His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



Makiko looked at Akira with flames in her eyes.

She had thought that the new child would be easy to handle, especially after hearing about that embarrassing incident in Saffron Garden.

All she needed to do was agitate her mother a little and exaggerate the occurrence. As long as it seemed like Akira was bringing shame to the family name, her mother would be set against her.

However, it looked like she was not a soft one.

Still, a young girl without experience was nothing before her.

"You have opened my eyes, little girl." Makiko laughed. "I am merely trying to educate you and ensure that you are presentable, now that you have joined the family. Don't tell me you are willing to spend Yamazaki wealth on a crystal piano but unable to put a little effort by honouring your elders."

Makiko intended to shame Akira. Regardless of how thick a person's face was, it was embarrassing to be exposed as a money-grubbing hussy before everyone.

Furthermore, with the other family members in the room, the embarrassment would be doubled.

In addition to the shame, she wanted to inspire a feeling of jealousy in the rest of the family. Even though Daiki used his personal funds to spoil his daughter, it was too much money for other people to accept easily.

The jealousy might fester and rush out later, especially among Isami's children. She would prefer it if her brothers did not get along so well.

"But I did not use your money." Akira did not know why this aunt was so set on that piano.

As expected, that thing was too flashy. She looked at Hina who was sitting stiffly with some blame for accepting strange items.

Hina felt the gaze, but she pretended not to know anything. Her mind was running through her options for escape. She had only come to make her presence felt in Akira's new life. Who knew she would walk into a battle zone?

Perhaps, she should also take Akira with her as she escaped.

If these people knew that Akira was close to being a real national treasure, they would not act so unscrupulously.

"You cannot squander your father's money like this." Grandma Yamazaki was angered by Akira's attitude.

Makiko felt empowered by the support and looked at Akira superiorly.

"I didn't use his money either," Akira said.

Both the grandmother and Makiko turned their sharp eyes to Sayaka.

"Does my brother know you are wasting money like this?" Makiko asked, feeling a big pinch even though it was not her money.

She had received a lot of items when she got married from the Yamazaki family, and the Satou family was not poor. However, she could not afford a quarter of that grand piano without using most of her liquid funds.

"I will save you the time. I did not use anyone's money. The piano is mine." Akira felt like this conversation was wasting valuable seconds of her life.

Makiko laughed out aloud.

"What a joke! The next thing you will say is that you own a Stradivarius." She dabbed the corners of her eyes as she laughed.

"I do have one," Akira said.

She did not want to speak further to the woman, but she also did not want Makiko to have the last word.

Makiko became enraged again, but her mother looked at her with a sharp eye, preventing her from speaking.

Grandma Yamazaki could see that this granddaughter was stubborn and unwilling to give in even an inch. If Makiko kept arguing, she would become a joke for arguing with a child. Even though Akira was a young woman, she was still a generation below.

"Sayaka, I will not insist that you do not acknowledge this girl. However, since she wants to become part of the Yamazaki family, she should learn how to behave properly. If she boasts so nonsensically outside, people will think our family cannot teach our children." Grandma Yamazaki said.

Sayaka felt like her daughter was being misunderstood. Of course, she also thought Akira was being ridiculous for claiming to have a violin that cost over one billion yen. However, she had decided to trust and defend Akira.

"Mother, Akira is a good girl. Just because Makiko doesn't believe her doesn't mean that she is lying or talking nonsense." She said with forced courage.

She was used to accepting everything that her mother-in-law and sister-in-law said because they were always forceful. It was easier because she was not good at arguing.

But she wanted to change and become better for her daughter. She could not stand aside and allow her daughter to be bullied.

Makiko laughed again. "How is it not nonsense? Even if she has a violin, it is probably a cheap knock-off. Do you think Stradivarius pieces are like vegetables in a market? Can she even recognise one?"

Akira was gratified by her mother's defence. It did not matter if she truly believed what she had said, but the clear action of taking a stand put her in a rare good mood.

"And what will you do if I appear before you with one?" She asked Makiko.

Makiko laughed again. "I will apologise to you."

Akira frowned. "Your apology is completely worthless to me. I like things with value."

Grandma Yamazaki was displeased by the statement. She had always believed that talking about money was shameful, especially for girls. She turned to Sayaka again.

"Do you see what I mean? How can a young lady be so preoccupied with money that she forgets her manners? This attitude will shame our entire clan." She said.

"Mother, it is fine. She will not learn without understanding pain." Makiko spoke magnanimously. "What do you want?"

Naturally, Makiko expected her to ask for money.

"Since it is a bet on musical instruments, why don't you put your guqin on the line?" Seiji found an opportunity and spoke up.

"A guqin?" Akira asked with interest, her eyes lighting up a little. josei

Seiji was pleased because this showed he understood his sister.

"Aunt has an ancient guqin. She won it after performing in a major international music competition." Seiji added.

Akira finally understood why Makiko was so focused on that piano. She was a music lover. It was unfortunate that she was going to lose her precious guqin. However, this aunt would not learn without understanding pain.

"Very well. Let's face off during the flower viewing party next weekend. I will put my guqin on the line." Makiko was not concerned. "If your instrument is examined and found to be a cheap knockoff, I want your crystal piano."

She smiled believing that she had already won the bet. She believed that Akira probably had a violin, but it was probably an imitation.

"Fine." Akira had no trouble agreeing.

"One more thing, you cannot ask your parents for help."

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