His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 287 - PROLOGUE

Chapter 287 - PROLOGUE

The old castle in the mountains always felt eerie to Frank.

The cold grey stones, the towering gargoyles and the flickering yellow light seemed to hold dark secrets and conceal real monsters in their shadows. Moreover, he had a feeling that someone was watching him every time he came there.

Still, he did not hesitate as he walked to the large door.

He lifted the cobra knocker and tapped on the hardwood before stepping back. His working eye swept over his surroundings as he waited. He could not deny that despite the eldritch atmosphere, the castle was not without charm.

The castle was covered in creeping ivy and the gardens were blooming with beautiful flowers. The scent of roses joined the crickets in the darkening dusk to create a unique symphony that tickled the senses.

However, Frank could not focus on the appeal due to his nervousness.

After waiting for a few minutes, the heavy door opened.

With such an old house, one would expect a squealing squeak as the heavy wooden door opened. However, the movement was completely soundless. It was almost as if the simple was powered by powerful hydraulics.

"Master is waiting." An old woman in a long black dress spoke while ushering Frank in.

"Thank you," Frank said without looking directly at the woman.

He could feel her cold and clouded eyes resting on him as he walked away. If he was asked about his thoughts on the appearance of a real witch, he would describe this old woman.

Of course, he was not afraid of her.

He could kill her in a fraction of a second if the moment called for it.

However, he did not like the thought of being followed by strange eyes. But again, he could do nothing about her evil stare. He could not risk offending anyone in the strange castle.

After all, the only person he feared lived in it.

He walked with hurried steps to an office in the deep part of the house. Once again, he knocked and waited until he heard acquiescence to enter.

He stepped in with a hint of hesitation before closing the door.

"It has been a while, Frank. How have you been?" The man in the room spoke in a gentle voice that betrayed no negative emotions.

However, Frank felt a chill in his bones.

"Master, I have failed you." He bowed his head with contriteness.

The other man laughed lightly as he swirled red wine in a crystal glass.

"You are thinking too much. The genetic research program was doomed from the beginning. I have already reviewed the data several times. It was not going to help me accomplish my goals." The man said with a strange voice.

His eyes drifted to the window with a faraway look.

"Of course, I was hopeful when I heard about Hu Lei. She is quite remarkable. It's a shame that I did not find her sooner. She could have been a valuable asset. Based on the data I acquired, she is capable of so much more. Truly a shame." He said wistfully.

Frank remembered the girl he had fought. He had to admit that she was strong. Plus, if she was one of the lab subjects, it meant that she had survived what others could not.

"Master, we can still capture her. If she is of use to you, I will find a way." Frank said earnestly.

The man's cold eyes rested on him, and he felt like he had been plunged into a sea of ice. It was not a mere oppressive pressure due to his aura. It was a real sensation of ice in his body. It robbed him of his ability to breathe for a while.

The reason he feared this man was because he did not fathom his true means or ways.

Through his travels, he had seen a lot of mysterious things which could not be explained through normal laws. However, he felt that this man went beyond extraordinary and supernatural.

He was inhuman.

The man looked away, and his body began to become warm again.

"There is no need to go through the trouble. With the mess on that ship, it would be useless to try and capture her. If you had managed to take her away then, it would be a different story." He said nonchalantly.

"Master, I am-," Frank began again.

"She is not useful for now. I have learned enough about her from her lab results. In any case, she and Zhong Feng will be more cautious than ever. It will be difficult to get close to them. We cannot afford exposure, Frank. Do you understand?" The chill returned to Frank's body.

"I understand, Master." He paused for a moment. "What about those geezers from the International Health Alliance?"

The man smiled and looked at the wine in his glass.

"Let them take the heat. Since you destroyed all the data, they should manage to get away without consequences. If any of them attempts to betray me, eliminate them all." The man's red eyes glowed a little.

Frank shivered a bit, but he also felt excited. josei

He had not lied to his companion or Hu Lei. He liked excitement, the thrill of adrenaline.

It was the reason he kept working for the temperamental man who could kill him without thinking twice.

It made him feel alive.

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