His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy




When Akira returned to her room, she took out her phone and dialled the number saved as 'Info'. She had been relaxing through the week and did not have the desire to handle real business. Therefore, she had not thought too much when she did not get a report about Kaito.

But she realised now that she did not like that he knew more about her than she knew about him.

Moreover, she did not like it when her mood was affected by an external factor.

"Sister Boss, how are you?" A weak voice spoke out.

Akira frowned.

"What happened to your work ethic? I need that information." She asked.

Rai did not like failing Akira because they went far back, but things were different this time.

On the other side of the line, the young man looked sneakily around the gym and saw that no one was near him.

"Sister Boss, the Chief found me out while investigating. Anyway, the surface background search on that Takahashi Kaito is similar to yours to a scary point. He went missing as a child, raised by a kind person and graduated from an average university before finding a job in a logistics company." Rai said in a whisper.

"So, his background is fake," Akira said while pacing.

"Faker than silicone boobs." The young man said with a vulgar laugh.

"And then?"

"Naturally, I dug a little deeper. After hours of digging through the miry layers of the dark virtual world, I found out why his identity is so obscured." Rai paused for dramatic effect.

"Out with it," Akira said impatiently.

"He is a super bad guy," Rai whispered triumphantly.

Akira felt her heart beat a little faster at the words.

"What do you mean?" She asked anxiously.

"The kind that is being watched by almost all the governments of the world. If he walks anywhere, people become tense. His information is restricted even with my skills. When I was on the verge of getting the real juice, my computers were all shut down."

"The chief called me and forbid me from looking into that man again. He is also making me exercise. Can you imagine it? I am in a gym. And the worst part, he cut down my screen time. What does he mean by screen time? My life is screen time."

"Please come back and save me. Everything hurts." Rai cried out.

Akira's mind was spinning with the revelation of the information. She had asked Rai to handle the investigation for her because he had better resources at the agency. However, it seemed like Kaito had more secrets than she could imagine.

Her lips turned up into a small smile.

"Some exercise is good for you, Rai. Anyway, everyone in the valley has a good physical condition except you. It is time you joined the ranks." Akira said a few more words since she was in a better mood.

"Sister Boss!" Rai cried out again in horror.

"Fine, fine. I will call the chief. You can have your screen time back, but you have to keep exercising." She decided to help him out a little.

Rai was dissatisfied still, but he was too afraid to lose more privileges.

Akira disconnected the call before dialling a different number saved as Chief.

"Oh, Akira, it is good that you have called. I was about to reach out to you." A booming voice sounded at the end of the line.

"I am not taking up any work right now." She decided to cut him off immediately.

"Don't worry. It is nothing big." The man laughed.

Akira sighed a little. "Let me hear what you want first."

"What do you mean what I want? We are warriors of justice. We do what is necessary to keep peace in the world." The man spoke with righteousness.

"It seems it's nothing urgent."

"It is a simple matter. You won't even have to lift a finger. I already heard that you were looking into Takahashi Kaito, which means you have already made contact with him." The chief said.

Akira had a bad premonition.

"Since you are calling me, you have probably already talked to Raiden. I will put it seemly. I want you to watch Kaito and report any unusual activity. We had already sent in someone, but they are not in the same position as you." The chief said seriously.

"What do you mean?"

"As Raiden probably told you, Takahashi Kaito is considered a dangerous man. The government watches him both to guard against him and to protect him. Let's put it like this: he is a valuable weapon. And a lot of people want to control that weapon."

Akira understood a little. The government was afraid that he would harm the country or join forces with another power. So, they watched him with care to prevent accidents.

"His current identity is the young master of the Takahashi family, so no one can get close to him. However, since you are now a young miss, you can watch him. It is a great coincidence that you are there." The chief laughed.

Akira frowned. Was it really a coincidence?

"So, what is his real identity?"

"His identity is not important."

"If you don't tell me, I will just need to spend a little time digging. And if I can't find anything, I will just ask him." She threatened.

"You…" The chief sounded exasperated before sighing. "Fine, fine. He is an assassin. That is all you need to know for now."

Before Akira could say anything more, the call was disconnected.

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