His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 285 - A NORMAL GIRL

Chapter 285 - A NORMAL GIRL

After talking for a few more minutes, the crowd of people disappeared one by one after promising that they would come for the after-party.

Even though they all seemed like low-key individuals as they were quarrelled by the old man, each of them was powerful in their own right. Their presence in Supreme City would attract too much-unwanted attention.

Therefore, they could only wait until the most important military, political and business figures left the wedding venue before showing up for the event. Otherwise, trouble might find them.

At last, only Kaito was left in the Area 99 villa.

While he was also an important figure, possibly the most important among them, his identity and information were regulated strongly by a lot of government agencies because he was deemed too dangerous.

Not everyone could access even his photo or name.

After all, if people knew his identity, there would be a lot of public unrest. josei

In essence, e enjoyed the privilege of being a feared assassin without the stigma of a major criminal. Of course, when he was in public, there was always at least one international government agency with their eyes on him.

As for arresting him, no one dared.

Even if by some miracle someone found some evidence, no one would still make a real move against him, except perhaps a young and foolish person like Kristian Larsen. And even then, he would probably be released immediately.

A lot of governments and major organisations considered Kaito and his Shadow Brotherhood a necessary evil in the world.

Numerous legal agencies had hired Kaito for an impossible job during political unrest or attacks.

If someone arrested him, there would be certain pushback.

So, he could attend the wedding of the century without fear.

The dangerous man looked at Hu Lei in her embroidered red dress and smiled.

"My little junior sister, your beauty is enough to bring down kingdoms." He complimented with a hand on his chin.

Hu Lei smiled with pride. She had not allowed anyone else to be involved in the creation of her dress. She had come up with the design herself. So, she was pleased with the compliment.

Moreover, she valued Kaito's praise because she felt it was honest.

She and Kaito had a good relationship because their personalities flowed together well. They had a sibling rivalry relationship. In any case, though he was annoying, he had no hidden intentions towards her.

Hu Lei turned her mind from the compliment and focused on the main issue.

"How did the investigation go? What did you find out?" She asked with anticipation.

Kaito frowned before speaking.

"Yamazaki Akira seems like a normal girl. She attended school in mid-class Tokyo neighbourhoods and has worked in a couple of restaurants. Nothing eventful has happened in her life. At least, until lately." He said.

"So, she is a real person, and you have confirmed she is related to Harriet Brown?" Hu Lei asked.

"I think there is something fishy. Based on what I found out, she was kidnapped as a child from the Yamazaki family. I presume, by Harriet Brown. But it seems that she used to live with a Helen Brown who worked as a general manager in an international company." Kaito frowned deeper.

"There is no direct information about what happened to her after that. But based on what you have said, Helen Brown was in Antarctica for multiple years, so there is no way her life could be as normal as it seems on the surface."

"You think that the information is false." Hu Lei understood his meaning.

"I am not sure. The strangest thing is that the Yamazaki family has just found out about her. They are bringing her home. They are quite affluent and influential. If they were looking for her that whole time and the information found is true, they would have found her a long time ago." He narrowed his eyes.

Hu Lei sighed.

She could see that there was something strange about the situation, but she also did not want to dig too much. This Akira had not hurt her, and she was a victim of Harriet Brown, even to the last moment.

She felt there was something strange about the way Dr Brown had mentioned the girl.

If she kept digging into it, she might inadvertently help that evil woman.

There was no need to keep investigating. The woman was dead, and the International Health Alliance was caught up in a messy legal battle for crimes against humanity.

There was no need to involve this girl in the issues of her past.

It was better to live and let live.

Of course, if someone came after her again, she would be prepared to fight them to death.

Her mind drifted to Frank. He had disappeared by the time the soldiers found the office full of dead bodies. He was like a phantom.

She would not be caught unprepared again, but she would also not destroy a girl's life to satisfy her curiosity or ego.

It was her wedding day.

Accumulating good karma was more important.

"Stop the investigation. Even though there is something strange, she deserves peace after going through the ordeal with Dr Brown." She finally said.

"Alright," Kaito said flippantly.

The handsome man smiled with a strange look in his eyes. There was a hint of something deep and hidden in them.

Hu Lei had seen that look before. It was the look that Kaito had when he found an interesting thing. He would always unravel the mystery behind his interest and then, destroy his target.

"Kaito, I am serious." She warned with an intense look.

"Don't be so threatening on your wedding day. Be a little cuter." Kaito laughed boisterously, ignoring Hu Lei's words.

"Kaito-" Hu Lei started again.

"Today is your happy day," He interrupted her. "And I am your bridesmaid. We shall make it impossible for Zhong Feng to get you out of this house. I had someone send me a Carolina Reaper pepper for the wedding door games."

Hu Lei was exasperated with him, but she knew that the people in the villa would be waking up soon. She could do nothing about Kaito, especially when he was being stubborn.

For now, she would just light a candle in her heart for Yamazaki Akira.

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