His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



When Wang Che left the Secret Realm, he felt conflicted. This feeling was unfamiliar because he always made the most logical decision based on benefits and drawbacks. However, in this situation, he was uncertain about the best decision.

His confliction came with the discovery that the girl that his good friend Qi Han was searching was not simple or available. It had not taken him much thought to conclude that Hu Lei was the woman that Qi Han had been thinking about since he had been rescued.

It was unlikely that there was another woman in Supreme City with yellow eyes and a highly athletic constitution. Wang Che tapped on the steering wheel rhythmically, as he considered what to do with the information.

The natural choice would be to tell Qi Han about it. It would fulfil his wish, and ultimately, it was his business, regardless of the results. However, with Zhong Feng in the picture, he felt that Qi Han's natural persistence could be harmful to all the parties involved.

Telling him about Hu Lei was essentially pitting Qi Han against Zhong Feng. He was likely to be hurt by his own one-sided interest. Judging from Hu Lei's attitude and Zhong Feng's overprotectiveness, their relationship was not bad. And it was definitely not one of simple benefits.

If he kept the information, at least Qi Han would have a beautiful memory if only for a little longer. He knew that he could not hide this matter forever. However, if he waited long enough, perhaps Qi Han would not be too obsessed about the 'angel'.

These thoughts kept turning round and round in his head. As sunk deeper into the quandary, his phone rang. He picked the call immediately in an attempt to distract himself.

"Wang Che, how could you disappear like that? You are not planning on fleeing the country and reneging on your promise, are you?" a lightly accented voice whined through the phone.

Wang Che smiled a little at these dramatic words.

"What if I am planning on fleeing? What can you do?" He responded, feeling his mind's cogs which had been working earlier begin to cool down.

He liked bullying this man when he had a chance because he was like pure snow. He was not calculating, his emotions were always on his face and he usually spoke without thinking. It was completely opposite of him and other businessmen in Supreme.

"He-he… I will just let the winner come directly to you. You know that he decided to give it to his girlfriend as a plaything so that she can learn how to drive. He would be very dissatisfied if the promise is broken." The words were spoken with the glee of a cartoon villain.

Wang Che lips finally formed a real smile that reached his eyes, very unlike his usual polite one.

"It seems like little Shun is learning." He teased.

On the other end of the line, Furukawa Shun bristled in dissatisfaction. He looked like a little dog whose tail had been stepped on. He hated being called little Shun the most. It brought back the trauma of being a child with older brothers and overly pampering parents.

"Don't call me little Shun!" He barked out.

Wang Che felt refreshed when Shun lost his earlier smugness. It could be said that he considered Shun to be a fun and stress-relieving toy. He did not treat him with distant politeness. Instead, he thought of him as a small pet. He bullied and spoiled as he liked.

"But little Shun is little Shun." He laughed.

"I am going to hang up now." The angry small animal huffed.

"Wait, I have a question for you."

"Why should I answer your questions?"

"Are you going to discard your event sponsor just like that without thinking about our close ties?" The voice was soft, but the sound was full of evil intentions.

Shun felt a shiver go through his body. He did not know why Wang Che scared him. After all, this man was considered to be a prince. It was also a strange kind of fear. When he was near him, he felt like his entire being was on the edge, and he had to constantly keep his guard up.

"Fine, I will answer your question."

"If your friend fell in love at first sight with a certain girl but the girl already had a boyfriend, what would you do?" Wang Che felt that this type of matter should be resolved by someone whose heart was open and unclouded by calculations.

"I would make my friend give up immediately." There was no hesitation.

"Oooh… I thought you would say that they should fight for their love." Wang Che was surprised.

Actually, Furukawa Shun had that mentality of fighting for love. He was the type of stupid person who would root for those annoying girls in anime who nagged and annoyed the protagonist to death with their unwanted love. He would encourage them from the depths of his heart.

However, when Wang Che asked the question, his mind operated at maximum speed. He thought about the events of the day and came to one conclusion. This evil man had fallen in love with Hu Lei at first sight and wanted to fight his hero for the girl.

Zhong Feng had found a wife after a hard struggle. How could he allow this type of person to come in between them?

"There is no need to fight for love that belongs to someone else. Anyone who destroys happy couples should be sent to the deepest levels of hell." Shun declared vehemently.

"How would you make a person give up?"

Shun considered the matter for a moment because he had not been prepared for this question. His eyes lit up after some thought.

"I would make them see how happy the couple is and help the third-party understand that there is no chance." The man felt pleased with his ingenuity.

"Are you sure that this is a viable solution?" Wang Che asked. He felt that there were too many loopholes in this method.

"Of course, it works." Shun paused. "You know that it is not good to break up people. If you do, someone else will break you up. You should just wait for the right person for you." He advised in a sage-like tone.

Wang Che felt amused by the assumption made by the little idiot. He could already see what he was thinking. He obviously thought the 'friend' was a cover for himself.

"Is little Shun jealous?"

Shun immediately felt angry about the implication. However, there was also an uncomfortable feeling that he could not understand. It made him even more dissatisfied with Wang Che. josei

"Who would be jealous?" He said impulsively and disconnected the call immediately with annoyance.

Wang Che placed his phone beside him with an unfathomable look in his eyes.

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