His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



The two people looked at the gleeful but annoying handsome face of the intruder. Zhong Feng had a look of anger and distrust as he faced the man he believed was his greatest enemy. The one who could rob him of the happiness that he had finally grasped…

Zhong Feng had reason for his caution.

The Shadow Brotherhood was known to be ruthless but effective. They had never taken a job which they had not completed. It was the reason he had always been worried about them since the moment they had appeared in Supreme City.

He believed that he could deal with most mercenaries, but the Shadow Brotherhood was different. It had enough power to act without reservations. He did not know how to protect his beloved wife against these people who could not be swayed by simple materialism.

His concern and fear for Hu Lei made him miss the implications of the words that the smug and happy Kaito had spoken.

Hu Lei felt exasperated by the stupid man who had appeared at their home without invitation or warning. She should have expected that he would pull something like this after meeting him that time. He was probably miffed because he had to help her without benefits. And now, he was taking his revenge.

He had always been a petty man.

She looked at her husband and felt a headache coming on. Clearly, he recognised Kaito for who he was and considered him an enemy. It would be difficult to restore civility.

She cautiously pulled on the free hand which had pushed her behind him.

"Ah-Feng, it's ok." She spoke softly.

"Do you know who he is?" He sounded angry, and his weapon did not shake as he faced the still gleeful intruder.

"Of course, she knows me." Kaito responded with a laugh. "We are what you would call childhood sweethearts."

Zhong Feng frowned a little, uncertain about how to react.

"We have even shared a bed. We have always been that close." Kaito winked lasciviously at Hu Lei who had just stepped out from behind Zhong Feng.

The confused husband wavered and looked at his wife with a strange look on his face. There was a hint of childish accusation and worry.

Hu Lei's face darkened in anger as she looked at Kaito. "What do you mean we are close and shared a bed? Hiding under my bed and stabbing me from beneath does not count as sharing a bed, you idiot!"

She turned to Zhong Feng. "Don't listen to this fool, Ah-Feng. He has always had a sick head. We are not close. Our relationship is that of many attempted childhood assassinations."

Her eyes looked with a glint of evil darkness at Kaito. Even with her pink hair and outfit, there was a chilling quality.

Zhong Feng looked between them and lowered his gun. However, he could not help still feeling that the two people had a close relationship. It made him feel a little insecure.

Kaito was a keen man with an eagle like eye, and he was like a bloodhound when it came to detecting other people's weaknesses. He could immediately see an opening with Zhong Feng.

"Do not worry, brother-in-law." He spoke with feigned magnanimity. "Even though my junior sister here has those kind of thoughts towards me, I am not interested."

Hu Lei's face became darker. With fast movements, she took out a butterfly knife and threw it with accuracy at Kaito's head.

Not expecting that Hu Lei would show her savage side before her husband, Kaito did not have the time to dodge elegantly. In a panic, he evaded the weapon hurriedly and tripped over a footstool before falling down on the plush rug beneath his feet.

With that, he lost his graceful and perfect image. Hu Lei looked at him sitting on the floor with a shocked expression and laughed out loud.

She turned to Zhong Feng and pulled his arm. "Baby, let's go take a shower. I'll wash off the gel from your hair before it causes any damage."

Zhong Feng looked at Kaito before saying 'ok' obediently.

As he watched them walk away, Kaito felt that he had lost his image as a suave senior brother.

He was supposed to be cool so that Zhong Feng would feel threatened. Then, the man would have to treat Hu Lei better because he would be afraid of the great senior brother stealing away the treasured beauty.

He remained on the floor looking at the knife embedded on a wall, feeling that it was his greatest enemy.

While he was contemplating his life, his phone rang. He took it out and stood up quickly before answering.

"Teacher, is something the matter?"

An aged but vigorous voice came through. "I heard from the others that you went to see my little student. How is she?"

Kaito felt aggrieved. "Why don't you ever want to check up on me? Even when I was injured, you did not call me even once."

"Who do you think you are? Do you deserve my concern? Do you assume I don't hear about your antics from my other students? You should be asking me how I am doing? You do not even bother to send a bottle of good quality sake to me."

The chiding voice went on and on, complaining and pointing out every mistake.

Kaito regretted his earlier words because he suddenly remembered why he did not call their teacher. He was long-winded and a total nag. He did not have the mystery and grace of a ninpo teacher.

"Now, tell me about little Hu Lei? Is she well? I hear there is some trouble."

"Do you need to worry about her issues?" Kaito was annoyed by the nagging. "She is as aggressive as ever, and I am here to help out. And even if things go wrong, her husband is not an herbivore."

"WHAT? My little Hu Lei is married? Who is the shameless b*stard who has dared kidnap my student? I will find him right away! He will curse the day-"

"Teacher, there is an emergency. I have to go. Bye."

Kaito hung up immediately and breathed in relief. josei

That old man could annoy anyone to death. For a moment, he wondered if he would make good on his threat to come to Supreme City. After a moment, he shrugged carelessly. The relic rarely left the mountains. It was highly unlikely that he would come.

And if he did…

It would be Hu Lei's problem.

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