His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 442  You're just being ignorant

Chapter 442  You're just being ignorant

442  You're just being ignorant

Ari's frown lessened when she read the message. It made sense, but the look on Melissa's face was not sweet or happy, her eyes were rather shooting daggers at her.

''best friends? Are you telling yourself lies or you're just being ignorant?''

Ari asked him;

''How?'' he texted back almost immediately;

''Well, it's obvious that she likes you. It is either that you're ignoring it, or just being intentionally blind to it. ''

Xavier did not reply immediately and Ari sent another message;

''I'm just saying because she saw me earlier and did not look at me nicely. I think she remembered me from that day in your office. And seeing that you're living opposite me, she would think there is something going on, even if there is clearly not.

 I do not want to come between you two, but most importantly; it is not my intention to make an enemy of an A-list celebrity or attract the wrath of her fans. ''

''You're not coming in between us. ''

''Melissa may not be seeing it that way. ''

Ari saw that Xavier had read the message but did not reply. She waited a while more and, seeing that he was not intending to reply, she went about her business for the day.

Xavier ate lunch quietly. His mind went over what Ari told him earlier that day. She was right. It was unfair to Melissa, keeping her around and making her catch feelings for him when he had no intentions of dating her. Not that he did not like her, he just didn't see himself being with her. She was a good friend who had been there for him when he needed a friend the most, but he didn't love her romantically.

Although she knew they were not exclusive, he needed to make it clear to her, so if by any chance she thought that one day they would date for real, she would dismiss such thoughts.

The problem now was how he was going to tell her without making her mad. He would have to choose a day when she was in a good mood. They both knew there was going to be an end to their relationship, and the sooner it happened, the better for them both.

It was a Wednesday afternoon. Melissa was surprised when she got a text from Xavier asking to see later in the evening if her schedule was free. She had asked him what was the event, and he had said it was just a simple date.

Melissa was excited. She did not want to overthink it, but there were only a few times he had asked her out on a date, so she couldn't help herself. She tried her best not to look extra, dressing in simple jeans and a shirt, with a long coat from Burberry.

She had covered her face with a face mask and goggles, but once they were sighted walking into the restaurant together, the paparazzi did what they knew best_ take a thousand pictures. josei

Xavier treated her to a good meal and gave her the diamond necklace he got her.

''Oh my…'' Melissa smiled in excitement as she opened the box. ''What is this for? ''

She asked as she stared at the shiny stone.

''Do you like it? '' he asked, and she nodded, a faint blush appearing on her chin.

Her mind went wild. They had been friends for years and this was the first time he had given her such an expensive gift over dinner. It felt special, and no matter how much she didn't want to overthink it, she found herself almost teary from excitement.

'Was he going to finally ask her to go out with him?; was that what this was for? '

'Did he finally realize he was in love with her?'

''I love it! Thank you so much.'' She said as she shifted her hair to the side;

''Help me put it on,'' she asked; Xavier hesitated a moment before he stood up and helped her with the necklace.

Melissa took a picture of her wearing it with a sweet smile.

''I love it. ''

Xavier had wanted to tell her over dinner, but he decided not to. He wasn't sure how she was going to react to it, and there were paparazzi outside. He didn't want them to take any pictures she wouldn't want.

After dinner, Xavier offered to drive her home;

''Let's go to your house. '' Melissa said as she got into the car, but Xavier shook his head.

''It's late, you need to rest. Some other time,'' he said as he drove out of the restaurant.

Melissa had been so busy gushing over the gift and the date that she had not noticed his expression.

It was when they were in the car that she inspected him and saw that he was not that excited.

She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but she decided against it. Her heart started beating fast, as it was dawned on her, she might have misinterpreted what the gift was for.

Did he want to break up with her?

Her hands clutched onto her phone, her eyes staring outside. At that moment, she wanted to disappear. In fact, she didn't want the gift again. The more silent the car got, the more she wished she didn't agree to the date.

Immediately he got to her house, she jumped out of the car,

''Goodnight, we'll talk over the phone. '' She said and turned to her door, wanting to flee.

''Melissa, we need to talk. '' Xavier said as he stepped out of the car, stopping her in her tracks.

''I'm not feeling well. Let's talk some other time,'' she said, not turning around. She was an excellent actress, but at that moment, she could not hold back her tears.

She knew this moment was going to come, but she had always wished he would fall in love with her. But it seemed it was all in her head.

''It will not take much of your time, Mel. ''


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