His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 337 - A FLUFFY BUNNY

Chapter 337 - A FLUFFY BUNNY

In a home office in Supreme City, two people were working in quiet harmony. One was seated at a large hardwood desk with piles of files on it. The other was seated on the floor and was using the small coffee table as his work table.

The man on the floor looked at his companion with some grudges in his eyes, but he did not speak. He turned back to the two contracts before him, placed side by side on the table. 

Wang Che sensed the glare from Shun, but he did not say anything. His lips stretched into a smile before he continued typing.

Shun looked at Wang Che, and his pinkish lips formed an unmanly pout. 

'What an ungracious host! I am obviously the guest, and I am helping him. Why do I have to seat on the floor?' He thought to himself. 

He looked at Wang Che's desk. It was just as untidy as the one in his office at Clarion Motor City. Shun wanted to tidy the files up so badly, but Wang Che always claimed there was a system to the madness. 

Peh! What system? 

In any case, he did not want to use the messy desk, but it would be nice if Wang Che offered. 

He turned back to the contracts and kept reading with a focused mind despite his petty complaints about Wang Che. The task he was assigned was not too complicated for him, but it required a lot of concentration. 

He chewed on his red pen a little before underlining a statement on the contract before him and writing a comment on the margins. 

The quiet work atmosphere continued before Shun finally turned to the last page of the contracts. The final part consisted of standard clauses, but Shun still read the two contracts with care before declaring his work finished. 

He stretched his back and arms after placing these contracts properly on the table. 

After a few restless motions, he put both hands on the table and placed his chin on them. He stared at Wang Che as he worked.

He would never admit it directly, but he could not deny that Wang Che was good-looking. He was like a handsome prince, even though he had the character of an evil vampire. 

Moreover, he was particularly dashing when he was concentrating on his work. The small crease on his forehead gave his elegance a mature aura. 

Wang Che looked to Shun after a while. The eyes on him were like little burning flames on his skin and his heart. The attention made him a little restless. 

"What are you thinking about?" He asked Shun with a smile. 

The carefree face on the table became a little red at the words. It was obvious that he was thinking something a little inappropriate. 

"I was wondering why you did not just hire someone for this work. It is not that difficult to find an expert." Shun responded while looking away from Wang Che's inquisitive eyes. 

Wang Che smiled. He could see that Shun was not being honest about his thoughts, but the question was valid.

The contracts for the development were drafted in both Mandarin and Japanese because of the different parties involved. While he could speak passable Japanese, he did not trust himself to review the intricacies of the legal terms.  josei

He could also hire a professional, but he had become a little more paranoid due to some strange events around him. He was sure that some people were waiting for him to fail. 

"The project is at a sensitive period. If I am not cautious, some things might go wrong, and the consequences could be severe." Wang Che said with a rare level of solemnity. 

Clarion Extreme was not a local project, so he had to be a little more cautious, especially when dealing with legal issues. If he exposed a weakness, someone could take advantage of the situation and use it to bring him down or destroy the Clarion he had worked so hard to build. 

Shun felt a little bad for asking, but he could not resist prying a little more. 

"Is your family giving you trouble?" He asked in a lower voice. 

He was always a little awkward when people talked about their bad families. His childhood was filled with endless doting and spoiling. He had escaped from his family because he was afraid of being smothered to death by the loving attention. 

Wang Che closed the laptop lid and turned his chair. 

"It is nothing I can't handle. They have no shares in my company, so they cannot do anything to me. They can only use the excuse of filial piety and importance of family to pressure me." He showed that he was not concerned. 

Only he knew that his family members were cruel. It was not only his parents who wanted him to finance them. His siblings and cousins were also watching him with hawk eyes, waiting for an opportunity to pounce and devour him. 

Moreover, some of them would rather destroy Clarion than see him living well. 

Shun could see that the issue with his family was a little more serious than he let on. However, there was nothing he could do to make him feel better. Still, he did not want to leave things just like that.

"Don't care about them. I will introduce you to my family. They are nice." He finally said. 

"You want me to meet your parents?" Wang Che asked with a teasing smile, his vampire-like eyes glowing with a strange light. 

Shun did not notice anything strange in his words. 

He nodded. "And my three elder brothers. People say they look scary, but they are nice." 

Wang Che once again felt the healing power of the fluffy bunny who had been raised in a glorious greenhouse. He had been fed the best things and protected without limit, so he did not know how evil the world could be. 

And when Bunny Shun had escaped from the greenhouse and come to Supreme City, he still had the protection of Zhong Feng. 

In essence, his life was charmed. 

Wang Che did not feel jealous of Shun for having an easy life. If he was not such a guileless little bunny, he would not be so easy to abduct. 

"Alright, it's settled. We will be leaving for Mountain Ridge in a month. We can stay there for a while." Wang Che declared before standing up. "Come on, you must be hungry. I will make you something to eat."

"What?" Shun asked with confusion at the turn in the conversation. 

"Don't you want to eat?" 

"I do. But when did I say that I am going to Mountain Ridge?"

"Didn't you want to introduce me to your family?" 

"Yes, but…" 

"Don't you miss home?" 

"Yes, but…" 

"Then, it's settled." 

Shun's face showed annoyance as they entered the kitchen because Wang Che was leading him by the nose and playing with him. 

"What do you mean it's settled? I did not agree to anything yet." He pointed at Wang Che while sputtering. 

"Don't worry. I will convince you before morning comes." Wang Che teased with a suggestive glance as he took out ingredients from the fridge. 

"I would like to see you try." Shun humphed. 

Wang Che immediately started laughing. It was a rare sight for the ever-in-control prince to just let go. But Shun knew he was laughing at him, so he immediately became a puffed up angry bunny. 

"What's so funny? Hey, stop laughing. Stop laughing!" 

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