His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



The reporters and the photographers were frozen as they looked at Zhong Feng and Hu Lei. The situation was not something that they had expected.

At that moment, they did not care about Zhong Mian and her boyfriend. They were too overwhelmed by the fact that Zhong Feng had come to the banquet with a woman.

As far as anyone knew, Zhong Feng had never brought anyone as a partner for any event, even a casual party. He would often come alone, or he would be followed by his assistant.

Moreover, the significance of bringing the woman to the company party was not small. This meant that he was serious about her. He was not playing around.

"Wasn't Song Lili the rumoured girlfriend?" One person asked in a low voice.

"I also heard about it. She was given the best resources when she joined the entertainment industry. According to some insiders, it is Madam Zhong who helped her sign a contract." Someone responded.

"I feel like I have seen her somewhere before." Another person said in deep contemplation.

"Are you thinking of hitting on the young master's woman?" The second person teased him.

The man glared before turning back to the red carpet.

The reporters recovered from the astonishment of the appearance of the young master. Then, they realised that they were wasting a good opportunity and quickly started taking photos and sending messages to their colleagues.

Normally, they would be too scared to take photos of Zhong Feng openly.

However, they had been allowed for the event, so they could act without fear.

A hint of a smile appeared on Zhong Feng's face. He wanted to see photos of himself and Hu Lei everywhere.

When they reached in front of the reporters, Zhong Feng stopped. Hu Lei looked up at him in surprise. There was some silence for a while before Hu Lei realised that he was stopping so that the reporters could ask questions.

Unfortunately, he had always been a little hostile to reporters and paparazzi, so they were too scared to speak.

Hu Lei smiled at the group in hinting encouragement.

One of the reporters gained some courage and spoke out. "Mr Zhong, who is your companion today?"

Zhong Feng smiled and placed a hand over Hu Lei's hand at the crook of his elbow. He looked directly at the camera belonging to the man who was brave enough to ask the question.

"This is my wife, Hu Lei." He declared.

There was shell-shocked silence at the statement. They could not believe that Zhong Feng had responded to the question. Moreover, he had called the woman his wife.

Had the world gone crazy?

"Congratulations, Mr Zhong." The brave reporter flattered with a smile. "When did you tie the knot?"

"Quite some time ago. We will be holding a wedding soon." The pride in Zhong Feng could not be contained.

"Can I get an invitation?" The reporter pushed with a smile.

This young man had not been a reporter for long, so he did not have a lot of fear for Zhong Feng. Moreover, he had an optimistic personality which had allowed him to become a darling to everyone soon after joining his company.

Zhong Feng looked at the young man for a long moment before nodding. Then, he led Hu Lei into the hotel.

"I didn't know we were having a wedding soon." Hu Lei said while looking up at Zhong Feng.

"Of course, we are. If I do not act quickly, some people might have ideas about you." The man's face darkened at his imagination of people coming to hit on Hu Lei.

Hu Lei laughed. "You know we are already married. The wedding will be just a celebration. It makes no difference."

"Are you trying to escape responsibility after taking advantage of me?" Zhong Feng asked with a side glance.

Hu Lei felt choked up at the statement, but she could not find a response.

Outside, the reporters glared at the young man who had managed to talk to Zhong Feng and even get an invitation to what would possibly the most exclusive wedding in the country. josei

If they had known that Zhong Feng was in a good mood, they would not have allowed a greenhorn to steal the opportunity from them.

The young man looked back at them with a smug smile before sending a message to his editor so that they could write an article and update the news immediately.

The information sent in was concise and included a piece of information that the reporters had not yet figured out: the identity of Zhong Feng's wife.

These reporters were not bad at their jobs. However, the news companies had sent in their most reputable and mature reporters to the Zhong Industries party to avoid mistakes. These reporters mostly focused on business news.

They had no interest in something so plebeian like entertainment gossip. So, they had not watched any of the TV shows that Hu Lei had appeared in when promoting The Queen of the Apocalypse.

However, the young man was still in his excitable age where he would read web novels and watch commercial movies, so he had recognised Hu Lei as Little Ninja Cat immediately.

About thirty minutes later, most of the reporters cursed when they looked at the information which had been posted online by that company.

Most of their companies had also written a short report about Zhong Feng having a wife and promised more information soon. The general topics were all in the direction of 'who was this mysterious wife?'.

The assumption was that she was the daughter of one of the aristocratic families in Supreme City.

However, the young man's company had a detailed discussion of Hu Lei's public identity.

The older reporters looked at him with deadly eyes because they felt stupid for trying to sensationalise Hu Lei's mysteriousness.

The young man looked at them without a hint of discomfort. He was optimistic about life, not an idiot. He had not risen to great heights by giving out an exclusive scoop.

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