His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



"We are back with the cast of the upcoming moving The Queen of the Apocalypse. If you have not read the book, get your copy as soon as possible. The movie will be out in no time." The host turned to Wang Yue. "What was the most interesting part of being the Queen?"

Wang Yue smiled beautifully. "I got to learn a lot of fighting. It was challenging, but I also feel great because I did all of my own stunts."

The applause from the audience was thunderous.

"You must be very confident in your strength then?" There was a sneaky look on the host's face.

"I am not a master, but I have been practicing since I got the role." There was obvious pride in her voice.

"What about you, Little Ninja Cat? Did the Queen inspire you to learn martial arts?"

Hu Lei smiled. "I only know the basics in self-defence."

"Let us turn away from the ladies. Dai Li, how do you feel about the Doctor/Queen CP? Clearly, you were supposed to be the Queen's love interest."

Even though TQA was not a romance book, there was ambiguity in the relationship between his character and the Queen because they had been warriors together, surviving and supporting each other. However, people always wanted a more exciting match when forming CPs.

"I am hurt. I am obviously more handsome." The audience laughed at his mock sad face.

"I agree. He is the better choice." Ben Gong Hai added.

He did not want to form a CP with Wang Yue. He resisted his need to look at Hu Lei because he knew that some crazy fans would analyse all the micro expressions later. But he knew in his heart who he wanted to be in a CP with.

"I am sorry. I don't want to be in a CP with you." Dai Li faced with a completely serious expression Ben Gong Hai and put his hand over his shoulder.

There was laughter as Ben Gong Hai slapped away the hand lightly from his shoulder. The little interaction led to the spread of a new TQA couple pairing by some crazy fujoshis. Later, Ben Gong Hai wanted to cry because he now had two CPs, and none of them was the one he wanted.

On the side, Wang Yue felt angry because she knew that Ben Gong Hai did not really want to be linked to her. But she was also happy because there was no mention of Hu Lei. As long as the public opinion leaned towards them, there was always a way to make her dreams a reality. As for Dai Li, she did not care about it because it was just wild imagination encouraged to increase popularity.

The rest of the interview went on without a hitch until the final section of the show. During the last break, the Next Moment crew set up a mat on the open floor of show, Wang Yue and Hu Lei were ushered to the changing room.

"For the last section of the show, you will do a small mock fight together to promote the movie. It is a special surprise for the audience. I am sorry. I was not informed until a few minutes ago." Rong Fe explained apologetically.

"Why me? I am not a member of the cast." Hu Lei asked even though she was already dressed in the sports clothing.

"I am also not sure. But I understand that the instructions were from above the producer." Rong Fe frowned. She also did not know what was going on.

"It's alright, Hu Lei. I will go easy on you." Wang Yue smiled.

Hu Lei wanted to roll her eyes, but she smiled at the duplicitous woman. She was obviously not that kind. The twinkle in her eyes betrayed her true thoughts.

"For our final surprise, Little Ninja Cat will be fending off the Queen in a small match to give you a glimpse of the fighting strength of these two beautiful women." The host declared with excitement.

Hu Lei and Wang Yue found themselves facing off on the mat with Bo staffs in their hands. Wang Yue did not hesitate to turn the staff in a dramatic fashion before executing a twirl and pointing at Hu Lei with the staff in challenge.

The audience was impressed, but Hu Lei could not help thinking about the wasted energy. In a fight, one could not afford to spend their precious energy on unnecessary movement. But again, this was show business. It was all about flair.

Therefore, when Wang Yue attacked Hu Lei, she parried the movement gently without exerting much strength. Wang Yue repeated the movement, but it was once again countered. She feinted to the left and then attacked on the right with a jab.

Hu Lei did not raise her staff once again, and Wang Yue could taste victory. However, the shorter woman stepped to the side with ease and avoided the attack as if it meant nothing. Then, Hu Lei twirled her staff in a manner more flamboyant than Wang Yue before counterattacking. If her teacher saw her, he would never forgive her for being a showman.

Then, she counterattacked with the gentleness of water. Her movements were swift, but light. They allowed Wang Yue to defend herself while giving her a lot of pressure. To Hu Lei, it was a child's game. She did not put much importance in this little show. josei

Finally, she seemed to trip herself, allowing Wang Yue to put her staff to her neck. Hu Lei smiled at Wang Yue, and the other woman knew that she had definitely let her win. Though this was the case, it did not stem from fear or respect for the petty actress. It is just that Hu Lei felt that it would be a shame if her Queen lost before the movie premiere.

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