His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 289 - PINK UMBRELLA

Chapter 289 - PINK UMBRELLA

A beautiful young woman stepped out of the train while dragging out a small pink suitcase behind her. She was one of the few passengers arriving in Mountain Ridge. She stood out because she wore bright clothes while everyone had drab shades of grey.

Moreover, she had an umbrella while no one else did.

She looked irritated as she looked around the train station, but the irritation did not seem to make her adorable face look angry or mean. josei

Instead, it made one want to pitch her cheeks and ruffle her hair.

"Are you lost?" A middle-aged man approached her immediately.

The other men who had been about to come to her aid after seeing her confusion looked at him with anger. But they could only walk away after the opportunity was stolen.

"No." The young woman responded coldly.

"Don't be shy. Don't be shy. I know Mountain Ridge City like the back of my hand. I have a few thriving businesses here." The man laughed as he looked at the woman.

He could see that she was dressed in ordinary clothes, and she had come via a train. In Mountain Ridge City, that meant a person was poor.

This beautiful metropolis was like a haven for the affluent who did not like the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. Some people even chose to commute in an aeroplane so that they could live and enjoy the beauty of Mountain Ridge.

The reputation of the lavishness of the city had spread everywhere. As a result, young and beautiful women would come to the locale, looking for an opportunity to hook up with a rich man.

The middle-aged man guessed that the girl had come for that purpose, especially after seeing her looking around the train station with confusion.

He decided that if he played it right, he could have her before she realised that he was merely a small business manager.

He reached around her as if he wanted to help her out by taking her suitcase. However, his arm's trajectory seemed to be targeting her bottom. His expression was vulgar as his hand drew closer.

The woman's large eyes became cold. She lifted her small pink umbrella and tapped the man's knee with its pointy end without even looking behind her.

The middle-aged man did not understand what happened as he crumbled to the ground, trying to clutch his injured knee.

He could only watch as the young woman who seemed like an easy target walked away without even sparing him a glance.

Yamazaki Akira did not spare the old man another thought. The amount of pain in his legs would be excruciating and would last at least a week. It was enough to remind him that he should think before he acted.

Her phone pinged.

She saw the number that she remembered clearly, even though she had not saved it. She had not been communicating with the person for a long time, so she was not sure if she should save it.

She read the message and closed it without replying.

Before she could put away her phone, a call came through. She looked at the name on the screen, and another look of irritation appeared on her face.

"I can't believe you left. How could you just leave?" A loud female voice came through.

The person on the other end was true to the moniker that Akira had used to save her. She was a nag. And she could nag like it was an Olympic sport.

Akira wanted to hang up the phone, but she settled on holding it a little further from her ear.

"You do not know these people. Even if they are your biological parents, they could be bad people. Do you think you can survive in these rich families?" The woman continued. "These people are black-hearted."

Akira wanted to say something, but she had a feeling that the rant was not over.

"You do not need their money. Furthermore, they never found you over all these years even though you were in the country and using the same name." She continued.

Akira's lips pursed a bit because the words were not completely true. She had not used her real identity for a certain period of her life, and she had never allowed her parents a chance to find her until half a year ago.

The fact that they had not given up meant something. She thought they deserved a chance.

"Is there anything else?" She asked the other woman.

"Fine, fine. I won't nag anymore. Anyway, don't forget about work. You will probably be bored out of your mind. Mountain Ridge City is not like Tokyo. Only the rich live there, and they just have fun. It is not your scene." The woman responded.

"I won't be bored. I have opened a new restaurant here." Akira said.

"What? What about-?"

Akira disconnected the call before she could hear more nagging about how she should focus on one job. Her lips stretched into an involuntary smile when she thought about the expression that the woman was probably making.

It was always a pleasure to annoy her after she nagged relentlessly.

As she was going to put away her phone, it rang again.

That string of numbers appeared on her screen. She picked the call.

"I'll be there in a moment." She said.

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