His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy



The music room was quiet for a long moment. Then, the silence was broken by Makiko's loud laughter. She started laughing softly before breaking out into a loud belly laugh that was uncharacteristic of her lady-like demeanour. 

She laughed until tears appeared at the corners of her eyes. 

As she calmed down, she looked at the ugly faces of the three family members. She could not help chuckling again. 

Did they really believe that this little orphan Annie would have a violin worth millions of dollars with her? If she owned such a thing, why would she come back to their family?

"What is happening?" Kazuo asked as he entered the music room with Chiharu beside him. 

Makiko did not dislike the appearance of these two people at the immediate moment because she was in a good mood after embarrassing Daiki's family. Besides, Chiharu had given her a good present the previous night. 

"Your sister has been telling everyone that she has a genuine Stradivarius violin. You know, that type of famous instrument which even masters can only dream about. Who knew it was a fake?" She asked sarcastically. 

Kazuo frowned as he looked at Akira. Every time they met, his sister was always involved in shenanigans. Even though her name was cleared the previous times, it was strange that she would always be in the middle of some drama.josei

"It is not a fake," Akira said simply. 

"Young lady, you should not be stubborn. You were probably cheated out of your money." Master Matsumoto said with thick pity. "The Stradivarius label can fool an inexperienced eye. Just because there is one does not mean that you have a genuine instrument." 

Akira frowned. "Did you use the label to determine its authenticity?" 

Master Matsumoto coughed a little. "There are other factors, but the label is the most important consideration. You should know that Stradivari used to handwrite the labels while making an instrument. This handwritten number is not present in your instrument." 

"Is that so?" Akira asked with some irony.

How long did this man imagine that a handwritten number would last on an instrument that was over three hundred years old?

"Akira, stop dawdling and trying to make up things. You cannot fool me with your sophistry." Makiko said with an evil chuckle. "I will be picking up my crystal piano tomorrow. Let me not see any of you trying to stop me." 

The faces of the three family members became even uglier at these words, but they did not know enough about musical instruments to say anything. If they said something, they might make the situation worse. 

Akira was not bothered by the threat. 

"Let me ask Master Matsumoto, do you know what colour, shape and size of a real Stradivarius? What about the arching and the design of the F-holes? Can you even recognise different construction materials?" She asked with a subtle smile. 

"Young lady, it is better to admit your mistake instead of covering things up with a meaningless defence. I will not take offence at your words right now, but if you keep saying careless things, I might make sure that you are banned from the music world completely." Master Matsumoto responded with anger. 

"Is that so? Then, what will you do if I call you a fraud?" Akira asked flatly. 

Kazuo felt that the conversation was escalating unnecessarily. He did not know whether what Akira was talking about was a real thing. However, the threat from Master Matsumoto sounded extremely serious and would affect both Akira and the Yamazaki name.

"Akira, just admit your mistake. Don't be too proud to acknowledge you are wrong. You are still young and have some talent. It is not good to cut off your chance of survival in the musical scene. It's already tough enough to stay in this city with your background." He advised. 

The three family members opened their mouths to speak, but Akira lifted a hand to stop them from talking. She was like an orchestra conductor because all of them kept quiet.

"Listen to your brother, little girl." Master Matsumoto said complacently. 

"What if I insist on calling the Institute of Classical Music? Even on a Sunday, it should not be too hard to find information." Akira smiled. 

Master Matsumoto glanced at Makiko on reflex before humphing coldly at Akira, as if he could not be bothered. 

Akira did not miss that subtle look. Her lips curled up. It would not be difficult to reach out to someone in the business and get an appraiser with a real reputation and authority to come to the house and expose these fraudulent people. 

Maybe, she could get them banned as they had threatened a helpless girl like herself.

When she was about to pick her phone and make a call, Maria came into the room. 

"Mr Cherry Blossom is here to see the young lady. Will you meet him?" She asked while pushing up her spectacles. 

Akira did not think about it much before nodding. The room was already awkward and tense. What was one more person? 

Cherry Blossom entered the music room. He was in a maroon suit this time, and behind him was an old dignified lady. 

"Oh, did we interrupt something?" Mr Blossom asked unapologetically without any intention to leave the room.

Makiko was someone who took advantage of all occasions to plaster gold on her face. And Cherry Blossom was a good opportunity. He was not part of the good families in Mountain Ridge, but his power in the arts and academic world was nothing to sneeze at. 

With a word, he could get her children into the best universities in the world.

"It is nothing much, Mr Blossom. We are merely trying to correct my niece's bad habit of lying. Children aren't simple anymore." She lamented with an exaggerated sigh. 

In addition to gaining favour, Makiko wanted to lower the good impression that the mysterious man might have had on Akira after her violin performance. 

"Oh, what did she lie about?" 

Cherry Blossom looked at Akira with a teasing smile, hoping that she would seek his help or insist on her innocence. However, she retained a neutral face as if she had nothing to do with what was happening. 

How boring!

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