His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 414

Chapter 414: I'm pregnant

Tiana did the exact thing Nicklaus had pleaded with her not to do the instant he walked out the door. She had snuggled up in bed, her phone in her hands.

He did not let her go to her phone the previous day, so she had patiently waited for him to leave before she picked it up.

Many blogs had carried the news. Tiana saw a few posts about Gwen's company canceling her, and the commercials she was about to shoot dropping her.

Her image was more than just tarnished. It was better she had not known fame than to rise to the top and get dropped to the lowest of lows.

Tiana sighed. She wasn't happy about what was happening to her sister, but she couldn't do anything about that. Gwen had clearly made her choice. She had all the chances to apologize for everything she did, but she didn't. There was nothing she could do. It was too late.

Two weeks later,

Gwen took a drag of the cigarette stick in her hand. Her hair was messy and her eyes black, her lips chapped, and she looked like she was just let out of prison.

She was going through her phone. The news about her had died down slowly, but that didn't mean that everyone had forgotten. They were just waiting for her to come out of her hiding place so they would devour her with their hands.

She had locked up herself up in her house ever since the news broke out, not letting anyone in and not going out either.

She ordered a few things, but she had made sure no one saw her open the door.

Where would she go from here? She thought.

It was very hard to rise to fame but so easy to drop to the dumps. Gwen chuckled.

Tiana must be happy now. She had gotten what she wanted.

Everyone was against her. She couldn't even walk in public with her head high.

Gwen laughed derisively as tears dropped from her eyes. She didn't want to think of her predicament, but she couldn't escape it. No matter how much she denied it, she finally accepted that it was over for her.

Her eyes flickered over her followers which had dropped from over 5m to barely a 100k and still dropping by the minute and she laughed at her miserable self. She didn't even want to go to her comments, afraid of what she would see.

The smoke choked her, and she coughed briefly;

She had some money saved up. It would surely last her a year and enough to start over in another country. Where she would put all these behind and start a new life with another name. She had no future here. Everything she had worked for was gone, there was no need to stay.

Searching her sister's name, she saw her followers had risen by an extra 5m in just two weeks. Gwen scrolled down, and her throat tightened when she saw the happy pictures of Tiana and her husband.

She looked happy. Really happy.

Gwen sighed. Maybe things would have been different if she didn't become this greedy?

Maybe things would have been different if she had not wanted to beat her in everything.

She would have still been successful, maybe dating a rich celebrity. Yes, there was Stephen Ray. He was so in love with her back then. If only she had let go of her jealousy and envy, she wouldn't be where she was now.

Gwen sighed and took another drag, her eyes closed as she let the darkness overwhelm her.

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