His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



Hu Lei heard the sound of the chopper outside and the corresponding alarm and looked at Dr Brown who seemed to have lost all hope of survival. Her wrists were bleeding, and her feet were bloody. The tendons in her limbs had been cut crudely, so it was inevitable for there to be bleeding.

"Looks like we are out of time, Dr Brown." Hu Lei stood up and walked to the laptop on the desk.

When she powered it in, she found that the system was locked. She was not a hacker, and her interest was not in the hidden information. Instead, she opened a command prompt interface just as Zhong Feng had shown her and sent a crude distress signal.

Zhong Feng would get a ping from his end.

In her head, she did not doubt that he was in a chopper looking for her. The certainty made her feel immense guilt at her actions. She should have reached out immediately instead of wasting time on Harriet Brown.

However, when she thought of all the pain that the woman had caused her and Zhong Feng, and the possibly thousands of lives she had destroyed, she felt like she had done the best morally questionable thing.

As she walked back to Dr Brown, a person knocked on the door. The sound was somewhat muted, perhaps due to a thick door. However, Hu Lei could still hear it. josei

She did not mind.

"We probably still have a couple of minutes. I will give you a chance to say something. If it pleases me, I might be inclined to not end it all. After all, your death is the only assurance I have of uninterrupted peace."

She bent over Dr Brown and pulled out the cloth stuffed in her mouth. She realigned her jaw, and it clicked in place. Unfortunately for her, she was too disoriented and weak to scream.

Still, the knocks on the door became more urgent before stopping.

"Please, I have a daughter." She finally managed to speak out the words with a lot of pain.

Hu Lei's eyes narrowed and her lips pressed together in irritation.

"Please, I am all she has. You cannot let her become an orphan right?" She pleaded.

"What is her name?" Hu Lei asked.

"Yamazaki Akira. She is the most important thing in the world to me." Dr Brown spoke softly with gasping breaths.

A thump on the door indicated that the soldiers outside were trying to break into the office. The lifeless eyes of Harriet Brown brightened a little with malicious intent.

Hu Lei's lips stretched into a smile. "You have lost your chance at survival."

"Why? I am telling the truth." The woman was in imaginable pain, but she could not allow herself to faint before she saw the little b*tch captured.

"Perhaps what you have said is true. But you have no motherly affection towards this daughter." Hu Lei smiled, but her eyes were cold. "If you cared about this child, you would not share information with someone who hates you and just tortured you."

Dr Brown's heart leapt at the thought. She should have considered what Helen would have done. But she was just grasping at straws.

"I just want to live. You know survival instincts…" She started.

"Still thinking like a scientist." Hu Lei's eyes narrowed again.

There was something fishy about this matter. It sounded like part of what the woman was saying was true, but she could not tell what.

Regrettably, she did not have a chance to question her further because the door cracked a little. Once again, Hu Lei dislocated the woman's jaw, and this time, she screamed like a ghost remembering its death.

With that, Hu Lei hid away in the small office, becoming almost imperceptible.

The door burst open and five of the men in black military wear stepped into the office. Their eyes were immediately drawn to the woman on the floor between a small coffee table and the couch.

Two of the men rushed to check on the damaged Dr Brown while the other two looked around to find the culprit. As for the third man, he lifted his gun and shot four times, each hitting his companions in the middle of the head.

Hu Lei watched from behind the anatomical mannequin. If she was not skilled in concealment arts and had a strong mentality, she might have been discovered.

The man who had shot his companions walked to Dr Helen with measured steps, gun still in hand. The woman made garbled noises as she tried to talk and find out what had caused this scene and why.

"Did you say anything to her?" The man spoke.

Hu Lei's eyes widened a little.

She knew that voice. It was Frank. She had yet to see him. He was probably the one who had injected her with the drugs in the hotel. She had met the one pretending to be a bellboy and the one who had shot her with the Taser.

Since the other person was the driver, it could only be Frank.

But the real question was why he had shot his compatriots. Hu Lei could only keep watching silently.

Dr Brown shook her head fervently while still making the noises. She could see that the situation was not turning in her favour even after shaking her head. Therefore, she tried to indicate in the general direction where Hu Lei had hidden, even though she could not see.

As for pointing, that was impossible. Her arms were now useless appendages hanging from her shoulders.

"That would be best," Frank said. "The people above know what kind of psychopathic b*tch you are. Now that we are under attack, they know that you will sell them out without a second thought for next to nothing."

Dr Brown tried to shake her head again.

Frank tapped on the smartwatch around his left wrist with his trigger finger. He lifted the watch to his mouth,

"Initiate the Apocalypse Protocol." He spoke. "Don't blame me, Dr Brown. I am just looking for a little excitement in this drab life."

He lifted his gun and pulled the trigger.

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