His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy




Akira looked at the enthusiastic announcer with questioning eyes.

She was not sure if she had heard it right. When did it turn out that she was performing? Moreover, it was a special closing performance.

She looked at Hina.

"Did you register for a performance?" Hina whispered in equal shock.

Akira shook her head. She had only come to the party because of her parents' insistence. She did not have the intention to get involved in the actual events.

"Who do you think did it?" Hina questioned with some anger.

"Do you think that matters right now?" Akira responded with her own question.

She wondered if she should decline and make it clear that she was not performing. In any case, she had not registered for the event. Even though there was a live stream, she was not afraid of censure or embarrassment.

However, after a moment, she remembered that she was no longer a lone wolf.

She was not representing herself only. While she was not close with the Yamazaki family yet, she could not disgrace them in their community. At least, on account of Daiki's kindness, Seiji's protectiveness and Sayaka's efforts, she could not act carelessly.

"Akira…" Her mother touched her arm in concern.

The simple gesture made Akira smile a little. "It's alright."

She turned to Hina. "Give me the violin."

If the people playing tricks on her wanted a show, she would give them a show.

Her small body emitted an aura of blood.

Hina brightened up at the change in Akira. She squatted a little and opened the case in front of her. She revealed a beautiful vintage violin and presented it to Akira like it was a mighty sword.

Akira picked the instrument and the bow and walked to the stage.

Unknown to her, the people watching the livestream were already displeased with the delay.

It should be noted that the livestream was not a public one. In simple terms, not everyone could watch the event. Most of the families attending the flower viewing party were quite prominent, so it would be a loss if the show was free.

Cherry Blossom was quite the enterprising botanist.

The people watching the livestream included art and musical scholars, entertainment industry moguls, enthusiastic patrons of arts and of course, wealthy otakus.

The fee for gaining access to the livestream page was quite steep, and it was by invitation to ensure exclusivity. However, for most of the watchers, it was worthwhile. Some of them were looking for disciples for music and dance, and others were hoping to discover a fresh talent for their agencies.

Some were also on the lookout for unique people to perform for special occasions and use as attractions for events.

The importance of the livestream could not be overemphasised.

These watchers did not look down on poor people with talent.

However, it could not be denied that the arts were the domain of the rich. Even if one did not consider the cost of purchasing instruments or paying for tutors, ordinary people did not even have a chance to come in contact with the art form itself.

Simply speaking, it was difficult for hidden talents among the poor to be identified due to the lack of exposure.

Therefore, these people were willing to part with the price demanded by Cherry Blossom to discover something new and fresh during the flower viewing event. Even if they did not manage to engage talent, they might get some insight.

As Akira walked forward while holding her violin, she felt an unusual gaze on her body. She turned a little and glanced at Makiko. As expected, the smile on the woman's face had an obvious aura of schadenfreude.

She smiled a little at her aunt before stepping onto the stage.

The audience had mixed expressions as they looked at the young lady. Of course, most of them were waiting to see something ridiculous because they had heard the stories concerning the Yamazaki returnee daughter.

In their minds, her bravado was a desperate attempt to replace her cousin, who was a known prodigy pianist in the circle.

Akira did not care.

Furthermore, she did not mind the countless eyes looking at her waiting for her failure because she would not fail.

She lifted the Stradivarius violin worth millions and placed it on her left shoulder. Her right hand lifted the bow with a smooth but sharp motion. For a moment, it seemed like she was wielding a sword.

Everyone expected a mournful or romantic piece from the instrument.

Instead, the combative and aggressive sound of Vivaldi's 'Storm' faced them like a violent tempest. There was no sweet prelude or a gentle introduction. The wave of music hit the audience in an unexpected attack.

The beautiful girl standing at the centre of the pavilion looked like a fairy. However, as each note burst out, she was like a valiant samurai during a war. She stood in the middle of a battlefield surrounded by countless enemies.

The lone samurai did not back down or run. She faced each round of attackers with her sharp katana. She cut down every enemy with her quick and sharp movements.

The audience was enraptured, and they were under the illusion that Akira was not a young lady but a battle-hardened warrior.

The experts watching from the livestream were in awe of her nimble fingers and flexible bowing. It was like seeing a virtuoso, no, an immortal, who had played the violin for a thousand years.

As the piece reached the crescendo, Akira's dark eyes landed on Makiko who had an ugly look on her face. At that moment, the violent aura reached its peak, causing Makiko to feel vulnerable and targeted.

Akira felt a little satisfied at showing the woman the immensity of the earth and the heavens. In the final moment of the 'Storm', her lips lifted into a small smile.

The simple expression should have looked innocent. However, those watching had the impression that she was a demon samurai smiling after vanquishing her enemies. josei

With that final bow stroke, she finished her performance.

The audience was struck in silence for a long moment before they rose and clapped with enthusiasm.

The special performance had seemed like a prank after the announcement. After all, the rumours about the Yamazaki girl were quite horrid.

However, seeing the beautiful lady and hearing her play the violin made everyone remember that rumours could not be trusted, especially in their circle.

The only displeased people were those who disliked Akira, including a group of naughty girls in a corner on a video call with a certain person in a mental institute.

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