from the bus.

As she had expected the rumors had spread around, an incredible amount of reporters were waiting for her at the entrance, but the security made sure to take her in safely.

Tiana sat down, smiling brightly which was a contrast to as the interview started,

"How are you doing Tiana?"

The man asked and she smiled,

"I'm great, stronger than ever." josei

She said,

"We've been looking forward to this interview, we're happy that you finally decided to honor our request."

Tiana laughed " I was just taking my time to get better."

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