His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 220 - IS IT TRUE?

Chapter 220 - IS IT TRUE?

When Hu Lei arrived at the restaurant, she was led into a private dining room by Qi Han's assistant. Her mood was not good, but she was still calm. She knew that getting angry and crazy would not help her when negotiating with Lu Liang.

"Hu Lei, I am glad you could make it." Qi Han greeted, standing to welcome her.

She glanced at the enthusiastic man before turning to the other woman in the room. Lu Liang was dressed in a beautiful patterned yellow dress, and her neck and ears were adorned with good jewellery. It was clear that she was not struggling.

Lu Liang smiled at her in a disarming manner. "Please sit down, Hu Lei. We have much to discuss."

Hu Lei did not hesitate. She sat down opposite her in the chair that Qi Han had been formally occupying. The man felt pleased when he saw Hu Lei cooperating. He had been a little worried when he had come up with the plan.

But now, when he saw the two people, who had similar facial features, facing each other, he felt that he had accomplished something. If they reconciled, he would always be the one who had brought them together. He would always be in their life. After all, even Zhong Feng had not managed to help the two people reconcile.

He needed to reward that Murong Yue for her help.

"Would you like some food, ladies?" He asked.

"No." the two of women responded at the same time.

Electricity cackled as they stared at each other, each attempting to figure out how to get what they wanted.

"Mr Qi, can you leave us?" Hu Lei asked without looking at him.

"No, I would like him to stay. After all, he worked hard to set up this meeting." Lu Liang smiled in a challenging manner.

"Oh, is that so?" Hu Lei asked with obvious sarcasm.

"You know, this is a very nice man, Hu Lei. He is only thinking about you." The voice was filled with motherly admonishment.

Hu Lei decided not to let Lu Liang lead her by the nose. "Alright, he can stay. Now, you know what I want. What do you want?"

"Come on, dear. Don't be so crass."

"Lu Liang, I do not have time to participate in your little play. I have known about Murong Fai for a while, but I thought that you would not treat him too poorly as long as you had an image to protect. Now that things have fallen apart, I would like to have him in my care. It is obvious that you do not care."

Lu Liang glanced at Qi Han and found that he was frowning. "How can you say that? He is my son, and I have always taken care of him. How dare you suggest otherwise?"

Hu Lei laughed harshly. "Really? Is that why you left him with the Murong family elder when your marriage ended? Is that why you never visit him in the hospital? Is that why he has had depression in spite of living in the affluent Murong mansion?"

Qi Han was surprised. "Is this true?" He asked in shock.

Hu Lei looked at him. "If you are going to stay here, you need to be silent."

There was awkward silence for a time as she waited for her mother to respond.

"Hu Lei, you have never made an effort to understand my struggles." Lu Liang said in a shaky voice.

"Then, tell me about these struggles." There was a hint of irony.

"Why are you being like this? I am your mother." Her eyes seemed to water.

"It is because I know that you gave birth to me that I am taking time to negotiate with you. Believe me, when I say that I have easier and more effective ways to get rid of you and take Fai." The ice in her voice betrayed that she meant it.

Qi Han had an idea about what she meant. He wanted to speak up, but he was quickly realising that things were not as he had imagined. Interrupting them would probably just anger Hu Lei. And he wanted this to be the first of their many meetings. josei

On the other hand, Lu Liang did not know why she felt fear as she looked at her daughter. Those feline-like orbs seemed to pierce into her, causing a cold shiver to crawl up her spine. It felt more intense than when she was a child. And Hu Lei had always scared her, especially after she had been rescued from those kidnappers.

Still, she could not let Hu Le have the upper hand in their negotiations. With that thought, she put away her false heart-broken motherly demeanour. She did not care if Qi Han was in the room anymore. "You have no right to judge me, Hu Lei. Your father was not a good man. And don't think for a moment that he ever loved you. You were just another little experiment to him." She paused and laughed. "But I bet that you already know that. He gave you those pretty eyes, didn't he?"

The mocking voice pierced through Hu Lei churned that hidden darkness, pushing away the light. Her eyes became darker, murky. She fought the fog. "Don't talk about my father."

But Lu Liang just smiled. She had found the weakness that she could exploit. "Why else would he not value your little brother? He did not care about him at all. He could have treated him, and the boy would have had a normal life. I told your father about him." She paused and looked at her then laughed. "Oh my goodness, you know that he knew. You might be more like you father than I thought."

Hu Lei felt her body getting out of control as her instincts which were held back in that darkness overwhelmed her. She stood up suddenly, causing her chair to fall back. Her hand slammed on the thick wooden table, causing it to splinter right in the middle.

Lu Liang froze in horror while Qi Han stood and stepped aside.

"I am not going to ask again, Lu Liang. What do you want?" Hu Lei spoke in a tone that seemed to hypnotise and horrify.

The older woman did not dare play more games. It was as if the monster that she had always imagined her daughter to be had come to life.

"I want the house, our old house." She breathed out in a shaky voice.

"Very well, you can have that haunted place. Let us meet there tomorrow in the afternoon. I already have Fai, just bring the paperwork." Hu Lei stood up.

She looked at Qi Han. "Your debt with me is clear. Do not interfere with my life in the future, or I will not be polite."

With that, she left.

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